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Shittiest Chrstmas Gift...


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My grandma always gets them dollar lottery tickets every year just for fun for everyone and see who is lucky. Me being the ass that I am, put a fake winning $10,000 one from waterbed's and stuff in the middle of everything... My cousin is the one that got it and almost broke his neck jumping for joy over the couch, just to find out that it is fake after I told him... That was the last year my grandma bought lottery tickets...


we used to do this for my grandfather before he passed away. it was his dream to be on cash explosion, and nothing excited him more than scratching those damned lottery tix.


every year my great uncle buys those small boxes of candy, usually filled with nerds, MMs or skittles, then wraps them. im sure it keeps him occupied, but theres nothing like shaking a box of nerds thinking, i wonder whats in here.

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I bought my GF, my sister, and another friend snuggies. More of a gag gift for the GF because she has said all year long not to get one. I figure the new laptop will smooth things over.


THANKYOU, ive been thinking of something else to get her this year you just gave me a great idea.

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Not Christmas, I think my birthday. But this is quite possible the worst gift ever and I'm pretty sure tops everything so far, so I'm posting it despite it not being a Christmas gift. This one time my Grandma got me a back of underwear.... they were tight shiny/silky briefs... black with leopard type prints on them. I think I was 14 or 15 at the time.


Surprised? Ask anyone on here who's meet me dad's mom and they probably aren't. Non-the-less still funny, but they won't be surprised. 87 year old woman who still mow's her own grass and shovels her own sidewalk. I had to hear at her last birthday about how 'her parents raised her right, she didn't give away it for free.' AKA my Grandpa had to earn it. [/shudder]

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i think the worst one i ever got was a few years back. The gift itself was cool, but the idea behind it was plain out retarded. I told my parents i wanted an xbox one year. When christmas came around, i was excited because i saw abox that looked like one. After further inspection, it had both me and my sisters name on it. We opened it to see a PS2. bad idea 1, me and my sister didnt get along very well, so us sharing this was not going to happen, and 2, we ended up finding out from my mom that the only reason we even got that was because my dad wanted a dvd player.
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In our family, we used to have a gift exchange, seven of us kids and Mom and Dad. We would draw names at Thanksgiving, keep them secret, and then exchange the gifts Christmas morning.


One year, my Dad had my sister's name and forgot to buy her a present. Plain out forgot. The look on her face was priceless when we all realized everyone got a gift except her.


After that, whenever we picked names, we would all say "I hope Dad doesn't get my name!". We don't exchange now, but we still won't let Dad forget.

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My 14th Birthday, my mom and step-dad bought me a Playboy, but took all of the pages with naked pictures and glued them together with Elmer's glue.


Too bad for them they didn't let the glue dry, so I peeled all the pages apart, and spent the next week looking through Playboy in the living room right in front of them. :)


Worst X-mas gift was probably a used Rush Limbaugh book, from an ex-g/f's grandparents.

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In our family, we used to have a gift exchange, seven of us kids and Mom and Dad. We would draw names at Thanksgiving, keep them secret, and then exchange the gifts Christmas morning.


One year, my Dad had my sister's name and forgot to buy her a present. Plain out forgot. The look on her face was priceless when we all realized everyone got a gift except her.


After that, whenever we picked names, we would all say "I hope Dad doesn't get my name!". We don't exchange now, but we still won't let Dad forget.


Im the youngest of 5, add in the parents and neice's and nephew's and we have to do the same thing.


Worst gift I ever gave was when I was young, maybe 12-13. My sister collected Precious Moments figurines so i used an old box to warp her new socks in. Of course it looked like i bought her a 50$ porcelain doll only for her to open it up to 3pairs of brand new socks. I thought it was funny until she started to cry, then i felt like shit.

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Cheap 4-bottle Old Spice cologne sets. Two years in a row from one of my Aunts. I have never worn cologne, EVER. I don't even like scented deodorant or laundry detergent. 90% of colognes and perfumes turn my nose on like a fire hydrant.


Then she bought me a short sleeve dress shirt. I have hated short sleeve button shirts with a passion all my life.


The next year she bought me a cheap watch with a hologram skull on the face. I've never worn a watch in my life, and being in high school, it was hardly the fashion statement I'd have wanted to make, anyway.


The year after that she got me a gift card from some store at her local mall that didn't have a location within 50 miles of Columbus.

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Do wedding presents count? My cousin got us a $7.50 ugly pitcher on sale for $5. All three of the people in that family were in the wedding too. Oh, it was 2 weeks late too.
We got 12 bucks of Wal-mart towels that we didn't ask for from her Dad's friend that has tons of money. (He has oil money and other money from his father helping with the 270 build back in the day I heard. It was his house we lived in next to Jegs house on Dublin Rd for 2 years.) BTW it was 20 a plate at the wedding so we paid him to come to the wedding. Also got $100 from her parents to help pay for the wedding he said he would get us $4,000.00. :asshole:
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