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Eff Nationwide Insurance...


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Getting angry to something trying to help you on the phone or in person doesn't make the process any easier.

A computer answering a phone is something trying to help you. A person doing it is someone trying to earn a paycheck. 30 years ago when values were different, this may have not been the case, and no I dont believe every cs person or business is this way but majority rules. I have never met a cs person who didnt hate their jobs and hate the people they dealt with. If I deal with a cs person then I am not getting what I payed for. I dont threaten to kill them or anything but why would i want to talk to someone only to have them say 15mins into a conversation "I need to get my supervisor" because they cant figure something out. My time is money and anytime I spend on the phone with them is more money I am paying when theres already a problem. That doesnt make sense. I am a business man the same as the companies. Being firm in your beliefs is not nor does not necessarily mean being an asshole. Even on the phone. Thats an assumption others make.

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I expect paul and others who have done cs to have a differnt opinion than mine and if I ever had, I would to. But the fact remains is that live person or not, they are the business. I would have to think that you realize this coming into it and know that when someone is an asshat that they are in general referring to the business as awhole not a personal attack. And for the record, noone ever said I had to be rude to get what I want. Very rare is it that is the case.
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Thats not the case. I always, always get what I want. I understand the business standpoint having owned sevral for years. But I am the business of Jason, a subsidy of Jason inc. I look out for my shareholders(my wife and kids) and our interests. When I buy a car I get it for the price I want. I dont negotiate. I look at it like this. If theres room for negotiatimg or problems than someone is not doing the absolute best job they can. I dont rip a company off but if I negotiate $10k off a new car then they werent doing the best job they can to begin with. They were out to rip me off.


When someone else I know buys something I get a call to go with them. I dont negotiate and I always walk away with what I want. Call it a gift. Now there are things I must do to ensure I get what I want. 1. is to always be prepared to take it to the whatever level the situation calls for(if this means getting on a plane and going to arizona to discuss something in person because someone felt they could say whatever they wanted on a phone states away, which I have then so be it) 2. is always be prepared to do what you say your going to and set the tone when you first start negotiating. If I say I will never return to a business then thats what I will do. 3. Is to be able to bullshit even the best bullshitters. 4. and this is the most important. Cash is and will always be king. When I make an offer. I do so with the ability to pay cash. I will always have the cash on me when I am negotiating. I will place the cash spread out on a table to ensure the person I have it. I will tell them that once this money leaves it wont come back. I give them a time limit in which they have to make a decision. Cash talks. Now this may be a different story if I screwed companies over and payed bills late and so on. But I dont. I very rarely pay retail for anything other than groceries. I dont care if a company buys something from from distributer a and Buys a huge lot. I expect to pay less even being an individual. Why? Because money talks. And I always get what I want. Sometimes I buy stuff not caring if I get it or not. And if I dont get it, well, I didnt really want it to begin with so....

I'm beginning to see the futility in arguing this with you. Your outlook on business/customer service is strange to say the least.


Do you like that if you act the way you say you do, your food probably gets fucked with at restaurants? I can pretty much guarantee that you have ingested a large amount of contaminated food if this is really how you act. Now translate that same philosophy into the rest of the people you do business with. I bet you think you get everything you want at the price you want, but I can guarantee you don't.

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You're an asshole and don't deserve good customer service. With the right attitude I'm sure she would have gone the extra mile for you.. but instead, you are most likely forgotten (again).

I will never understand how a difference in opinion makes you an "asshole" in someones eyes.

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I'm beginning to see the futility in arguing this with you. Your outlook on business/customer service is strange to say the least.

I have owned 2 business for many years before I sold each of them off after building them up. I have been in customer service in one way or another my entire adult life. I have had meetings with the owners of millions and millions of dollar companies and that doesnt mean board members but actual owner. I have always been the very best at whatever job I have had with exception to one whereas I was so new I couldnt have compared to guys who were strongern in that field than I. However as soon as I seen the lack of customer service skills that were provided our customer I left immediately on principle. I have always provided the highest level of customer service to my customers. And like I said this may have beed dictated based on price of service or other factors but I have never had a customer who wasnt very happy with my service at any of my jobs.


This is just a difference in opinions not a huge debate. Nor a reason to try to demean someone by calling names. Where is the point in that?

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I have owned 2 business for many years before I sold each of them off after building them up. I have been in customer service in one way or another my entire adult life. I have had meetings with the owners of millions and millions of dollar companies and that doesnt mean board members but actual owner. I have always been the very best at whatever job I have had with exception to one whereas I was so new I couldnt have compared to guys who were strongern in that field than I. However as soon as I seen the lack of customer service skills that were provided our customer I left immediately on principle. I have always provided the highest level of customer service to my customers. And like I said this may have beed dictated based on price of service or other factors but I have never had a customer who wasnt very happy with my service at any of my jobs.


This is just a difference in opinions not a huge debate. Nor a reason to try to demean someone by calling names. Where is the point in that?

I haven't called anyone a name, FYI.


I have to say, I work in a multi-billion dollar business. I was brought in to help build a new section of this business which we expect to top $100m in 3 years. I think I have an idea of what I'm talking about with this stuff. Your hardliner approach will not work with business on a large scale, sorry.

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I haven't called anyone a name, FYI.


I have to say, I work in a multi-billion dollar business. I was brought in to help build a new section of this business which we expect to top $100m in 3 years. I think I have an idea of what I'm talking about with this stuff. Your hardliner approach will not work with business on a large scale, sorry.

Who was the asshole comment in regards to?

Your not understanding me. When I am the customer, I am in charge and my way goes. When I am in big business as THE CUSTOMER the roles are reversed. When MY CUSTOMER has a problem I am on the other side of the table. The context of the conversation is that I handle myself my way when I am in the role of the customer. You know the customer is always right lol. Yes, business is different and the way you handle yourself is different if you are the business or the consumer and vice versa. I dont deal with people of a $100m company. I usually meet with people who have the same last name as that on the building. We hash million dollar deals (or at least did) over lunch and a handshake. I guess I worked for a company once that made billions a year, but I wouldnt try to take credit for every billion of that because I was associated with the company. I helped bring in a small fraction of that but I guess since I was an employee........ I am not trying to turn this into a debate. I think we are even agreeing on these points. One thing I havent heard you say is how you behave on the phone with a cs from a company who has just ripped yoyu off and refuses to fix the problem. Because i assume that you would do the exact thing I would do and not be as polite as you typically would or nearly as polite if you were talking to your customer. Were on the same page.

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Who was the asshole comment in regards to?

Your not understanding me. When I am the customer, I am in charge and my way goes. When I am in big business as THE CUSTOMER the roles are reversed. When MY CUSTOMER has a problem I am on the other side of the table. The context of the conversation is that I handle myself my way when I am in the role of the customer. You know the customer is always right lol. Yes, business is different and the way you handle yourself is different if you are the business or the consumer and vice versa. I dont deal with people of a $100m company. I usually meet with people who have the same last name as that on the building. We hash million dollar deals (or at least did) over lunch and a handshake. I guess I worked for a company once that made billions a year, but I wouldnt try to take credit for every billion of that because I was associated with the company. I helped bring in a small fraction of that but I guess since I was an employee........ I am not trying to turn this into a debate. I think we are even agreeing on these points. One thing I havent heard you say is how you behave on the phone with a cs from a company who has just ripped yoyu off and refuses to fix the problem. Because i assume that you would do the exact thing I would do and not be as polite as you typically would or nearly as polite if you were talking to your customer. Were on the same page.

Brian called you an Asshole.


You're not getting it, your way doesn't go. The customer is not always right. Yes, I am saying that.


I don't usually get ripped off, I guess I don't fall into many things like that. When issues have come up, I've never had to take the role of "I'm the customer I'm always right!".



OSU fucked me over on registration because someone decided to place me on a leave of absence because I didn't register last quarter. The person on the phone couldn't help me out but informed me of the procedure I need to follow, which means I can't do anything until tomorrow. I thanked them and went on my way. They weren't at fault so why should I demand they go above and beyond to remedy the situation.

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Brian called you an Asshole.


You're not getting it, your way doesn't go. The customer is not always right. Yes, I am saying that.


I don't usually get ripped off, I guess I don't fall into many things like that. When issues have come up, I've never had to take the role of "I'm the customer I'm always right!".



OSU fucked me over on registration because someone decided to place me on a leave of absence because I didn't register last quarter. The person on the phone couldn't help me out but informed me of the procedure I need to follow, which means I can't do anything until tomorrow. I thanked them and went on my way. They weren't at fault so why should I demand they go above and beyond to remedy the situation.

And in your example there wasnt a problem and I would have handled it in the same manner in which you did. Now lets say they took your money, refused to return your calls, and denied you the right to go there. Would you still have handled it the same way? Thats what I am saying. I dont talk to every cs rep as though I am cock of the walk but when it comes down to it in the end I will prevail. From my personal experience most cs people want to do the least anmount possible to make you happy and move on to the next call. In reality they should do whatever they can to satisfy your problem. Its hard to say my way doesnt go when I am telling the results always speak for themselves.

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And in your example there wasnt a problem and I would have handled it in the same manner in which you did. Now lets say they took your money, refused to return your calls, and denied you the right to go there. Would you still have handled it the same way? Thats what I am saying. I dont talk to every cs rep as though I am cock of the walk but when it comes down to it in the end I will prevail. From my personal experience most cs people want to do the least anmount possible to make you happy and move on to the next call. In reality they should do whatever they can to satisfy your problem. Its hard to say my way doesnt go when I am telling the results always speak for themselves.


But I didn't get what I wanted. Now I most likely will not get the classes I need either.


Most CS reps get in trouble if they stay on a call too long. Maybe you should go work in a call center before you treat anyone on the phone poorly.

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But I didn't get what I wanted. Now I most likely will not get the classes I need either.


Most CS reps get in trouble if they stay on a call too long. Maybe you should go work in a call center before you treat anyone on the phone poorly.

You didnt get want you wanted right that very second and you chose to weigh your options. You very well could have just said f it I am not going to school there but after weighing your options either consciously(sp) or not you decided it was no big deal to wait. I dont work at a customer service center because thats not the kind of work I like. Like most I do what I am good at and what I like to do. I can only assume that the people who do work in these centers like dealing with the drama that may come with that type of work, as I accept the risks and issues that come with my type of work. Its unfortunate that a person has to deal with others attitudes but in that type of work, they are an extension of the business. They are in the dept to handle/fix problems. That comes with certain expectations on how you'llbe treated or the people you deal with. And again I dont treat anyone poorly. At least not in the beginning, but the time I stop being nice is long after I have been stopped being nice to.


I have to go meet ramsey. I will be gone for a an hr.:p

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did your rate change mid term or at renewal?


address change is a easy fix (we recently changed client management systems so there is a bit of a learning curve)


as for the claim issue call the claims number and they should be able to help more then the agent (which will be calling the same number).


If you have any other questions I may be able to answer If you are in dublin I have a great agent you can use as well.


Now that you mention it, it MIGHT be mid term. I honestly dont know when my renewal is up it just always 'renews itself' (for lack of a better term) because ive had them for so long. Regardless i havent done anything to deserve a rate hike, Ive NEVER had an at-fault accident and havent had a speeding ticket in over 4 years.


Address change however is different. I think they've been putting me with my parents for a long time. meaning I would get the bs multi-car/multi-driver discount. But I havent lived with them for a while now so im not sure what happened along the way. Anytime Ive needed a new insurance card to keep in my car i always call them and they send it, simple.


Oh and that claims telephone number you speak of, yeah they refer me right back to duane poole the same guy that doesnt do anything. I really wish there was a way to talk to his boss. My good friend Nate Combs has dealt with this guy before and said he's just simply a rookie. Been in his position for a little more than a year and doesnt know what he's doing. Every estimate he's ever seen from duane has been way off leading him to think he does it all the time meaning he probably gets dozens of calls every day from body shops and customer's alike.... sweet.


Nothing against you but I think Im done with all of Nationwide's reps. Hell she didnt even return my phone call today! Honestly I dont even know if im locked into some sort of contract with them or if i have to wait until that's over (again, ive had Nationwide insurance since I started driving at age 16). Needless to say Im going to shop around.

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I will waive your fees and go above and beyond for somebody who, for one, fucking speaks fucking English.. yes, if you speak some other stupid bullshit I already hate you. Sorry. Two, if you're just plain cool and understanding that I already hate my job and yelling at "me" is different than yelling at my company. Three, take it easy.. I can help you. Just be fucking nice and you'll be off the phone in less than a minute with a few extra hundred bucks in your pocket.


So many people are so god damn quick to fly off the handle and shoot themselves in the foot. It's not that hard to play nice for 30 seconds, you'd be surprised at the results.


+infinity. if you call in and make demands and tell me what you're going to do, believe me when i say you're going to be told you have to pay the balance, IN FULL, today. if you're cool, and not one of these ass hats who think they're going to run the show, you will probably get something thats a lot more reasonable. might not be EXACTLY what you want, but i can tell you its going to be a lot different that exactly what you DONT want.

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Jason I wouldn't call you an asshole lol.. I was talking to hotcarl. Odds are the Customer Service Rep hates her job and being rude will only make her do the bare minimum just to pass her quality control, and forget your existence two seconds after the call ends.


Working at my shitfuck job at Chase I will waive your fees and go above and beyond for somebody who, for one, fucking speaks fucking English.. yes, if you speak some other stupid bullshit I already hate you. Sorry. Two, if you're just plain cool and understanding that I already hate my job and yelling at "me" is different than yelling at my company. Three, take it easy.. I can help you. Just be fucking nice and you'll be off the phone in less than a minute with a few extra hundred bucks in your pocket.


So many people are so god damn quick to fly off the handle and shoot themselves in the foot. It's not that hard to play nice for 30 seconds, you'd be surprised at the results.



I think you might have missed this post I made on page 1...


Ha, no i actually wasnt rude at all. My girl works with customer's and dr's office's over the phone all day so I get to hear the other side of it. I was just ad-libbing most of our conversation but there is a way to come off stern and upset without being rude and i think i got my point across. I just hated the way she tried to give me these simple explanation's that were anything but. Mentioning my age, my recent driving history and changes made to my policy as if i should've known all of this previously. It was almost as if she was trying to talk down to me in a certain way, and i REALLY hate that.


I even mentioned to her that i knew it wasnt "her side" of the business when mentioning the claim's process but being my agent she should know someone or something to speed things along. Its not her fault my claims adjuster is an idiot but it is her responsability to make sure im a happy customer.


And technically the woman i was talking to wasnt a customer service rep, she was my agent or at least someone speaking on behalf of my agent at my agent's office. When stef (my girl) comes home and tells me the shitty day she had b/c some asshole in wisconsin couldnt get his viagra script on time, i hear her. I have a really bad habit of being "too nice" and in doing so dont get my point across that Im actually really disspleased with my service. So thats what I was trying to get at.

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A computer answering a phone is something trying to help you. A person doing it is someone trying to earn a paycheck. 30 years ago when values were different, this may have not been the case, and no I dont believe every cs person or business is this way but majority rules. I have never met a cs person who didnt hate their jobs and hate the people they dealt with. If I deal with a cs person then I am not getting what I payed for. I dont threaten to kill them or anything but why would i want to talk to someone only to have them say 15mins into a conversation "I need to get my supervisor" because they cant figure something out. My time is money and anytime I spend on the phone with them is more money I am paying when theres already a problem. That doesnt make sense. I am a business man the same as the companies. Being firm in your beliefs is not nor does not necessarily mean being an asshole. Even on the phone. Thats an assumption others make.


If you worked on the phone taking customer service calls you wouldn't feel this way. This is the wrong outlook I can't share the same beliefs with you. I suggest you come to work with Skinner or I and listen to the calls we take. If a person calls in with a valid problem and they talk nice to me about it watch how we go out of our way to help them resolve it. On the flip side see how difficult a call can be when profanity or just general bashing of the company, application in question, or our company's policies is used by the person on the other end of the phone. 9 times out of 10 you haven't been the first person we talked to with an attitude. It makes a snowball effect throughout the day, week, month, year. That is why most people don't like customer service positions... a small percent of the people are actually nice and professional.


You are failing to see that when you call us you are calling a professional environment. If you are calm and collect about presenting your problem we will help fix it. If you call me an asshole you are not being profession and are a waste of time honestly. I will warn you once and if you continue I will politely disconnect the call. Especially in our case where we are talking to insurance agents they have even less of an excuse to bash us. It does not make our company look good and should not be tolerated to an certain extent.

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If you worked on the phone taking customer service calls you wouldn't feel this way. This is the wrong outlook I can't share the same beliefs with you. I suggest you come to work with Skinner or I and listen to the calls we take.


You are failing to see that when you call us you are calling a professional environment. If you are calm and collect about presenting your problem we will help fix it.

I think its obvious that a persons feelings on virtually anything would be different if in fact they had to deal with it themselves. If a company does something that causes me a problem, when I am paying them to not cause me problems, well I guess they arent doing what I pay them to do. I dont care if someone else in the company causes the problem and I have to deal with a rep now, its all the same company to me. I dont work in a call center because well its not in me to deal with other peoples problems. I have never been hung up on. And my issues are always fixed immediately. I hear on a weekly basis from friends of my wife who want me to call and handle certain situations that they have been trying to get handled themselves but to no avail. You misunderstood if you think that I start a conversation with a rep being mean. But I dont let a rep try to tell me they will look into something and call me back, but mysteriously they never do. I am not spending hrs talking to someone who in reality cant fix the problem to begin with. To me its nonsense.

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Ive worked in customer service, and I would say that people are generally nice, but a few assholes who are severely less than cordial really fuck the job up. Most Americans have a false sense of entitlement, and I dont know where the hell it comes from. I wasnt raised with superior manners, but jesus, I know an out of line asshole when I see one...
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But I dont let a rep try to tell me they will look into something and call me back, but mysteriously they never do. I am not spending hrs talking to someone who in reality cant fix the problem to begin with. To me its nonsense.


Sometimes it is completely necessary to get off the phone, find the answer, and call back. Being "that guy" who demands an answer right then and there isnt the best method.

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Now that you mention it, it MIGHT be mid term. I honestly dont know when my renewal is up it just always 'renews itself' (for lack of a better term) because ive had them for so long. Regardless i havent done anything to deserve a rate hike, Ive NEVER had an at-fault accident and havent had a speeding ticket in over 4 years.


Address change however is different. I think they've been putting me with my parents for a long time. meaning I would get the bs multi-car/multi-driver discount. But I havent lived with them for a while now so im not sure what happened along the way. Anytime Ive needed a new insurance card to keep in my car i always call them and they send it, simple.


Oh and that claims telephone number you speak of, yeah they refer me right back to duane poole the same guy that doesnt do anything. I really wish there was a way to talk to his boss. My good friend Nate Combs has dealt with this guy before and said he's just simply a rookie. Been in his position for a little more than a year and doesnt know what he's doing. Every estimate he's ever seen from duane has been way off leading him to think he does it all the time meaning he probably gets dozens of calls every day from body shops and customer's alike.... sweet.


Nothing against you but I think Im done with all of Nationwide's reps. Hell she didnt even return my phone call today! Honestly I dont even know if im locked into some sort of contract with them or if i have to wait until that's over (again, ive had Nationwide insurance since I started driving at age 16). Needless to say Im going to shop around.


only way your rate could change mid term is if you moved to a new place added removed a vechile, driver, or coverages. If your rate did increase your agent should be able to look of the policy and see what chagned if they can't figure it out they need to contact the Regional Office. They should be able to say why. If it did increase without any change being done they should honor the org. rate for the rest of the term. If it was a renewal issue. Your office should have called you to let you know your rate was going to increase and why.


Our ID card will show the current term info.


as for the adjuster you have a PM.

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I dont care if the customer service rep wants to help me, likes my attitude, thinks that I am a jerk, or whatever. I pay them to work for me. Thats what a company does who I choose to spend my money with.


I can tell you for a fact that if you have a shitty attitude your CSR is going to be less likely to help you and will typically do the very min they have to. Where as if you are pleasent on the phone to talk to they are more likely to go above and beyond to make sure you are taken care of.


Trust me I see it everyday.

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only way your rate could change mid term is if you moved to a new place added removed a vechile, driver, or coverages. If your rate did increase your agent should be able to look of the policy and see what chagned if they can't figure it out they need to contact the Regional Office. They should be able to say why. If it did increase without any change being done they should honor the org. rate for the rest of the term. If it was a renewal issue. Your office should have called you to let you know your rate was going to increase and why.


Our ID card will show the current term info.


as for the adjuster you have a PM.


The woman i spoke to at the office FINALLY called me back (3 days after the fact but I wont be too picky). She explained she put in a call to the claims adjuster to contact me immediatly and to contact Combs Collision with the estimate (which was rediculously low). As for the rate change's she originally said in our initial conversation it was a temporary change for *insert excuse here* and would be taken off etc... she changed her explanation to say it was b/c I had changed my mailing address and despite still being in Dublin and a 43016 area code it was in a different "zone" etc...etc...etc... My question is, the rate was changed BEFORE i gave them my new address so how could she use this as an explanation?! I can understand changing my rate if i move but why such a drastic change, it went from 81$/monthly to 131$/monthly! Thats a pretty big change.


At this point Im done with them, Ive made an appointment with Nate at Combs collision (who I might add has been awesome throughout this whole ordeal) for Jan 4th to get my car fixed. I even asked him in the estimate the claims adjuster wrote would be enough and his literal phrase was "hell fucking no". But he went on to explain that he would make them readjust it and assured me Nationwide was responsible for my rental regardless of how long the repairs take (which was a big issue for me).

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You're not getting it, your way doesn't go. The customer is not always right. Yes, I am saying that.


One of the hardest things for people to understand on either side of the situation is 'no'. How and when to say it. It is probably the most important word between those two sides though. But if a supplier can't say no in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time to a customer they are doing both sides a disservice. Whether that supplier/customer relationship is a boss and subordinate, or a more typical relationship like an actual supplier and customer. If you are asked the impossible, you have to say that's impossible and then come up with a realistic plan to accomplish a realistic goal that both sides are happy with.

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The woman i spoke to at the office FINALLY called me back (3 days after the fact but I wont be too picky). She explained she put in a call to the claims adjuster to contact me immediatly and to contact Combs Collision with the estimate (which was rediculously low). As for the rate change's she originally said in our initial conversation it was a temporary change for *insert excuse here* and would be taken off etc... she changed her explanation to say it was b/c I had changed my mailing address and despite still being in Dublin and a 43016 area code it was in a different "zone" etc...etc...etc... My question is, the rate was changed BEFORE i gave them my new address so how could she use this as an explanation?! I can understand changing my rate if i move but why such a drastic change, it went from 81$/monthly to 131$/monthly! Thats a pretty big change.



Maybe they had your parents mailing address as your "garaging address". Mailing address could be different then then the other. The garaging address is where your car is physically stored when you are not driving it. Insurance "zones" or in nationwide's lingo is county and territory. The zip code is part of it but not all. Basically you have the zip code, then a county code, then a territory code. It is possible the same zip has a different territory code. This is how it considers risk while the car is sitting by itself.


If your mailing address was wrong it could of also been the garaging address as well. Then they changed your "address (mailing and garaging)" which could of put you into a higher risk area.


Also there could of been a rate change after your policy renewed "mid term". Rate changes just happen to keep Nationwide from losing money. Sometimes they reduce premiums by a percent but most of the time they raise it. All insurance companies work this way. Between these 2 that could of raised your premium.


Also you noted Dec 07 your tags were expired? Did you get pulled over and get a ticket for having expired plates? If so this is considered very bad and will automatically put you into a worse company. This almost always causes a premium increase. With nationwide it takes 5 years for this to fall off your record. And to answer your question previous I have seen MVR (your claims history report) not display a violation until a year or so later. It is rare but it can be an issue between the police and the DMV.


Shit happens dude.

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