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Snowblower or shovel


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I use one of these:




Works great, especially on light snow like what we have had this year. I usually do one swipe down the middle and then off to each side. It's nice to not have to really "push" the snow. Just push it up and off the drive at the end.


I really don't shovel much though. Today, just because I got to spend time outside with the kids.



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I use one of these:




Works great, especially on light snow like what we have had this year. I usually do one swipe down the middle and then off to each side. It's nice to not have to really "push" the snow. Just push it up and off the drive at the end.


I really don't shovel much though. Today, just because I got to spend time outside with the kids.




How does this work? Unless I'm picturing it wrong, you would only be able to walk one way with it, as in you could make one pass pushing it, but then you'd have to pick it up and carry it back to where you started, right?

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I broke down last year and bought a plow for the tractor. I hated spending that dough, but the drive is 500+- feet, so good investment I guess.


On topic: shoveling blows.

more like a 1/8 mile from the back garage to the street

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How does this work? Unless I'm picturing it wrong, you would only be able to walk one way with it, as in you could make one pass pushing it, but then you'd have to pick it up and carry it back to where you started, right?



no, make one pass down the middle, then go down one side, and come back the other...use your damn head

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How does this work? Unless I'm picturing it wrong, you would only be able to walk one way with it, as in you could make one pass pushing it, but then you'd have to pick it up and carry it back to where you started, right?



it pushes the snow to the right so the best way to do it is in the shape of an L...ie walk down the middle of the drive and then turn right and then go up the other side and turn right. works great and is fast too. perfect for our city since we usually only get 1-4" at a time. picked it up several years ago at Kroger for $35. Sold by Union Tools. I bought two just in case I ever break one :o

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I used the blower, did mine in 2 minutes, then did 3 neighbors driveways and all the sidewalk in between for free, trust me none of them thought I was a sissy. Their shit is clean. My heater is on in the garage, and it's 50 degrees in there and no snow on either car. :)
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