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How to turn $4 into $100


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Be the Ohio State Department of Transportation and Parking Services.



Go to my final on Tuesday and park in the south college ave parking garage to take my final. Go to leave and realize I forgot my wallet. They have a little form you fill out, mind you the guy told me to fill out the bottom section, not read the paper, then fill out the bottom. I fill out my name and address and hand it back to him. I ask him if I can pay it tomorrow ($4) and he says yes. I proceed to ask him this 4 different times while he is filling out his part. Yes to every question.


I arrive at the office to pay the $4, and they say, nope, that will be $100. :eek: I look at the lady dumbfounded. She said, you did this once before and the second offense is $100. I try to explain to her that I did this before and I just had to pay the $4, she said that its written on the paper that I was given and that I should have read the ticket. I ask to see the manager, and he proceeds to show me where it is written on my copy of the paper. I was so shocked I didn't put up much of a fight, and left without paying the fee.


I will be going back to the office on Thursday after my last final to raise hell. I was never told to read the paper, just to fill out the bottom portion of it. I even asked if I could pay the $4 tomorrow and got a YES every time. There were also about 5 cars in line behind me.


What do you guys think? Its pretty amazing the system they have there. If I would have been instructed to read the paper, or that there is potential for $100 fines, I would have called my wife to come bring me $4, instead of leaving the garage and be forced to pay $100 the following day. Also, what would the attendant have done? Gotten out of the booth and made all 5 cars back up so I could turn around and wait?


Needless to say I am pissed the fuck off. :mad:

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Um, this sounds like its all your fault.


People shouldn't HAVE to instruct you to read things you are signing. That's strike one.

You shouldn't RELY on anyone except yourself. That's strike two.

And as for strike 3, well, you figure it out.


As far as the parking attendant knew, it was your first time, so therefore he was correct in stating that you can pay $4 tomorrow, as you said you have previously. It's not his fault you didn't read the paper, or that you forgot your wallet.

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Um, this sounds like its all your fault.


People shouldn't HAVE to instruct you to read things you are signing. That's strike one.

You shouldn't RELY on anyone except yourself. That's strike two.

And as for strike 3, well, you figure it out.


As far as the parking attendant knew, it was your first time, so therefore he was correct in stating that you can pay $4 tomorrow, as you said you have previously. It's not his fault you didn't read the paper, or that you forgot your wallet.


I understand that. It's 100% my fault.


No matter how I try to justify being pissed off, it can always be reverted back to me not reading the paper.


You know if it happened to you, it would be a source of pissed offness. Who in their right mind would say, I'll just pay $100 tomorrow instead of waiting 30 minutes for my wife to bring me $4.

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So let me get this straight. you went into a parking garage knowing that you would have to pay. you left your wallet at home, ok simple mistake … then because you couldn’t pay you had to sign a document of some kind because you were not able to pay…… an now your angrrryy (GRRRRRRR) about having to pay a fine because well you didn’t pay for the services rendered?


I'm missing the point of this thread. you went into an establishment knowing you would have to pay… you didn’t pay an you got fined for it I don’t see the big deal?



lol that’s like parking at a parking meter an not putting funds in then you are upset about getting parking ticket… that’s like going into a restaurant ordering food and not being able to pay. don’t you check to make sure you have the funds before doing stuff like this?




an wait this is your 2nd time doign this? wow

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I don't care what they say, I would NOT pay $100. I'd give them a $5 and tell them take it or leave it. If they leave it, they can go fuck themselves because no way in hell would I pay $100.


edit: wait, you say this is your 2nd time you did this?

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I understand that. It's 100% my fault.


No matter how I try to justify being pissed off, it can always be reverted back to me not reading the paper.


You know if it happened to you, it would be a source of pissed offness. Who in their right mind would say, I'll just pay $100 tomorrow instead of waiting 30 minutes for my wife to bring me $4.

your pissed off at your own mistake.........




see where this is going?

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I don't care what they say, I would NOT pay $100. I'd give them a $5 and tell them take it or leave it. If they leave it, they can go fuck themselves because no way in hell would I pay $100.



We are on the same page.

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So let me get this straight. you went into a parking garage knowing that you would have to pay. you left your wallet at home, ok simple mistake … then because you couldn’t pay you had to sign a document of some kind because you were not able to pay…… an now your angrrryy (GRRRRRRR) about having to pay a fine because well you didn’t pay for the services rendered?


I'm missing the point of this thread. you went into an establishment knowing you would have to pay… you didn’t pay an you got fined for it I don’t see the big deal?



lol that’s like parking at a parking meter an not putting funds in then you are upset about getting parking ticket… that’s like going into a restaurant ordering food and not being able to pay. don’t you check to make sure you have the funds before doing stuff like this?




an wait this is your 2nd time doign this? wow


So if you buy food and realize that you forgot your wallet, come back the next day, how much do you think they will charge you? I'm guessing the exact amount of the bill with maybe automatic gratuity included so I don't flake out on the server.


Its an honest mistake, nothing malicious about it, and I am expected to pay $96 dollars when I could have just as easily sat there for 30 minutes while my wife brought me the money.


You do see how you are trying to be a complete douche bag because you don't like me right?


I understand I fucked up, but having to pay a $96 fine because I couldn't pay $4 yesterday is ridiculous. If they said, that will be $20, ok, still a little steep, but I can understand that. But $100, are you fucking kidding me?


Oh, and btw, go fuck yourself.

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Reason #12124343 why I keep a $20 stash including part of it in quarters, in my car at all times. Gas, parking, etc...


Travel for a living and you'll do the same or risk being nailed in someway.


I know, my dad does this for exactly this reason. Face to me, I guess I will start doing it as well.





Yes, I am pissed at myself, and pissed at the amount of the fine.

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I had a similar encounter with this same college avenue parking garage. They wanted me to fill out some form when I realized I didn't have my wallet. They actually asked me for my buck id or drivers license ( i had no wallet ), this is when I decided they were retards. I told them I would just park my truck back where it was, then walk to my house and get my wallet and come back and leave with the truck then. They said no just fill out this form. I said no, and he told me I had to. I was like, really buddy?


At this point there were a couple cars behind me, and I told the guy to have them go through the other booth so I could back up. He refused. I told him I wasn't going to fill out his form, and that I wanted to park my truck back where it was, and then go get my wallet. Again, he refused. He got on the radio with some higher power, bitching about me, while soon enough the people behind me got sick of waiting on their own and switched lanes.


I backed up, re-parked, and walked to my house to get my wallet, and my roommate dropped me off to get the truck out.


I swear Traffic and Parking is one of the sole reasons OSU will be getting no money from me after I graduate, I have had far too many dumbass encounters with them.

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I had a similar encounter with this same college avenue parking garage. They wanted me to fill out some form when I realized I didn't have my wallet. They actually asked me for my buck id or drivers license ( i had no wallet ), this is when I decided they were retards. I told them I would just park my truck back where it was, then walk to my house and get my wallet and come back and leave with the truck then. They said no just fill out this form. I said no, and he told me I had to. I was like, really buddy?


At this point there were a couple cars behind me, and I told the guy to have them go through the other booth so I could back up. He refused. I told him I wasn't going to fill out his form, and that I wanted to park my truck back where it was, and then go get my wallet. Again, he refused. He got on the radio with some higher power, bitching about me, while soon enough the people behind me got sick of waiting on their own and switched lanes.


I backed up, re-parked, and walked to my house to get my wallet, and my roommate dropped me off to get the truck out.


I swear Traffic and Parking is one of the sole reasons OSU will be getting no money from me after I graduate, I have had far too many dumbass encounters with them.


I obviously should have done something similar, or even read the fucking paper. Hindsight is 20/20.


Never sign your name with out reading the form you are signing, its quite common sense.


It is indeed. Yesterday I was walking around with inadequate sense.


Live and learn.

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I had to do business with OSU. I parked at a meter, the meter ran out of time, I got a ticket. I found it ironic that I was there to improve their Network Infrastructure but they couldn't offer me a place to park. Anyway, I paid and went on with my life. Looks like you get to do the same. I dislike Traffic and Parking.
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So if you buy food and realize that you forgot your wallet, come back the next day, how much do you think they will charge you? I'm guessing the exact amount of the bill with maybe automatic gratuity included so I don't flake out on the server.


Its an honest mistake, nothing malicious about it, and I am expected to pay $96 dollars when I could have just as easily sat there for 30 minutes while my wife brought me the money.


You do see how you are trying to be a complete douche bag because you don't like me right?


I understand I fucked up, but having to pay a $96 fine because I couldn't pay $4 yesterday is ridiculous. If they said, that will be $20, ok, still a little steep, but I can understand that. But $100, are you fucking kidding me?


Oh, and btw, go fuck yourself.

hahaha so your didnt pay your bill an your angry you got burned for it


soo since its only 4 bucks an it wen tup to 100 that that is insane mark up?


shot when you speed onyl 3 mph faster then teh limit an you get a ticket an thats what a 150$ticket... is that an insane mark up? or a parking metter you coudl be off by 15 cents an get a 40+ $ fee is that insane mark up?


you entered a place of buisness knowing you had to pay ...you didnt pay you got burned for it. next time be more resonsible an you wouldnt be in this mess. thats all there is too it . an blahblahblah if i knew i woudl of had to pay mark up i would o fhad my wife come giv me money.. well then why didnt you jsut do that in the first place?


so how about you go fuck your self you irresponsible ass hat next time pay your bill when your susposed to

Never sign your name with out reading the form you are signing, its quite common sense.
bam bam as stated many times in this thread BAM


I wouldn't of went into a parking garage without paying.

double BAM BAM



an i might.. MIGHT of been ok with you had this been your first time but come on twice or more now lol u know most people learn from there mistakes

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That is crazy, I would not pay that at all. I could see like $20 or something, but $100 is just nuts....


I think more of the anger of this thread is the fee, not the fact there is a fee. You gotta admit that $100 is ridiculous....


Thank you for seeing through my initial anger, and being logical. Exactly my point.


I had to do business with OSU. I parked at a meter, the meter ran out of time, I got a ticket. I found it ironic that I was there to improve their Network Infrastructure but they couldn't offer me a place to park. Anyway, I paid and went on with my life. Looks like you get to do the same. I dislike Traffic and Parking.


Yep, I surely will.


I look at it as a Graduation Fee. The final fee I have to pay to Graduate on December 13th (Sunday).

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