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Terror Attack ?


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I'm sorry if this pisses anyone off but anyone coming from Nigeria with a name like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab needs to be kept the fuck out of the US. Keep his ass where he came from. Otherwise, after about 6 months of background checks and full cavity searching before boarding I might consider it okay to fly him to somewhere outside North America.


/the bullshit.

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I'm sorry if this pisses anyone off but anyone coming from Nigeria with a name like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab needs to be kept the fuck out of the US. Keep his ass where he came from. Otherwise, after about 6 months of background checks and full cavity searching before boarding I might consider it okay to fly him to somewhere outside North America.


/the bullshit.




Might be a little stereotypical or racist, but its the truth. Whens the last time Joe Schmoe blew up a plane?

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I'm sorry if this pisses anyone off but anyone coming from Nigeria with a name like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab needs to be kept the fuck out of the US.


Let's be afraid of what's different and people with middle eastern looking names... shudder... more acts like the patriot act... seize all freedoms from the American people.


Well lets be glad you aren't running the country then. It's not that it pisses me off, but it's short sighted and a horrible way to go about things. That isolationism and not they way that things need to be in a free society. It also would probably stop very little if any terrorist attacks. The terrorist would just find different ways of doing things.


The easy finger to point right now, after this and Fort Hood, is at the lack of communication in the intelligence community. IMHO. The only way to attempt to stop terrorism is to 1) stop what's causing it and/or 2) systematic, targeted programs via the intelligence community to root out things like this while they are brewing before they happen.


The important thing to realize is things like this will never stop because we are all human, we can only attempt to reduce the likelihood.

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I'm sorry if this pisses anyone off but anyone coming from Nigeria with a name like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab needs to be kept the fuck out of the US. Keep his ass where he came from. Otherwise, after about 6 months of background checks and full cavity searching before boarding I might consider it okay to fly him to somewhere outside North America.


/the bullshit.


I speak out of experience when I say that he probably did go through about 6 months of background checks, questioning and pretty much hell, after having to pay a large fee to submit an application for a Visa to be able to to come to the US. Probably had to do it multiple times too before being approve for a visa. They will make sure you have a Visa before you board the plane. With a name like that, he probably did have it MUCH worse than a Joe Schmoe would applying for a Visa.

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