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If you went on a date with a girl, and she sent up like 3 or 4 red flags that have been trained to you in suicide prevention calsses, what would you do? This is naturally after you already ended the date early and told her to GTFO of the car
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She is really hot, why else would I be taking her out?


Basically I got her number on Monday and set up to take her out to Starbucks on Friday at 4PM. I ask her where I am picking her up and she is all I will let you know Friday, yeah cool whatever. Text her up on Thursday with the, so where am I picking you up at and she gives me her address and I tell her I will be there at 4pm again.


Well Friday rolls around and I get to her house and knock on the door, her dad answer's and I ask if she is there. He is kinda surprised and is like I'll go look. He comes back down and is like she will be down in a min. After 5 min I get the hint that she was not ready, girls do that, whatever, after 10 minuets I am about ready to walk to the car and say fuck it and she comes down. I am already annoyed with her, we get in the car and it goes something like that.


Me. So what the fuck, you think I was going to flake or did you flake on me?

Her, You never gave me a heads up that you where actually coming, I was laying in bed naked.

me. I told you on monday I was going to be there at 4, and again Thursday, WTF over?

HEr. I never really make plans, I am always last minuet I was about to go get

my nails done.

At this point she is putting makeup on and I am like damn, high maintenance, she agues that she isn't, I say something along the lines of yeah right, we might just see the president today too. She then proceeds to severely fuck up her makeup and asks if I'll pull over for a min, for some reason I agree too and she looks at me and I can see. I proceeded to tease her for it and she starts laughing, things are going kind of good now. Then she brings up that she needs to go to the mall and get her nails done.


I forget what brought it up, I think I asked her what she liked to do for fun, and she is like I like to drink alot and party. Then just starts to spill the fucking beans about how she never really liked to drink or anything untill her ex boyfriend fucked a 15 year old. She just starts going off about it kind of.


I am like, I don't want to talk about your ex boyfriends at all

she says, o well this happened back in june or whatever

I say, are you not over the dude, he cheated on you, there are other guy's out there


She starts to back pedal


I make a VERY obvious subject change and ask about the weather


She feels awkward lol




rest is rather pointless, So we head to Starbucks and get the shit, there is no place to sit so I am like let's hit up this local park down the street and chill.


She is like, that's cool


WE go there, and talked it was going ok and I was making her laugh she brings up nails again, strike fucking two... Not only is this girl pissing me off, she is really nothing more then just a attractive shell of a girl, minus her going to college, this girl is fucking boring. I am a very cultured guy, I like the Performing arts, Live Music, Museums, racing car clubs, fucking alot of diffrent events that I enjoy going to see. Her primary deal is to go clubbing, and the mall. BORING!


We keep talking, maybe a whole 20 minuets into the whole date, she brings up nails again, strike three...


I say, Well I better get you home so you can get your nails done. Start car, start driving I really don't have shit to say.


She says, well if you where a girl you would understand how important these things are, trying to joke about it and make me laugh.


I am not impressed at all


She then starts with the sorry bullshit again... whatever, she says awkward.


Driving down her street, she asks me, how often do you take random girls to Starbucks


I tell her she is the 4th or 5th one this week. That was actually pretty true too!

She says.. o...


I then tell her. Taking a girl to coffee is a easy and CHEEP date that allows me to talk to the girl and get to know her. It makes it really easy to determin who is worth taking on a second date and who isn't worth it. I drive to the front of her house, let her out, and drive off.


At that point, I called up another girl, and this was our second date, and it went really well.



AFter the fact I felt a little bad, I then put together ex boyfriend cheated, she is bringing it up to fucking strangers, drinking a lot, kind of sends up the red flag that we are trained to look for in soldiers... So I made this post.




Hinsight, I hit her up on face book, Tell her that even though yesterday still sucks, she is pretty, I have texted her a little bit I may try to screw her.

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I detected no hint of suicidal tendancies in your synopsis of what happened. It sounds like a match made in heaven. Although your views, experiences, and likes/dislikes may be different, she seemed like a girl acting they way I would expect a typical girl her age to act. You guys are in your early 20's. I dont see anything odd weird about the way either of you acted. In your 30's or further down the line you both may treat the experience in a different way.
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I detected no hint of suicidal tendancies in your synopsis of what happened. It sounds like a match made in heaven. Although your views, experiences, and likes/dislikes may be different, she seemed like a girl acting they way I would expect a typical girl her age to act. You guys are in your early 20's. I dont see anything odd weird about the way either of you acted. In your 30's or further down the line you both may treat the experience in a different way.


beat me to it.


She sounds like most girls our age, and I'm willing to bet she's not half as crazy as some of the wacky fucks I've dated

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sounds like she wanted to get her nails done to dig them into to you better...


she is depressed for sure...but, try another lame date with her, and call her 2 hours before you plan to go. see how that goes and report back..that or go bang her in the back seat and see how she likes it when you ignore her for a month afterwards.

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