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Question on Selling Etiquette


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Placing money over your word isnt wrong but it does say something about your character. Not caring about who you mess over because you dont know them says more about your character... When it comes to selling there are no rules. If you choose to sell to a higher bidder that is 100% your choice. If someone did this to me I would be sure to leave them a negative rating and help people avoid doing business with them in the future... but thats all anyone can do. Like stated before you need to change your selling habits. Put in your post the first one to bring cash gets the item and the expectations are properly set before hand.


You've been saying a lot of smart shit lately. Did you get a bag of fortune cookies for xmas?

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Placing money over your word isnt wrong but it does say something about your character. Not caring about who you mess over because you dont know them says more about your character... When it comes to selling there are no rules. If you choose to sell to a higher bidder that is 100% your choice. If someone did this to me I would be sure to leave them a negative rating and help people avoid doing business with them in the future... but thats all anyone can do. Like stated before you need to change your selling habits. Put in your post the first one to bring cash gets the item and the expectations are properly set before hand.


This was on craigslist and not some other car forum. I look at craigslist as a cess pool of would be buyers,bullshitters, and deadbeats who will lowball you into the dirt

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This was on craigslist and not some other car forum. I look at craigslist as a cess pool or would be buyers,bullshitters, and deadbeats.


I avoid craiglist for this very reason... but keep in mind there are a lot of respectable people that do check out the site. Since there is really no way to leave feedback its all buyer beware.


You've been saying a lot of smart shit lately. Did you get a bag of fortune cookies for xmas?


Confucius say: If you have your balls removed you will never be gay.

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So you openly admit to fucking over a stranger that you've only talked to on the phone for an extra buck but not someone on a car forum? What's the difference, because you may have to deal with me later? Because you don’t want people to think you’re an ass? You don't know me, we’ve never met and judging by your open view on the subject (making it known in a thread started by you) why would I believe that you'd do right by me…. If it’s about money then fine, make some extra money at others expense. If it's about doing the right thing, then no, you fucked that up.
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So you openly admit to fucking over a stranger that you've only talked to on the phone for an extra buck but not someone on a car forum? What's the difference, because you may have to deal with me later? Because you don’t want people to think you’re an ass? You don't know me, we’ve never met and judging by your open view on the subject (making it known in a thread started by you) why would I believe that you'd do right by me…. If it’s about money then fine, make some extra money at others expense. If it's about doing the right thing, then no, you fucked that up.


Its not that I would be scared of dealing with people on here if I fucked them over b/c I dont fuck people over necessarily, I dont sell shitty items. I may sell my items to the highest bidder and so call "fuck people over" but never in an item quality sense. Case in point, I sold a car on here to tyler and helped him out in any way he needed and he's a happy camper. I'm not always a dick but when it comes to fucking craigslist retards, I couldn't give 2 fucks if I hurt somebody's feelings by taking the better offer. And I did the right thing by looking out for me and going with more money. And if these guys want to deal with me later as you said it wouldn't be hard for them to track my number and find where I live. I'm not a scared bitch like some people around here

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This thread shows a lot about people. The saying, "you're only as good as your word" means a lot to me.


Like I said before. I gave the guy a chance to match the higher price. He refused. I said ok, and went with the higher price. I would assume if you were selling you're z06 and you had one guy going to offer 17k and you were going to take it but then someone called you up and said they'd give you 19k it would be hard to pass up on the extra 2k.

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This thread shows a lot about people. The saying, "you're only as good as your word" means a lot to me.


Like I said before. I gave the guy a chance to match the higher price. He refused. I said ok, and went with the higher price. I would assume if you were selling you're z06 and you had one guy going to offer 17k and you were going to take it but then someone called you up and said they'd give you 19k it would be hard to pass up on the extra 2k.


Let me quote this again. Maybe you might get it this time?


This thread shows a lot about people. The saying, "you're only as good as your word" means a lot to me.
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I would assume if you were selling you're z06 and you had one guy going to offer 17k and you were going to take it but then someone called you up and said they'd give you 19k it would be hard to pass up on the extra 2k.


If I told the man 17k takes it and he holds up his end of the deal, I would not even consider taking a subsequent offer. Funny you mention selling my Z06 as an example.


I did sell the Z06 to a man who flew in from Chicago to drive it home. The night before he was to fly in, a local man from Buckeye Lake offered to hand me that night $500 more - in cash - than the man I made a deal with.


My car is now in Chicago.

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there is more to life than making an extra 300 dollars. standing behind your word is worth MUCH more.


+1 i haven't read all the posts here, but i don't sell many things because i don't like situations like this, and i don't want people near my house--period.


if you agree to a price, and agree to sell to a certain person, stick with it---if you don't want to commit to this, then tell the prospective buyer that you can't guarantee the item won't be sold in the meantime. if people have offered you more, than you know you'll have no problem selling the item if the first guy flakes out.


somewhere on some other forum, this guy is making a rant about some guy in columbus who (for all he knows) was falsely elevating the price of his item after a verbal agreement to try to milk more money out of him---he has no idea that you actually had buyers offering more. this is a common practice used on ebay to elevate the price of an item using 'fake' buyers.


just some food for thought--i'd want the most money out of an item i was selling too--but its not worth making enemies over--especially if this person knows you, or where you live

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Have him make a non-refundable deposit if he dosen't follow thru on the deal. Give him a set amount of time to bring the rest of the money or you keep his deposit and then you can sell to somebody else.


the deposit will be applied to the cost of the item!

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  • 1 year later...
Bump since Roy isnt the only idiot thats done dumb things when selling. This guy fucked a guy over then made a thread like he wasnt suppose to be mad about it. Since we want to bring up old shit repeatedly.. lets
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Bump since Roy isnt the only idiot thats done dumb things when selling. This guy fucked a guy over then made a thread like he wasnt suppose to be mad about it. Since we want to bring up old shit repeatedly.. lets



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