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Kevin R.

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Ok, no offense because I feel for you, but $2250 for a 16 year old car w/ 200k miles on it pretty good in my opinion. I highly doubt you would've been able to sell the car for that or much more, but I understand that is besides the point and it had a greater value to you personally.


This is why you go after them for damages, get another grand or two for inconvience/etc whatever other bs reasons you can dig up.


And here's EXACTLY why I think $2250 is more than fair.....http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75598


That car is decently clean, has nice wheels/couple mods, and probably won't pull $3k. I've seen a COUPLE pictures of your car, but as of recent don't think it was nearly as clean as this.


Just my .02 and good luck with it all.

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Yeah. I guess it just sucks ass in general. As for what I can buy NOW with 2k, it does not even compare to the car that I had.


You can buy a lot of decent cars for $2k, I know I have. Hell I bought a 2000 contour w/ 93k on it for $1200 like 5 months ago. Auto/loaded, etc, We've put almost 10k trouble free miles on it so far.


But I completely understand when something is worth more to you than the actual dollar amount, totally sucks.

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Maybe see if your parents will loan you another $2k or so and buy another mustang gt, but 99+? I bought my 2000 gt back in March w/ 72k on it for $4200. Black leather, 5spd, couple mods. You should be able to find something similar.


Even if parents can't help you out a $2k loan should be dirt cheap.

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Well start looking for me. :)


haha, give me some sort of guidelines as to what kind of car and money we're talking about and I'll browse for you while I do for myself. I've bought and sold over 100 cars in the past 5 years, so I know how to find some good deals.

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Sucks man. U guys r missing the point.


His car might be worth x amount of money. But if this other driver never would of caused his accident then hebwould still have his car. Its not his fault somedbag wrecked his stuff. Why should he settle onsomething ?


Is this. The drivers insurance screwing u around or yours?

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I hope everything works out for you because I know I would be in the same boat if my 240sx was totaled. Its a 1993 nada says its worth 4k but I have more invested and the car ,which is not easy to replace. I know what you're saying you had a nice car wrecked it now your going to pretty much downgrade from what you had.
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heres what the few that ran into auctions brought.


01/06/10 BUTLER Regular $2,150 110,095 Avg RED 8G 5 Yes

11/12/09 PENSCOLA Regular $3,000 104,221 Above 8G 5 Yes

11/11/09 BAY CITI Regular $1,300 133,233 Below WHITE 8G M Yes

11/10/09 OHIO Regular $1,800 121,269 Avg WHITE 8G M Yes

10/22/09 OMAHA Regular $2,900 124,580 Above BK 8G 5 Yes

10/14/09 CADE Regular $2,300 94,344 Avg YELLOW 8G M Yes

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Is this. The drivers insurance screwing u around or yours?


His insurance.


I believe it turned out the car owner (his daughter) did not have insurance so his policy with Nationwide had to kick in and they accepted liability. This gives me even more reason to believe they don't want to pay me shit since the first two weeks after the wreck was just Nationwide trying to get out of assuming liability altogether.

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I bet there are a few people who have flipped thru a CCC One report. Have you actually looked at the vehicles that are compared to the vehicle being totaled. Insurance companies are a joke.


I going to ask him to see it so A. he knows I know what i am talking about and B. there is no BS going down.

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His insurance.


I believe it turned out the car owner (his daughter) did not have insurance so his policy with Nationwide had to kick in and they accepted liability. This gives me even more reason to believe they don't want to pay me shit since the first two weeks after the wreck was just Nationwide trying to get out of assuming liability altogether.


ahh so it was there fault... hsi insurance is paying but not to what the car shoudl be worth. sounds like you need to tell them you are thinking of lawyer ing up due to this. its nto your fault this persol totaled your car which to you was worth way more an you cant buy that car again duye to it being yours. if it wasent fo rthat person you woudl still have your car. tell them to make it right or you will persue furthur legal actions ectect

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Nationwide is on your side...


On a serious note, they will not give you anything more than what they are giving you for the car... You may get a few more hundred but that's it... Nationwide sucks... All State gave me $2650 for my 98 Ford Contour SE with a 248K miles on it just a few months ago and that was AFTER $500 deductable no questions asked... I'm in good hands... BTW my rates stayed the same (not my fault in the accident)...

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if you could wait it out you could get more. My brothers father in law had his 4 runner catch on fire and they offered him 2800 for it and he knew it was worth more bc he was very anal about his cars. Waited 6 months and kept talkin to higher ups and he ended up gettin 4350. so you can get more just takes more time and more headache.


It also didnt help that the repair people sold the car bc he was goin to get it back from them. Turns out after 90 days they sell it.

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insurance gave me 4k for a primer grey 88 mustang 5.0 with rust holes :shrug: keep bitching at them. prove with receipts. its what we had to do. they tried giving us a Lil over 1,200 till we showed all the paper work with what we had just put into it over the past year. and it was nationwide ( her insurance who caused the accident )
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I think your best bet is to try and find some on forums and such. You can usually stretch a few more dollars out of something if you're in a crowd of people who respect and actually want the item. There has to be a site dedicated to V6 --> V8 conversions.
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Called me 10 minutes ago. New offer of $3850 + tax.


:D Awesome.


This is why I cant stand insurance companies.


They CAN do what is right but instead choose to cause the most inconvenience that is possible before they do what is right.


Grats man glad everything worked out for you.

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