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Question on Selling Etiquette


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honestly, the first person that shows up with my asking price gets it... unless i know them personally (in which case i hold it for them).


too many people flake, ifyou are willing to pay my ask... ita yours when the cash is in my hand.


I would NEVER take the higher offer over a promised lower offer. that is shady. You should have asked more.


to keep yourself out of problems in the future.... you should live by the "whoever brings me the money first" mentality....thats how retail stores work.

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I sell a lot of stuff on CL and have sold a bit here on CR. In most cases, I'll hold an item for 24hrs and for folks here longer if I know them. I would find it hard to back-out on a deal I've agreed to, especially since my original for sale price is MY decision and then the Acceptence again MY decision. Although I've never miss-priced something by $300. I know I've left money on the table, but for me when I want something gone, I price it to move.


I'm always up front with the buyer on time frame, locations and cash is king. If they don't show or back out then I go tot he other buyers I've alerted that while the item is sold, if the deal doesn't go through it's theirs. I always make it a point to let them know either way too. Just a courtesy that I'd like to have if I were waiting. Hell, I've delivered items before too.

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If somone can't come until later in the week I inform them that if someone comes foreward with money before you do than it leaves. I can't take the risk of saying no to someone that is ready, and have you back out later. First come first serve, that's how I work. A buyer CANNOT expect me to hold it for a week, come talk to me when your ready.
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I think it was wrong of you. If you made an agreement be a man and suck up your lose. If you told him first come first serve then it would be his problem. I think this is one of the many problems in the world today. A person's word is worthless anymore. Personally, my name means something. I just sold a car for $950. while the guy was going to get the cash I had someone show up with $1200. I took his name and number and told him if the other deal fell through. Once I told the guy it was his, I felt at that point it would be breaking a contract, going back on my word and make my name look bad.
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