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Police Officer forces sex on women he took to jail


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What makes this story worse is the officer used to be a security guard in the building I work at. I hope he gets raped in prison repeatedly.



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A state crime lab found Wolford's semen in the woman's tennis shoes after testing. :wtf: ... So much wrong. What a bitch, he's got to have a badge to feel important and even then can't get enough he has to rape people.



ON her shoes. Not IN.

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There were so many rapes last month but not one made it on cr let some d bag cop abuse his power and get caught and u retards are all over it... Rape is far worse than what this loser did. So don't get so worked up he's losing his job, life and marriage he's paid enoug. I think
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LOL i got pulled over by this doush ill have to see if i can find the ticket and post a pic of it i live in obetz and cops are stupid as hell here they follow me all the time home from the ruby tavern were they stake it out in pure blackness...and wait for you to leave the bar...
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There were so many rapes last month but not one made it on cr let some d bag cop abuse his power and get caught and u retards are all over it... Rape is far worse than what this loser did. So don't get so worked up he's losing his job, life and marriage he's paid enoug. I think

IMO this is WORSE... the reason why is because we rely on these people to uphold the law and do the right thing.... my opinion, he should have gotten worse... you can't uphold the law by breaking it yourself... especailly has hanus as raping a woman.

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There were so many rapes last month but not one made it on cr let some d bag cop abuse his power and get caught and u retards are all over it... Rape is far worse than what this loser did. So don't get so worked up he's losing his job, life and marriage he's paid enoug. I think



You're focusing on the wrong part of the story. The position of power, and the abuse of that power is what is such an outrage. Not just the crime per se, although that is pretty fucking awful on its own. So this dickhead thought this girl was cute, and thought he could leverage her freedom, against his authority. The man should be shot and killed in the street if this is true(which it may not be and I'll touch on that). Why ? Because of the crime ? No, because of the effect of the abuse on the communitie's trust in that authority. Police, judges, politicians and everyone else in public positions of power should be held more accountable for their actions than a normal citiizen, held to a higher standard, and pay more dearly for breaking that trust.


On to where and how this may not be true. So this girl has a warrant, and a record, so she may not be the most trustworthy character. Keeping this in mind, she may have openly offered herself to the officer, and being of weak resolve, he may have agreed to barter. However he may have never had the intention of, or later realized he could not keep his end of the bargain, and reneged thinking she had no way to prove her claim.


Either way the cop is more in the wrong. Just imagine if your wife or girlfriend, or hell your MOTHER was pulled over by some asshole for speeding, or more realistically incarcerating, being a hare over the legal alcohol limit after a night out with 'the girls'. How would you feel if you found out the officer was trying to mouthfuck your wife as opposed to doing the job we all pay him to do ?

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Damn sol, I almost posted exactly that but decided against it because I didn't want to start another e-battle so close to Christmas. You're right on the money here. Maybe corrupt .gov types would think twice about abusing their power if they got beaten/sodomized to death instead more pedestrian penalties. I'd be happy to be in charge of the punishment.
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All I'm saying is that cops are human so I treat them that way. I know and have drank with way to many to not know this. He made a bad choice and got caught. If he would have let her go we prolly wouldn't know about it. But he decided to fuck her over and now he has to pay the price. Yes the abuse of power is appauling, but I don't agree he should be shot or that u should be getting so worked up over it !!


He got what he deserves a ruined life and now he will have to prolly work in private security or construction for the rest of his life.


In closing, u state that u hold cops to a higher standard than u would me or yourself ( civillians). And I ask u why cause they passed that test ? They are no diff than u, other than the fact they do a job where thier life is threatened everyday more than u or I in a yr that alot of stress ALOT of stress, I'm in no way excusing him, but I do tend to understand when they fuck up.

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They are and should be held to a higher standard than a civillian. Thats part of wearing the badge..


Troof. No less than the Armed Forces. There is a code of conduct, and they're supposed to conduct themselves as such. They were sworn in, they are to serve and protect correct? I just see at times, there's a bit of an abuse of powers in a way. There's corruption everywhere, but when it's involving someone that enforces laws and they break them, isn't that just a bit hypocritical. But I do agree, they're as infalible as everyone else, it's that since they serve the public, it raises eyebrows.

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When they are in plain clothes off the clock no one expects them to be stuck up and no fun. When they are on duty or in uniform they are expected to act a certain way. If he were smoking weed, or drunk in public I wouldnt be so quick to judge.. but he raped someone. A police officer committing one of the worst possible crimes will always bring in a lot of attention.
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