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Girl drifter!


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Here is another video. Drifting in japan is so much different then it is in the states, we all have our own little communitys, everyone has their own taste and likes , I guess I just want to say no matter where we live cars brings people together! + these girls are ripping it up!


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She must be doing something right, good or not she is doing something right. Do you make fun of people at kilkare for not being good?


You're right, she is doing something.. it's called marketing herself to a crowd that is dominated by males. Of course sponsors will jump on the bandwagon because it's something that generates curiosity and interest.


Do I make fun of people at kil-kare that are just learning and newbies in general? No. In fact, I encourage them and do ride-alongs to give them pointers. A, "professional" that isn't consistent and really doesn't even compete is another thing... I feel it's almost like being a Poser.

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You're right, she is doing something.. it's called marketing herself to a crowd that is dominated by males. Of course sponsors will jump on the bandwagon because it's something that generates curiosity and interest.


Do I make fun of people at kil-kare that are just learning and newbies in general? No. In fact, I encourage them and do ride-alongs to give them pointers. A, "professional" that isn't consistent and really doesn't even compete is another thing... I feel it's almost like being a Poser.


Personally thats the first ive ever seen of her, I had no idea she was even a model. But to me thats pretty damn smart she knows how to make money. "Bad driver or not she using the drifting craze to her advantage. I just read the article on her that just in 2003 she could barley pay her rent and in 2008-2009 she made 738,000$ all without any type of college education.

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i agree, yes she is doing it but there is a reason why she isn't doing competition simply because she is not consistent and not very controlled.


Andy, dont talk you havent been on the track in 2 or so years ;0

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i agree, yes she is doing it but there is a reason why she isn't doing competition simply because she is not consistent and not very controlled.


Andy, dont talk you havent been on the track in 2 or so years ;0


Anything that is popular is going to have this type of market. Japan does the same shit just a million times overboard lol. To me thats why the states drifting is so cookie cutter because of competition. Someone is always trying to compete to say they are the best.

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i agree, yes she is doing it but there is a reason why she isn't doing competition simply because she is not consistent and not very controlled.


Andy, dont talk you havent been on the track in 2 or so years ;0


2 years or not, get at me when you're on my level :D

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Say what you want guys but shes holding down something to do with cars alot more than the rest of us.


Yeah no shit, almost a 7 figure job for driving a car, hate all you want.........unless you're doing things big ,have no room to talk. Its about as boring as an ohio drift event where people just go because they want someone to wreck and get hurt! 20 % watch because they might really enjoy the sport the other 40 perfect are bandwagon kids with hacked up pos cars, the other 40 are just watching to see you get hurt and or making fun of what you do. grassroots or pro I enjoy watching all types of motorsports, I have never been to an event with so many negative people praying for people to wreck.

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BTW, at like 5:01 in the video she starts talking about drifting philosophically.... I think she said the same axact thing that girl in Tokyo drift said... no joke.



All that "all my worrys go away when i'm sidewayzzz"


Maybe she should get back to the kitchen and make dinner and do the dishes.

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It's cool if she wants to drive and all there are some great female drivers out there that may not have been that great, but did something they enjoyed. Not saying that is the motivation, but this thread is an excellent example of why there aren't more female driver's.


Shit look at driver's like Lyn St. James who has driven just about everything to some success.


And sorry guys, I enjoy drifting just as much as the next guy, but it's not racing (as she stated) if it is judged by a panel of people. It's a show or a challenge, or whatever you want to call it that involved people's opinions. There is no winning by an inch or a mile, it's won via an opnion.

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And sorry guys, I enjoy drifting just as much as the next guy, but it's not racing (as she stated) if it is judged by a panel of people. It's a show or a challenge, or whatever you want to call it that involved people's opinions. There is no winning by an inch or a mile, it's won via an opnion.


You're right.. It's not called Drift Racing by anyone who actually knows.

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I really think drifting could go far if it wasnt for the steriotypes that go with the common people and cars that are used. A lot of the drivers come from great racing backgrounds and are well respected within the car community. And you're right about the whole drifting is not racing, Events "judged" did not even get big in japan till the early 90's till promoters wanted to sen it all over the world. If anyone lived in california when it first hit on the west coast around 1997 it was more of weekend type thing done in hills then blew up in 1999. If it comes and goes like a trend there will still be the hardcore group of drifters that are in the mountain roads driving like how it started. Personally if there was not so much to lose in the sates with police there would be a huge non track drifting crowd. Here everything has to be done on the "track" or you go to jail. lol
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You're right, she is doing something.. it's called marketing herself to a crowd that is dominated by males. Of course sponsors will jump on the bandwagon because it's something that generates curiosity and interest.


EXACTLY! she's not neccessarily in competition because she's good enough to be there or sponsored b/c shes talented but simply that she's marketable. Its exactly like Danica Patrick when she first started with Rahal racing. Rahal was interviewed and asked why he put so much stock in his new driver, "simple, she's marketable." a woman in a male dominated sport shes bound to get attention and sponsorship no matter what position she finish's each race in.

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EXACTLY! she's not neccessarily in competition because she's good enough to be there or sponsored b/c shes talented but simply that she's marketable. Its exactly like Danica Patrick when she first started with Rahal racing. Rahal was interviewed and asked why he put so much stock in his new driver, "simple, she's marketable." a woman in a male dominated sport shes bound to get attention and sponsorship no matter what position she finish's each race in.


Very correct, so you think a male's cooking show does better then female? Im just kidding but have you seen all the male cooking shows on the food channel?

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