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Snow Wreck Crew!!!


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Yikes. I was going home early, driving Cleetus through UA. After powersliding thru every intersection (2WD) I ended up going only about 10mph. Coming up on the last right hand turn onto a side street by my house...


I checked to see if there was a car already at the intersection, because I was afraid if I hit the brakes I would just slide into them. No car, but as soon as I make the turn I started to slide. A little power to swing the rear end around? Nothing...continue to plow...I am now going/sliding straight into a telephone pole and stop sign and nothing is stopping my progress...:eek:


I ended up jumping the curb and riding UP the ground support line that anchors the last telephone pole and power lines. I ripped the protective plastic sheathing off, and couldn't believe that I didn't rip the pole down. I missed the stop sign to my drivers' side by half a foot. THANK GOD there wasn't anyone at the intersection!


The chrome bumper took the cable ride up, with only a little bend to the front right fender. It was rubbing on my 20" Goodyear tire, so I got home and hammered it out from inside the fender well. Problem solved.


BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! I am amazed by how slippery it is, especially on the side roads. Also, my 2WD truck sucks in the snow...which is fun and terrifying at the same time.


Post up if you got into some sort of fender-bender. I hope they are all minimal!

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I was up and down sawmill earlier, didn't have any real issues. Mostly people losing control of their FWD econo-boxes, and a few retarded SUV drivers going up over curbs. If we get another 8inches, my transfer case might find itself if 4WD. Other than that, I get the usual initial spin, but nothing I can't control with my big ugly Ram.
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I was in my daily 08 accord which seemed decent in the snow, there def is a few slick spots under the snow, I seen a few people on 270 just spin out and hit the center divider with nothing really wrong with the road. I tried to stop to ask the guy if he was ok, he just threw it in reverse and gave me a dirty look and bounced. His left side front end was smashed in decent, he did not even get out to look at it lol. crazy bastards.
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the plows are just making everything worse. first off they're not even laying any sand down, and somehow i had more traction in the untouched snow in my neighborhood than right behind a plow that didn't seem to be moving any snow whatsoever off the road. wtf is wrong with their equipment?
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This is my second winter in the MS3. I'm still not used to such a small car but I like it nonetheless. I'm running Blizzaks which really grip well, but somehow I can't help but feel that while the car is "nimble" on dry pavement it feels "twitchy" and not as heavy or "planted" on snow covered roads.


So far no issues though. Plows through snow like a tank. I just have to be careful of hitting boost and shifting. Thankfully traction control and stability control keep me and the car in check :o

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315S was fun. I was running accords off the road and laughing all the way.


when i had my cherokee i was on my way home from pickerington and passed a mercedes and right after i passed them the spun out in the middle of the freeway. And this was when we had a lot of snow on the roads. people were going like 30. i was doing 50 with my xj.


i laughed my ass off when i saw them do a 360

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when i had my cherokee i was on my way home from pickerington and passed a mercedes and right after i passed them the spun out in the middle of the freeway. And this was when we had a lot of snow on the roads. people were going like 30. i was doing 50 with my xj.


i laughed my ass off when i saw them do a 360



Clarification for the reading impaired: I wish it was u spinning out of control and me laughing. :)

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Do you typically have the urge to brake, and or steer violently when passed in the snow for some reason ?





and to clarify my statement above if u didn't catch it. I wished it was him spinning out of control and me laughing at him. Not nice to laugh at ppl doing 360's on the freeway.

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Dublin was fun before they plowed everything. Most streets are still covered. I find it weird that the back end of the Mazda wants to snap oversteer really quickly this year, but the snow tires help keep it pretty straight.


Bethel is still a mess though.

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the plows are just making everything worse. first off they're not even laying any sand down, and somehow i had more traction in the untouched snow in my neighborhood than right behind a plow that didn't seem to be moving any snow whatsoever off the road. wtf is wrong with their equipment?

We had a truck come by an hr ago with his plow up but dropping salt. Why he wasnt moving the snow as well, I dont know.

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Yikes. I was going home early, driving Cleetus through UA. After powersliding thru every intersection (2WD) I ended up going only about 10mph. Coming up on the last right hand turn onto a side street by my house...


I checked to see if there was a car already at the intersection, because I was afraid if I hit the brakes I would just slide into them. No car, but as soon as I make the turn I started to slide. A little power to swing the rear end around? Nothing...continue to plow...I am now going/sliding straight into a telephone pole and stop sign and nothing is stopping my progress...:eek:


I ended up jumping the curb and riding UP the ground support line that anchors the last telephone pole and power lines. I ripped the protective plastic sheathing off, and couldn't believe that I didn't rip the pole down. I missed the stop sign to my drivers' side by half a foot. THANK GOD there wasn't anyone at the intersection!


The chrome bumper took the cable ride up, with only a little bend to the front right fender. It was rubbing on my 20" Goodyear tire, so I got home and hammered it out from inside the fender well. Problem solved.


BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! I am amazed by how slippery it is, especially on the side roads. Also, my 2WD truck sucks in the snow...which is fun and terrifying at the same time.


Post up if you got into some sort of fender-bender. I hope they are all minimal!


Dont feel bad, I hit a guard rail ;)

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well, i joined the wrecked car crew ('05 explorer) today. some idiot turned left right in front of me from the oncoming lane this afternoon just as the light turned yellow. i hit the brakes (abs), slid, turned the wheel to try to avoid hitting her, and broadsided her anyways--knocked her into another car as well. surprised my airbag didn't go off---i damaged my front bumper headlights/foglights, driver's side fender, hood, maybe driver's front door--and i spun her 180 degrees into my rear driver's side door.


she accused me of being at fault?? said she had the right of way and was already in the intersection when i hit her---moron. at least the car i knocked her into corroborated my story. she got cited, and apparently has insurance, so i should be in the clear. female drivers. thing is, i even slowed down as i approached the intersection because i saw her inch out just a bit--doubt i could have stopped even with dry pavement.

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well, i joined the wrecked car crew ('05 explorer) today. some idiot turned left right in front of me from the oncoming lane this afternoon just as the light turned yellow. i hit the brakes (abs), slid, turned the wheel to try to avoid hitting her, and broadsided her anyways--knocked her into another car as well. surprised my airbag didn't go off---i damaged my front bumper headlights/foglights, driver's side fender, hood, maybe driver's front door--and i spun her 180 degrees into my rear driver's side door.


she accused me of being at fault?? said she had the right of way and was already in the intersection when i hit her---moron. at least the car i knocked her into corroborated my story. she got cited, and apparently has insurance, so i should be in the clear. female drivers. thing is, i even slowed down as i approached the intersection because i saw her inch out just a bit--doubt i could have stopped even with dry pavement.


you guys have a good amount of snow already and just think you only have 4 more months to go. lol.

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she accused me of being at fault?? said she had the right of way and was already in the intersection when i hit her---moron. at least the car i knocked her into corroborated my story. she got cited, and apparently has insurance, so i should be in the clear. female drivers. thing is, i even slowed down as i approached the intersection because i saw her inch out just a bit--doubt i could have stopped even with dry pavement.


Good thing you and Clay are both okay. That's what counts.

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