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LOL - Whale Whores


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Did anyone see this South Park episode? This accident is sad and I do feel for those on the Ady Gil, but all I could think about while reading this article was the Japanese going:


"*Ahem*...FAHRK YOU WHARE and a FAHRK YOU DOHRFHINNNN!!!":lol: :lol:


I can't believe they had such a cool ship doing something as stupid as going after whaling boats.

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yeah, I just read about that on foxnews. Did you see that boat? It looks like a damn stealth bomber! They would have been better off if they just gave me the $5 million and I made strafing runs on a raft. What a bunch of tards.
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Here is a little different view of it that clearly shows the whaler turning towards the Ady Gil. Kind of opposite what the Japanese are saying. Either way, a stupid place for that boat to be. I agree with saving the whales, but these Sea Shepherd guys are acting as pirates. What did they expect to start happening in unpatrolled waters.



They have now confirmed, it did sink. Everything aside, It was such a waste of a awesome boat. It was formerly known as Earth Race.

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Stolen from another site I frequent. I have to agree...


Whether whaling is right or wrong, The whale lovers in their high tech boat, complete with radar dispersing paint, flat dark color, etc. are attempting to harrass and interupt the buisness of the whaling vessel. The whale lovers even have a skull and crossbones type image on their vessel. They have also borded without invitation in the recent past. This amounts to piracy (by maritime definition) as well as terrorism. They should have opened fire on the bastards after they caused a collision.

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If I was Bob Barker I would be pissed they bought that boat. They should have bought some retired Navy ship or something. I'm sure the Russians would sell them an old frigate or something similar.


The fact that they bought that boat was more to show it off them for practicle use. Kind of like giving a family with 5 kids $30k to buy a vehicle/minivan and they come back with a mustang.

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I guess there old boat could only do 16.5 knots so they could not intercept whaling boats they were always getting there to late. This boat will do 50 knots. and does this....http://gizmodo.com/5437598/crew-uses-crazy-futuristic-earthrace-boat-and-lasers-to-fight-japanese-whalers
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Here is a little different view of it that clearly shows the whaler turning towards the Ady Gil. Kind of opposite what the Japanese are saying. Either way, a stupid place for that boat to be. I agree with saving the whales, but these Sea Shepherd guys are acting as pirates. What did they expect to start happening in unpatrolled waters.



They have now confirmed, it did sink. Everything aside, It was such a waste of a awesome boat. It was formerly known as Earth Race.


In looking at that video I'd say that collision was more the fault of the smaller pirate boat. I realize that I'm as up to date on nautical laws as I could be, but doesn't the bigger boat always have the right-of-way? I realize that those standards weren't designed for the wide open ocean, but I would still think they apply.


Those were some pretty big waves, and while the whaling vessel did move toward the smaller one, it wasn't nearly as much as the smaller vessel moved toward the larger one.

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If I was Bob Barker I would be pissed they bought that boat. They should have bought some retired Navy ship or something. I'm sure the Russians would sell them an old frigate or something similar.


Actually, the boat Bob Barker paid for is a much larger vessel. The one he paid for was the one that rescued the crew members of the hit vessel. I will try and find something on the one Bob paid for.


In looking at that video I'd say that collision was more the fault of the smaller pirate boat. I realize that I'm as up to date on nautical laws as I could be, but doesn't the bigger boat always have the right-of-way? I realize that those standards weren't designed for the wide open ocean, but I would still think they apply.


Those were some pretty big waves, and while the whaling vessel did move toward the smaller one, it wasn't nearly as much as the smaller vessel moved toward the larger one.


Yes, you are correct. The larger vessel do always have right of way, but I wonder how it would play seeing as how the whaler turned towards them.Lots of what "yeah buts" could be inserted, but I'm no expert. Especially in international maritime laws. More than likely anyway, nothing is going to come of this other then publicity, and a 2 million dollar ocean floor ornament. It wont deter the whalers any.

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In japan whale meat is like gold, its like the baller status of baller. Japanese always take more then what they need (WW2 lol), they did the same shit with the blue fin tuna population back in the 70-90's. I really have no issue with people hunting whale meat if they follow the strict guidlines during the season. I am not some hippie but I love animals, But as a human everyhing has a foodchain. Either way hopfully everyone on the smaller boat was ok, Everyone has a right to voice what they want, but getting hurt or killed over something is not smart.



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Here is a little different view of it that clearly shows the whaler turning towards the Ady Gil. Kind of opposite what the Japanese are saying. Either way, a stupid place for that boat to be. I agree with saving the whales, but these Sea Shepherd guys are acting as pirates. What did they expect to start happening in unpatrolled waters.



They have now confirmed, it did sink. Everything aside, It was such a waste of a awesome boat. It was formerly known as Earth Race.


thats why it sank you don't change the name of a boat its bad mojo.

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