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Interesting view on "racism"


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I found out it costs around $20k-$40k per year per inmate to house and care for our criminals. What's that about? I haven't had time to look for racial stats yet, and I'm sure it would take hours if not days to come up with some unbiased info.



You don't want to open this can of worms. Its an ugly place. Let me preface by stating I am a firm believer of tougher punishments for what most of us consider the worst of crimes. Murder, Rape, Child Molestation, Non-parental Kidnapping, Home invasions, Ponzi and other white collar scams. I wish we as a country had more balls putting these assholes down for cheap, if due process is done thoroughly and without any shred of doubt.


Now since this is a racial discussion, you need to account for not just what each race puts into the overall percentage of crime, but what is the root-cause of the crimes committed. Now the "bad-apple" clause is always in full-effect, so no matter what you do sometimes people from perfectly good backgrounds commit heinous crimes. So they are accounted for. Now we all know blacks have a higher likelihood of committing violent street crimes than whites, and higher recidivism rates. We also know whites have a higher likelihood of committing white collar crimes. What is the nature of most crime ? Attainment of something you did not have before. Power and money tend to be atop of the heap. Each off those particular groups are preying upon their easiest target. A poor mugger is not going to have the means to setup a large financial scam, fleecing many, and using clout and implied knowledge of "whatever" to further their goal. Likewise a shady business man wouldn't waste his time with near-random victims. They want specific targets.


Now you leverage that against what a human of any color would be willing to do or lose to better their situation. In many cases there are simply more blacks in poor situations that are willing to commit the more readily noticeable street crimes (the randomness is what makes it scarier, as we all feel we're smart enough to not be scammed) in attempt to get a piece of the pie. I'm not even really touching on crimes that are sought out by both sides, such as drug-deals and prostitution. Now blacks are not the first group to be blamed for "most crime" in the media and even on paper. Italians, and before them Irish immigrants fought against and sometimes gave into the stereotypes we have all seen in the movies. One difference is they didn't face the same level of discrimination as blacks in America, and were able to have their leaders climb into high positions (politics, business) faster, providing access to their peers and followers, thus allowing quicker assimilation.


There really is so much more to it than that, and I don't want to write a thesis today. Its just more information to think about. The issue is anything but "black and white".

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I think you like writing essays.


Its a damn shame we can't just take people out back and shoot them. Sometimes people are guilty guilty guilty and we shouldn't waste our time incarcerating them. Whether they're black or white I don't care.


Your argument that blacks commit more crimes simply because of the circumstances surrounding them is debatable. There are plenty of poor white people living in trailers and shacks, are their crime rates the same? How about if we compare rural communities with urban communities- Where is there more crime there? Maybe they're just more likely to be criminal because of their social pressures, how about that?

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Its a damn shame we can't just take people out back and shoot them. Sometimes people are guilty guilty guilty and we shouldn't waste our time incarcerating them. Whether they're black or white I don't care.



I couldn't agree more.


Your argument that blacks commit more crimes simply because of the circumstances surrounding them is debatable.


You are absolutely correct, it is infinitely debatable, but poverty does increase crime across the board. We already know that. Specifically related to blacks there are many more issues to take into account. Lack of pride in their communities, distrust of the authorities, yes even racism can play into it.


Though you are wrong about the essay writing, I already have a headache.

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Though you are wrong about the essay writing, I already have a headache.


We'll just see about that... I suspect you'll get all riled up and put up 3 pages of philosophical rambling and statistical analysis. Or maybe not, this thread is slowing down.


Yeah, poor people are more likely to be criminals than rich people... or are they? How many convicts per capita do we have for >$60k/year, as opposed to <$30k/year?


I can remember hearing the KKK campaigning for Obama pre-election. True story.

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Accuracy through numbers can be a difficult process, though not impossible. People will tell you, you can make a statistic say anything you want, and with unscientific methodology that's absolutely true, you can. Bias, sample size, application, lots of ways to make something sound one-sided. Which is why I asked, I was wondering not only where you got your information, but how it was acquired, and just as importantly the way it was analyzed.


Also using a derogatory slur against someone simply because they used one in reference to you, makes you no better than them. Knee-jerk reactions to racism fuel the fire, not put them out. I'll retrofit a personal anecdote in example. At the movie theater with my wife I encountered a younger (14-16?) black male, with a group of his friends. This is right around 7pm on Friday so the theater is packed. At one point, I don't even remember to be honest, I kicked on, or stepped on, or otherwise scuffed the young mans shoe, busy line accident of course. Not a second had passed before I heard not just one racial slur, but two, and also questioning whether or not I even understood what he was saying (too much Rush Hour ?). I could have called him any number of racial slurs in retaliation. Though what about the older black couple two people behind us, the black family in line going to see the next Pixar film. Could my actions reinforce their personal racial biases ? By giving into base reactions I could have created more hate. Maybe they didn't see the initial incident, and just heard me.


Lastly the whole "you sound like you're on a rant" part of my first post is pretty much completely verified by some of your more ignorant, or baseless follow-ups such as Barack caring more about being black than American, or about how Mexicans just need to learn english. First off, if someone is Mexican as opposed to Mexican-American, than I'm sure they could give a fuck less about learning english, secondly if they are in fact Mexican immigrants working in America (legally, illegally) and they cut your lawn, or roof your house just as well speaking Spanish, again who fucking cares what they speak. Most of the Mexican-American citizens I know, do in fact learn to communicate within a level of competency. If you're just pissed about immigration, than welcome to the club, you should point your fingers at the more than likely white business owner, hiring them under the table, and providing a booming marketplace for illegal workers. Or shit, the average American consumer for supporting those businesses by always trying to save a buck. As far as Barack caring about his blackness more, please provide some evidence to support your rather scathing accusation. He is after all bi-racial, and that would likely qualify him to more accurately act as human barometer to racial issues than say yourself, or even me, even though I am also bi-racial.


If you are first off blind to Barrack Obama being Black first and American second that's your ignorance right there the whole "beer in the rose garden" was that best example i can come up with off the top of my head. Considering the very first reaction statement directly out of his mouth was "he acted stupidly" (refering to the white cop) If he were more of a barometer there would be speeches and what not about how the color of you skin, your religion, nationality etc. gives you NO special rights or privilages. Who the fuck are these people being born whatever color/race/religion you are and thinking American "OWES" them something. I earned everything I have ever had as my father did (who BTW was born into poverty in Hungary).

As far as my statement about i'll call you a racial slur I was intending that statement to mean Blacks use their slavery heritage (if they even have it) To call whites whatever they want however the world comes to an end everytime some white guy says "******". Does that mean i'm going to stand in a movie line and call a black kid a ****** no not at all. Does that mean I would do or say something to his young ass yes it does.

By Mexicans I was meaning the hispanic illegal immigrants in this courty need to learn the language. In the vast array of countries I have been to I did not rely on someone speaking english for me to function. Yes i am pissed about white fuckers highering the bastards for dirt cheap labor I would rather deport them all and make welfar go away but I also want to win the lottery. My reason for the English thing is my father was born in a non-english speaking country and he learned english when he move to Canada.

Lastly your PC bullshit is exactly the problem as well being a Mexican-American African-American, Hungarian-American fucking waaaah Anyone of these _______-American maens you carry a dual citizenship anyways. I'll bet you any money you have Called an Indian man a towelhead or Arab in your so now what are you going to do to be PC about that? Ask everyone what they would prefer to hear come out of your mouth before you speak? And yes they are MAINLY fucking mexicans you don't call a tech support or customer service line and hear "Press 2 for Chinese"

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Lets not get into a pissing match. Everyone has a right to their own opinions.



Sadly, even the ones which are wrong, ignorant and just plain fucking stupid.






PS - I cannot believe this Thread has survived this long. Is CR "growing up"???

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Sadly, even the ones which are wrong, ignorant and just plain fucking stupid.






PS - I cannot believe this Thread has survived this long. Is CR "growing up"???


Yes and yes.. I've been watching it just in case... So far so good

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This was actually something I was emailed written by Patrick J. Buchanan. As far as the numbers I don't know, but how do you really get accurate number in things like this with a population of 300,000,000 people anyways. I'm 30 and I have seen hate crimes all over the news and locally since I was growing up going both ways. You don't have to be blind to see that racism runs rampent nation wide and no there is not much anyone can do to stop it especially with people raising thier kids in the same ignorance they were raised in. If you call me a crack** or honk** i'll call you a ****** or whatever derogitory name your race is refered to as because I don't think that there should be any difference in who call who what. I also belive that people need to just shut up about all this PC shit and just be correct. White people don't need to think that they are going to get robbed by every black person they see. Black people need to shut the hell up about it's the white man that did ______ to me. Mexican just need to learn fucking english. this lsit could go on for hours. However there is always going to be some moron somewhere that will say something at the wrong point in time and piss some one else off guess what that's life. People need to have thiker skin in this day and age and stop being babies. Here's my example if you call someone's wife: fat, stupid, ugly, a bitch etc and you get punched in the face don't sue because you had to replace a tooth, sorry they don't have "Stupid" insurance. I dare someone to find me a news article from 1940-1970 of someone suing someone else cause they got their ass kicked for dong something stupid. I also belive that Barrack Obama needs to stop thinking that being BLACK is more important than being an AMERICAN.


I am starting to like this guy!:D

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If you are first off blind to Barrack Obama being Black first and American second that's your ignorance right there the whole "beer in the rose garden" was that best example i can come up with off the top of my head.
That's your evidence ? Thank you for proving my point, you aren't wanting to open any line of communication. You want to complain. You are successfully complaining. You are not successfully backing up your claims.



If he were more of a barometer there would be speeches and what not about how the color of you skin, your religion, nationality etc. gives you NO special rights or privilages. Who the fuck are these people being born whatever color/race/religion you are and thinking American "OWES" them something.

So the president's job is to speechify to you about how no one has special rights ? Are you insinuating the opposite ? Please provide specific examples. (I don't even know why I keep asking)



As far as my statement about i'll call you a racial slur I was intending that statement to mean Blacks use their slavery heritage (if they even have it) To call whites whatever they want however the world comes to an end everytime some white guy says "******".
To most whites the slurs against them are almost laughable. How has being white ever been a bad thing in the USA ? There's no racial oppression backing those words, no history of slavery, no socio-economical mistreatment. Right or wrong (which it is still wrong) are you honestly offended when someone says honkey, or cracker ? Those words carry no where near the same historical weight. Now I agree with you about the double standard regarding the N-bomb, but the eventual usage of the variant amongst blacks was likely a social way of de-powering the word's despicable origins.


Lastly your PC bullshit is exactly the problem as well being a Mexican-American African-American, Hungarian-American fucking waaaah Anyone of these _______-American maens you carry a dual citizenship anyways. I'll bet you any money you have Called an Indian man a towelhead or Arab in your so now what are you going to do to be PC about that?

You assume way too much, about too many things. However I don't think there's a racial slur I haven't used jokingly amongst friends, but the intent is not to hurt or demean. If I have an argument with someone, and out of a lack of any tangible negative to grasp I call them a racial slur, I am a racist. And no, having a hyphen in your checkmark box doesn't necessarily mean you have a dual citizenship. It's a simple identifier for the census folks. Don't read too much into it.



And yes they are MAINLY fucking mexicans you don't call a tech support or customer service line and hear "Press 2 for Chinese"
Not really sure what you are trying to imply here.
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To most whites the slurs against them are almost laughable. How has being white ever been a bad thing in the USA ? There's no racial oppression backing those words, no history of slavery, no socio-economical mistreatment. Right or wrong (which it is still wrong) are you honestly offended when someone says honkey, or cracker ? Those words carry no where near the same historical weight. Now I agree with you about the double standard regarding the N-bomb, but the eventual usage of the variant amongst blacks was likely a social way of de-powering the word's despicable origins.

I would say attending a majority black school during black history month would be a start. The holiday that is on monday was never a good day. Trying to get on the football team or basketball team at same high school. Us of lighter color had golf and and soccer to play.


Trying to get on the Columbus fire department in the early 1990's when the quota system all but locked out white male non veterans. Numerous scholarships were closed to me because I lacked as much melanin as someone else.


But we all know, no one discriminates against white people. All us whiteys having everything handed to us on a silver platter and don't have to work at anything to get what we want in life.


I want my reprirations now. $100 bills will be fine.;)

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This.. words only have power when people give them power. Beer has power without the need for words :D


Nothing is truly right or wrong its the mind that makes it so.



To the OP

I think your post is a little off base honestly. I agree that we need to change things but I don't agree with your "validation". Racism is still and its large. It may not be the same as it used to be for some AMERICANS but shit almost everyone I mean makes some type of jab at Somalians. I've heard mexicans go off about them. I mean really.


Racism is a very sad part of life. It's you look diffrent then me therefor you inferior.

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I would say attending a majority black school during black history month would be a start. The holiday that is on monday was never a good day. Trying to get on the football team or basketball team at same high school. Us of lighter color had golf and and soccer to play.


Trying to get on the Columbus fire department in the early 1990's when the quota system all but locked out white male non veterans. Numerous scholarships were closed to me because I lacked as much melanin as someone else.


But we all know, no one discriminates against white people. All us whiteys having everything handed to us on a silver platter and don't have to work at anything to get what we want in life.


I want my reprirations now. $100 bills will be fine.;)


I cant just read this one without replying...


You could have probably made the team if you were good. I got cut from the baseball team and failed golf in gym class. I never once thought it was because I was black. I knew 5 white guys hired at the fire station in the 90's on Weber and McGuffy (the main reason why I had to post). Finally, there are millions of scholarships out there to choose from. I guess I could complain about scholarships for women only, but I have better things to do.

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We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias


This is from the hacker manifesto. This is what the internet is to me. When I talk to someone on CR I don't think hey there such and such race "Aside for christian and norm because they are dirty ricans and columbians"....

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I got one for you guys...


I read that black people that commited crimes in the past were more likely to go to jail. This is from not having money for representation, stereotyping, etc. Now a days a white guy is more likely to be commited than a black person. This is because people are so scared of how the courts will be perceived that they are more likley to let the black man go free. I'll have to check my sources but it makes sense. With the way people tip toe around race I am not surprised at all. A criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid.


How do you guys feel about that?

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