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Long story short, my sister was with her last boyfriend for about 7 months and ended up prego. The problem is, a couple months before they broke up, she started cheating on him. We dont know who the dad is yet, but if it was the boyfriends, can he get out of paying child support with proof she was cheating? Im asking because she is treating the ex like shit for no reason and he is getting to the point where he wants nothing to do with her. The guy she is with now is 27, has no job, already has 2 kids he doesnt take care of, and is immature to the point that he thinks its fun to try to act like a hard ass to me and my sisters ex, on myspace. So im trying to scare the shit out of here into thinking strait.
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he will have to take responsibility, but if he fights enough (if he wants to), theres a good chance the court might take his side a little more... i.e. more custody, ect. The court may recognize his (i assume) good behavior vs. her current situation, which sounds not-so-good for new children


My buddy was trying to build an arsenal of things to use when he had a slight falling out w his babysmomma. Everything ended very civil and there was no need however.

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he will have to take responsibility, but if he fights enough (if he wants to), theres a good chance the court might take his side a little more... i.e. more custody, ect. The court may recognize his (i assume) good behavior vs. her current situation, which sounds not-so-good for new children


My buddy was trying to build an arsenal of things to use when he had a slight falling out w his babysmomma. Everything ended very civil and there was no need however.


thats pretty much his plan right now, and as bad as it sounds, i have his back on this one. My sister is WAY to immature to be having a kid, and that will be easy to prove for him.

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ok. he wants to be in the kids life, i just wanted to try to scare the shit out of my sister in hope she would quit acting like a complete douche lol.


Well, I'll save my comments out of respect for you, and that I've never met your sister.


Sad part is, Ohio courts have always been very geared towards the mother. Unless he can prove that your sister is a big whore and really fucked up for the kid's sake, he won't get much more then some visitations and a payment.

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I like George a lot and it sucks your sis is being like this but what did he expect? She is way to young for someone his age to try and tie down. She hasnt had time yet to whore around completely which 95% of girls want to do at her age...


Its all part of the deal. You wanna play you gotta pay.

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Well, I'll save my comments out of respect for you, and that I've never met your sister.


Sad part is, Ohio courts have always been very geared towards the mother. Unless he can prove that your sister is a big whore and really fucked up for the kid's sake, he won't get much more then some visitations and a payment.



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I like George a lot and it sucks your sis is being like this but what did he expect? She is way to young for someone his age to try and tie down. She hasnt had time yet to whore around completely which 95% of girls want to do at her age...


Its all part of the deal. You wanna play you gotta pay.


i agree with ya. I knew she prolly wouldnt stay with him real long, even from the get go. She never has been the relationship type. But i guess we all just thought she would be mature enough to not act like a 10 year old kid, especially since shes about to have a kid.

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Bullshit. Years ago when my brother's girl had his kids, she was hell-bent on getting full custody and she was a piece of shit. She lived with her mom, no job, smoked cigarettes inside while bottle feeding them, had a big angry doberman roaming around, etc.. and my brother was getting fucked out of seeing them. Thousands of dollars in lawyer fees later, the court finally let my brother get them on weekends.


Now that they're older things are working out, but still, courts favor the mothers no matter how trashy they are.

I dealt with this mess years ago, mother failed drug tests, I had a line of dudes that she fucked, was a bad situation... at the end of the day, a lawyer told me the court will still favor with the mother... messed up and hopefully someday we can change this mess, but for now, ur dude is screwed if it's his.

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Where do you get myspace out of that?



The guy she is with now is 27, has no job, already has 2 kids he doesnt take care of, and is immature to the point that he thinks its fun to try to act like a hard ass to me and my sisters ex, on myspace. So im trying to scare the shit out of here into thinking strait.
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