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Eff Nationwide Insurance...


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Sample of actual conversation i had earlier with my Nationwide Ins agent (ok ill admit some we adlibbed but you get the general idea):


"Hi Ryan this is sheryl from Nationwide returning your call"

"yeah, sheryl i'll get right to it. I have some complaint's about my insurance. For some reason the rates increased 40$ this month. You keep sending mail to my parents old address, and its been 3 months and my claim rep still hasnt returned my calls regarding a claim i made 1 year ago."


"anything sheryl, do you have anything for me"

"well your rates might go up if you've added any car's to your policy recently"

"no shit sheryl"

"well i guess we can rule that out. It seems Nick (*who the fuck is nick?) added something to your acct, oh i see it, you have a violation in Dec of 07"

"yeah that was a non-moving violation, my tags were outdated"


"well can you tell me why its just being added to my policy NOW if it occured in Dec of 07?!"


"ok well i can see its kinda tough for you to keep up so how about we move to the address issue"

"well you know sometimes its cheaper for young people..."

"im 26"

"... oh, well sometimes its cheaper for young people to stay ontheir parents insurance for the multi car discount, as long as you live together"

"Sheryl i havent lived with my parents for 4 years. As i stated before im 26 years old so Im pretty sure any advantage i MIGHT get from my age I would have already received by this point and Im not exactly living under my parents wings anymore. Ive had a multi car discount by myself and it was actually CONSIDERABLY cheaper to have one car, one driver, one policy"


"hrmmm ok well lets talk about why i havent gotten any contact from my so called claims representative in over 3 months when i filed my claim last year?"

"can i call you back tomorow Ryan?"

"sure thing Sheryl, talk to you then, merry christmas"

"talk to you then Ryan, thanks"


Needless to say as soon as i get my pos jetta fixed its on to a new insurance agent. Fucking rediculous.


note:i changed the agents name. Ill give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was TRYING to pacify me to keep me happy but for some reason it felt like she was not only trying to talk down to me with her simple explanation's but that she just wanted to get off the phone period.

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Rich Courter. - State Farm 6751 Taylor Rd, Blacklick, OH 43004. (614) 856-2600


been with nationwide, progressive, allstate, and now SF. i would say i'm BEYOND pleased with SF. in 2 years, my rates have went from about 190/mo for just auto down to $83. i also love the fact that i can call the office and the girl there knows me by my first name. it would take A LOT for me to leave SF.


edit - if you call here, make sure you talk to alyssa...shes the one who pretty much does everything. tell her evan wyant referred you.

Edited by evan9381
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why have an agent anymore? all you do is pay a premium for them. I've had progressive for nearly 6 years for cars and bikes and through multiple accidents, 1 mine, like5 not my fault, speeding tickets, etc, not one issue/complaint. Always taken care of things smoothly and quickly. i just call the 1800 number or get online.
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i just feel a lot more comfortable having an agents office to go into. i can tell you that any time ive had the option to deal with someone over the phone, or in person, i always get much better results in person


case in point - my bank. when my car was totalled in an accident in april 08 (not my fault), the person on the 800 number told me because it was totalled and not my fault, i wouldnt have to pay the early termination fee ($150). insurance paid, and gap paid, but i still had that portion left over. call 800#, and get told, "no, you have to pay that, blah blah blah"...when i went into the branch, told the girl what i was told, she called the main office or whoever, and 2 days later, my account was closed and i didnt have to pay the fee.


dealing with people on a phone is a pain in the ass. trust me, im one of those people you gotta deal with on the phone from hundreds of miles away :)

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Oh and not to mention, i told my claims rep, Duayne Poole I wanted a check cut and he just looked at me and said "no ones ever asked for that before Im not sure i can do that". What The Fuck do you mean you dont know if you can do that?! Its my fucking car, its my damn insurance policy. Im held liable for the condition of the car regardless. It became such a hassle that I changed my mind and called my friend Nate Combs (of combs collision) and told him I wanted to get it fixed. In the long run its going to be ALOT more expensive for Mr Poole to fix my car than if he just would've cut me a check.
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Man I know ur frustrated but I hope you really wernt that rude to that person


Your taking out ur anger on a random person just trying to do there job.

Said the person who talks to people all day and probably yelled at 98% of the time. After a year I would be pissed as well. There is a point when you have to stop being nice. I give them one week from an accident date to have my check in hand. After that,,,,,, well, there never has been an after that.

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Said the person who talks to people all day and probably yelled at 98% of the time. After a year I would be pissed as well. There is a point when you have to stop being nice. I give them one week from an accident date to have my check in hand. After that,,,,,, well, there never has been an after that.


Getting angry to something trying to help you on the phone or in person doesn't make the process any easier.

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Man I know ur frustrated but I hope you really wernt that rude to that person


Your taking out ur anger on a random person just trying to do there job.


Ha, no i actually wasnt rude at all. My girl works with customer's and dr's office's over the phone all day so I get to hear the other side of it. I was just ad-libbing most of our conversation but there is a way to come off stern and upset without being rude and i think i got my point across. I just hated the way she tried to give me these simple explanation's that were anything but. Mentioning my age, my recent driving history and changes made to my policy as if i should've known all of this previously. It was almost as if she was trying to talk down to me in a certain way, and i REALLY hate that.


I even mentioned to her that i knew it wasnt "her side" of the business when mentioning the claim's process but being my agent she should know someone or something to speed things along. Its not her fault my claims adjuster is an idiot but it is her responsability to make sure im a happy customer.

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Slightly O-T, but I prefer insurance purchased through an independent agent (ex: Motorists, State Farm) vs. a company owned agency force as my experience has been that the independent agent works harder for your interests and provides better service. The independent agent is 100% dependent upon retaining you as his customer in order to maintain his / her income, and will work hard to do it even when the insurance company is being difficult.


I am very happy with my agent, Dunlap-Hayes in West Jefferson.

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Getting angry to something trying to help you on the phone or in person doesn't make the process any easier.

If it doesnt, your doing it wrong. I agree this is not the case with people who happen to be in another state, however I very rarely deal with any company with which I dont have a local go to person when I have issues. I give them the opportunity to help me, its when the opportunity is lost that I step in and handle the situation. I dont get dicked around by any company or business for very long.

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If it doesnt, your doing it wrong. I agree this is not the case with people who happen to be in another state, however I very rarely deal with any company with which I dont have a local go to person when I have issues. I give them the opportunity to help me, its when the opportunity is lost that I step in and handle the situation. I dont get dicked around by any company or business for very long.


When I was on the phone and someone got rude/angry with me, their chances of getting anything done dropped considerably. You can resolve things in a nice manner, being a dick just makes people want to put that much less effort into helping you.

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did your rate change mid term or at renewal?


address change is a easy fix (we recently changed client management systems so there is a bit of a learning curve)


as for the claim issue call the claims number and they should be able to help more then the agent (which will be calling the same number).


If you have any other questions I may be able to answer If you are in dublin I have a great agent you can use as well.

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When I was on the phone and someone got rude/angry with me, their chances of getting anything done dropped considerably. You can resolve things in a nice manner, being a dick just makes people want to put that much less effort into helping you.


I dont deal with companies that help me do anything. I am the consumer. I help the companies. If my insurance agent doesnt do what I want or jump through the hoops I want him to, he loses my business. And that goes for any other company I deal with. I dont owe anyone any money so I dont deal with any of the nonesense of them helping me resolve anything. I am not a dick to these people but I make it clear the second they get on the phone that if they arent the highest person in the office currently, I will hold until that person becomes available.

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I dont deal with companies that help me do anything. I am the consumer. I help the companies. If my insurance agent doesnt do what I want or jump through the hoops I want him to, he loses my business. And that goes for any other company I deal with. I dont owe anyone any money so I dont deal with any of the nonesense of them helping me resolve anything. I am not a dick to these people but I make it clear the second they get on the phone that if they arent the highest person in the office currently, I will hold until that person becomes available.


It sounds like you think of yourself as very important when it comes to dealing with anyone. You do realize that often times the highest person in the room isn't going to talk to you, right? You realize that you are not special to the people you're talking to, right?


You sound like the kind of customer that everyone hates to deal with.

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It sounds like you think of yourself as very important when it comes to dealing with anyone. You do realize that often times the highest person in the room isn't going to talk to you, right? You realize that you are not special to the people you're talking to, right?


You sound like the kind of customer that everyone hates to deal with.


I hope they hate dealing with me. I am the consumer. As long as they do what I pay them to do, I'm golden. Who would not force a company to do what they are paying them to do? I pay them to make my life happier or better in my mind. They work for me not the other way around. If I borrowed money from say a bank well we are partners. I dont partner with companies. I pay cash minus my mortgage but even there I made a locked in deal. Its where I want. they cant ever change anything so theres nothing to have an issue with.

You are the consumer. Let me ask you this. If you were a millionaire would you expect these companies to treat you better? They would simply because of the fact you would be a client they could make more money off of. Its not my rules, these are just rules of the business world. Thats why high priced clients get better treatment. Now does that mean that my money, though relative to how much I make is less important to me or shouldnt carry the same weight as someone who makes significantly more? To me $100 is just as important as $100,000 is to someone whos wealthier. So if a company is willing to go above and beyond for someone wealthier than they better be prepared to do the same for me. We all cant be wealthy enough to get preferental treatment and business' forget that its usually the little man that they were built from and which continues to pay their bills. And I certainly am an important person when it comes to dealing with most issues. Its just in my nature to not put up with bs. I cant help it. Something literally switches in my head and the rules change. It is what has allowed me to be a good business person and get what I have in life. On the other hand, I am probably the nicest guy you will ever meet in person. I literally will do anything for anyone without asking anything in return. I will at the drop of a hat stop whatever I am doing to help anyone with anything wether I know them or not. Alot of people say this, but for me its always been the case. Now alot of people see me come in and by nature fairly shy and dont say a heck of alot, but the second I think someone is trying to take advantage of that,and it happens, or I see it happen to someone else, gloves come off and at that point I become the most important thing they have to deal with. Most business' will always try to make things work in their favor. I just dont let it happen to me. Having met you a few times, I certainly dont think you would allow a business to take advantage of you. The op stated he has waited a year to get $$ for a repair. Who would stand for that. If the company was dragging their feet on the issue would you not take it to another level at some point or would you just let it go. I assume hes doing his point in the deal and payed them for their services. At somepoint they should recipricate.

Edited by wnaplay
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I hope they hate dealing with me. I am the consumer. As long as they do what I pay them to do, I'm golden. Who would not force a company to do what they are paying them to do? I pay them to make my life happier or better in my mind. They work for me not the other way around. If I borrowed money from say a bank well we are partners. I dont partner with companies. I pay cash minus my mortgage but even there I made a locked in deal. Its where I want. they cant ever change anything so theres nothing to have an issue with.

You are the consumer. Let me ask you this. If you were a millionaire would you expect these companies to treat you better? They would simply because of the fact you would be a client they could make more money off of. Its not my rules, these are just rules of the business world. Thats why high priced clients get better treatment. Now does that mean that my money, though relative to how much I make is less important to me or shouldnt carry the same weight as someone who makes significantly more? To me $100 is just as important as $100,000 is to someone whos wealthier. So if a company is willing to go above and beyond for someone wealthier than they better be prepared to do the same for me. We all cant be wealthy enough to get preferental treatment and business' forget that its usually the little man that they were built from and which continues to pay their bills. And I certainly am an important person when it comes to dealing with most issues. Its just in my nature to not put up with bs. I cant help it. Something literally switches in my head and the rules change. It is what has allowed me to be a good business person and get what I have in life. On the other hand, I am probably the nicest guy you will ever meet in person. I literally will do anything for anyone without asking anything in return. I will at the drop of a hat stop whatever I am doing to help anyone with anything wether I know them or not. Alot of people say this, but for me its always been the case. Now alot of people see me come in and by nature fairly shy and dont say a heck of alot, but the second I think someone is trying to take advantage of that,and it happens, or I see it happen to someone else, gloves come off and at that point I become the most important thing they have to deal with. Most business' will always try to make things work in their favor. I just dont let it happen to me. Having met you a few times, I certainly dont think you would allow a business to take advantage of you. The op stated he has waited a year to get $$ for a repair. Who would stand for that. If the company was dragging their feet on the issue would you not take it to another level at some point or would you just let it go. I assume hes doing his point in the deal and payed them for their services. At somepoint they should recipricate.

Jason, in business I care about that $100,000 customer more than the $100 customer. That's just the way it is. If I have part X backordered and both customers want it, the $100k guy is going to get it first. I may lose customers like you, but in the long run I'm going to keep the majority of the small guys and keep the big guys that pay the bills.


I'm not arguing the OP's point, just the way you come off about dealing with companies. I wouldn't wait a year, simple as that.

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Jason, in business I care about that $100,000 customer more than the $100 customer. That's just the way it is. If I have part X backordered and both customers want it, the $100k guy is going to get it first. I may lose customers like you, but in the long run I'm going to keep the majority of the small guys and keep the big guys that pay the bills.


I'm not arguing the OP's point, just the way you come off about dealing with companies. I wouldn't wait a year, simple as that.

But you are looking at it from a business standpoint. I look at it as what I am, the consumer. I understand and would do the same if I were the business. But I am not. I deal with companies the way I do because I am not the company. They want me. They are just a necessary evil for me to get what I want. I certainly dont talk to my customers the way I talk to people with which I am the customer, And in turn my customers dont talk to me as if they are the business. I have to bend over backwards to make my customers happy or else I risk losing them as a customer.

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But you are looking at it from a business standpoint. I look at it as what I am, the consumer. I understand and would do the same if I were the business. But I am not. I deal with companies the way I do because I am not the company. They want me. They are just a necessary evil for me to get what I want. I certainly dont talk to my customers the way I talk to people with which I am the customer, And in turn my customers dont talk to me as if they are the business. I have to bend over backwards to make my customers happy or else I risk losing them as a customer.


You have to look at it from the business standpoint if you want anything accomplished. If you go in with the attitude that they want you, you're less likely to make something happen.

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You have to look at it from the business standpoint if you want anything accomplished. If you go in with the attitude that they want you, you're less likely to make something happen.

Thats not the case. I always, always get what I want. I understand the business standpoint having owned sevral for years. But I am the business of Jason, a subsidy of Jason inc. I look out for my shareholders(my wife and kids) and our interests. When I buy a car I get it for the price I want. I dont negotiate. I look at it like this. If theres room for negotiatimg or problems than someone is not doing the absolute best job they can. I dont rip a company off but if I negotiate $10k off a new car then they werent doing the best job they can to begin with. They were out to rip me off.


When someone else I know buys something I get a call to go with them. I dont negotiate and I always walk away with what I want. Call it a gift. Now there are things I must do to ensure I get what I want. 1. is to always be prepared to take it to the whatever level the situation calls for(if this means getting on a plane and going to arizona to discuss something in person because someone felt they could say whatever they wanted on a phone states away, which I have then so be it) 2. is always be prepared to do what you say your going to and set the tone when you first start negotiating. If I say I will never return to a business then thats what I will do. 3. Is to be able to bullshit even the best bullshitters. 4. and this is the most important. Cash is and will always be king. When I make an offer. I do so with the ability to pay cash. I will always have the cash on me when I am negotiating. I will place the cash spread out on a table to ensure the person I have it. I will tell them that once this money leaves it wont come back. I give them a time limit in which they have to make a decision. Cash talks. Now this may be a different story if I screwed companies over and payed bills late and so on. But I dont. I very rarely pay retail for anything other than groceries. I dont care if a company buys something from from distributer a and Buys a huge lot. I expect to pay less even being an individual. Why? Because money talks. And I always get what I want. Sometimes I buy stuff not caring if I get it or not. And if I dont get it, well, I didnt really want it to begin with so....

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You're an asshole, and don't deserve good customer service.

Me? Please explain. I am nice to companies. But look at the OP he payed his bills. He did what he said he was going to do. When they dont live up to their end of the bargain, does he or anyone else not have the right to demand they make it right? Business' are set up to make money. Its unfortunate that most have to do so at the expense of others. You dont make money admitting to mistakes. A bank calls me and says theres been a mistake on your account. They somehow turn it around on me and make it mine. I know I did nothing wrong but its their word vs mine and now they are taking $xxx out of my account. Should I be very nice about it and plead my case.Chances are the pimpled face kid on the other end doesnt give 2 shits either way. So what would you do? Very few places give what most would consider good customer service. They hire people at minimum wage to deal with people and could care less the outcome. Just the cs stories on here are proof enough of that. I dont expect customer service via phone. I expect a business to do what I pay them to do. Thats it. I have no need for customer service via phone. If thats the case then someone isnt doing the best job they can. The best job may be based on the level of service I get or the price I am willing to pay. But I certainly expect to get what I pay for or am promised. I dont deal with customer service.

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Said the person who talks to people all day and probably yelled at 98% of the time. After a year I would be pissed as well. There is a point when you have to stop being nice. I give them one week from an accident date to have my check in hand. After that,,,,,, well, there never has been an after that.


Getting angry to something trying to help you on the phone or in person doesn't make the process any easier.


If it doesnt, your doing it wrong. I agree this is not the case with people who happen to be in another state, however I very rarely deal with any company with which I dont have a local go to person when I have issues. I give them the opportunity to help me, its when the opportunity is lost that I step in and handle the situation. I dont get dicked around by any company or business for very long.


When I was on the phone and someone got rude/angry with me, their chances of getting anything done dropped considerably. You can resolve things in a nice manner, being a dick just makes people want to put that much less effort into helping you.


It sounds like you think of yourself as very important when it comes to dealing with anyone. You do realize that often times the highest person in the room isn't going to talk to you, right? You realize that you are not special to the people you're talking to, right?


You sound like the kind of customer that everyone hates to deal with.




i understqand yea your the customer an all an i agree but when you call say the customer serviec line youl most likely get a person that you have never spoken to an has no idea whats going on. if your a dbag to this random person jsut doing there job then fuck off i can udnerstand if youve been dealign with john smith for the last year who knows whats going on an is the direct person who is holding you up then yea i might be a little more stern


but a random person u called has no idea an in a split second has to read threw an try to famalarize there self with your ssuitation. this person has no ties to you an will try to help the best they can do with such short notice if they cant help you to your standards then simply an nicely aske to speak to a higher up but dont be a dick done be rude there ust doing there job.


treat others how you want to be treated. if you want to call in being a total asshole then you can best belive that ill do it back wont help you worth crap an send you packing

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