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Seriously - fuck walmart


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please explain to me why it should take me 50 minutes to drive <1 mile to walmart, pick something up from the site to store section, grab 3 things (which took just a couple minutes) sit in line, and drive home at almost 10pm at night?


a line labeled "speedy checkout" should be...um....SPEEDY?


why the fuck is there not 1 self checkout lane open


if your line is "10 items or less", kick the fucktard out who takes 26 items up and splits it into 2 13-item orders (hey dickface, 13 is still more than 10)


if you have lines going INTO the clothing department, get some more people on registers if you're too stupid to open the self checkout.


sitting in line for 14-15 minutes in a 10 items or less lane is ridiculous.


and to top it off, i realized i have forgotten something. when i go back out, im just going to drive the extra 4 miles to meijer where i know i can go in, get what i want, and be out in 5 minutes. walmart will never get another penny from me. i dont care if they have something for half as much as somewhere else, im just going to spend the extra money.

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its not that i didnt expect there to be people there, but i would think a multi-billion dollar company, and the biggest retailer in the world would be able to handle it...i mean, why the fuck would you not have ANY self checkout lanes open? there were maybe 6-8 registers open for all those people


funny though, because when i went to meijer, 2-3 cashiers, 6 limited item checkouts, and 4 unlimited item checkouts, and guess what? i didnt have a wait at all.

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Wal-Mart does indeed suck.


Once I rode my dual sport up there to get a phone charger. I get there and the parking lot is the usual cluster fuck. Indians who dont know how to drive, habeebs running amok, carts overturned in the "landscaping". Anyways, i go to the back, pick up a charger in the electronics section after I waded through the sea of cheapskates and illegal immigrants. I asked the guy at the counter if this charger had a return policy (I already had a charger, just wanted to use this one bc I didnt want to drive to dublin to get mine). He said if it were opened, it couldnt be returned. Great, whatever. Im already pissed from just being in the store. I paid for it at the electronics counter, put it in my bookbag, kept my reciept. I walked to the front of the store as fast as I could. I go through the doors and the alarm starts going off like crazy. I open my bookbag, show him the product and receipt, and we are finishing up, something mind blowing happens. An African American couple in their 40s rolls by me with a cart full of shit, and the man says "At least we PAY for our stuff"


It takes all of my energy not to follow him to his car and slash all of his tires, because I am so frustrated at the situation. Wal-Mart indeed is a cesspool of indegents.

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why the fuck would you not have ANY self checkout lanes open? there were maybe 6-8 registers open for all those people


Not to defend WalMart, but I swear every time I go up to one of their self-scan lines it takes me twice as long because some toothless Jethro can't use a touch-screen computin' dee-vice for shit and their attendant is always having to run around holding everyone's hand.


The first few times I thought maybe their equipment was to blame, then I realized it's just the people using it. It's probably easier to shut those lines down when they're really busy and force everyone to go to the hand-holding babysitter lines.

Edited by twistedfocus
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A friend of mine made a LOT of money off of Wal-Mart and their stupidity. Not saying what he did was right but if you can walk in any part of the store without being questioned then their just asking for it. Imagine how much more profitable Wal-Mart would be if it were managed properly :eek:.
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Wal-Mart does indeed suck.


Once I rode my dual sport up there to get a phone charger. I get there and the parking lot is the usual cluster fuck. Indians who dont know how to drive, habeebs running amok, carts overturned in the "landscaping". Anyways, i go to the back, pick up a charger in the electronics section after I waded through the sea of cheapskates and illegal immigrants. I asked the guy at the counter if this charger had a return policy (I already had a charger, just wanted to use this one bc I didnt want to drive to dublin to get mine). He said if it were opened, it couldnt be returned. Great, whatever. Im already pissed from just being in the store. I paid for it at the electronics counter, put it in my bookbag, kept my reciept. I walked to the front of the store as fast as I could. I go through the doors and the alarm starts going off like crazy. I open my bookbag, show him the product and receipt, and we are finishing up, something mind blowing happens. An African American couple in their 40s rolls by me with a cart full of shit, and the man says "At least we PAY for our stuff"


It takes all of my energy not to follow him to his car and slash all of his tires, because I am so frustrated at the situation. Wal-Mart indeed is a cesspool of indegents.


man would have had a cart full of shit all over the floor if that were me. instant rage

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