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suck it google!


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Keep telling yourself iPhone sucks... I'd secretly be pissed if I bought a droid, too. BTW, any unlocked iPhone will walk circles around your droid :)

wow, keep telling yourself that... I had an iPhone that was unlocked (loaded up with the pineapple, I can't remember what it was called....)


and now I have a Droid... I couldn't stand the iPhone and I took it back, the Droid, I love it. my only complaint about it is the 30 dollars extra that I have to pay every month for it. (but the iPhone cost about the same)


I will say that I do own an iPod and an iTouch... they are good to play MP3's... but to do anything else, Apple needs to give it up and let the big boys play.

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i am lost why is the google phone so good, or better then the iphone?

can you hook it up to car or home stereos yet?


Yes you most certainly can. I play music through bluetooth on my car stereo, so no need to plug it in. The beauty about using USB, is that you can plug it into anything you want that has USB or 3.5mm jack (USB is the standard for ALL cellphones now BTW). You can even plug it into a computer, and it will open up a folder just like any mass USB storage device, and drag files on and off of the microSD card as you please. Dont have to install any required software or anything. And if one SD card gets full, take it out and put a new one in there.


If I'm at a friends house, and were doing a little gaming and my phone gets low, plug it right into the PS3 and it will charge, or if his tv is equipped with USB I can charge it there too. I can even give him some of my mp3's or noody pics, or steal some of his.


One of the things I like most about android is this. Think of your computer. Hit the start menu, click all programs. Now you see a list of programs in there, thats the iphone, thats all it is. Android is the desktop with the entire start menu as well. If I get tired of using windows XP, I can install Windows 7, or if I prefer somethings off XP and other things from 7, I can run a hybrid version, or add things from one onto another.


Iphone is good, but android makes up for the things that the iphone lacks, and none of the Apple bullshit that comes with owning an Apple product.

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what is the car stereo player interface like? is it easy to sort and access

like this or do many car players have compatibility issues with the Google?



I've never plugged mine in so I dont know. With mine over bluetooth I use the phone to control everything, the only thing the stereo controls is volume. I just play it through a bluetooth to FM transmitter so its not that cool. I am assuming it depends on the player because it probably doesnt see it as an Android phone, but as a USB storage device, so it should look the same as the picture you used as an example. i'm going to look into it.

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Thought I wanted an iPhone. But cannot stand Cingular and will never go back. So I broke down and bought a motorola droid.


At first thought "meh" - it was better than my blackberry, but I wasnt jizzing my pants or anything. Then I say down with a friend who is an iPhone pro and has one and we went thru what each could do and couldnt do, showing it on the phones as we talked.


Yeah, I'm no no longer wanting an iPhone.

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The iphone is still a great phone. I think the problem at this point is people are getting tired of it and want something new. Android is about 2 updates away from being completely better than the iphone in every aspect.


+1, after that its all about the apps the developers can create. Then the iphone has nothing.

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Tell me if your Verizon phone can surf the web while on a phonecall :lol:


I heard this on a commercial yesterday.. I don't know how valid it is.


Its true, to an extent. Can still do it if you're on wifi. But really, how often have YOU ever had to search the web while on a phone call? I never have, but thats because I am not a pretentious fart smelling iPhone user ;)

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Tell me if your Verizon phone can surf the web while on a phonecall :lol:


I heard this on a commercial yesterday.. I don't know how valid it is.


That's comparing networks, not phones.


AT&T and T-Mobile allows it, Verizon does not. Iphones and Android phones can both use data and voice simultaneously.

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