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how to get puppies to stop yapping all night?


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so we have 2, 7 week old puppies... the cry ALL night... I figured I would ask if anyone knows any tricks to get them to stop. The only way that we can get them to stop is if we take them out of their cage, but that isn't an option because they are not potty trained.
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so we have 2, 7 week old puppies... the cry ALL night... I figured I would ask if anyone knows any tricks to get them to stop. The only way that we can get them to stop is if we take them out of their cage, but that isn't an option because they are not potty trained.


Breed? Do you own the mother? Generally, 8 weeks is the earliest(though, I think it should be 9-10 weeks) that puppies should be taken from the mother. If taken before, there's great possibility of social issues.


You need to not confine them to a cage by themselves, I would not be concerned with potty training anyway, just yet, as they're way too young to even be by themselves.


If you have a old clock that the hand ticks it in with them. Its like the moms heart beat hope that helps you


I would also suggest this when you're not around. It worked sooooo well for my dog when he was a puppy.

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their mother is in Chilocothe, the cage was in my daughter's room... now we just brought it into our master bathroom and shut the door (but I'm seeing that ceramic tile just makes it echo more!) (but we do have a loud clock in there)


they are in a cage together (sisters) and they only cry at night....


their father is yellow lab and their mother is syberian huskie.


as far as potty training, NO WAY would I let them roam around my house and piss and shit everywhere, so potty training is a huge issue for me when it comes to me sleeping.

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as far as potty training, NO WAY would I let them roam around my house and piss and shit everywhere, so potty training is a huge issue for me when it comes to me sleeping.


Don't let them roam; make a small pen area with lots of soft blankets or towels and make sure it's in a warm area.

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heaty blanket and a clock are the best way to do it.


been there , done that. with mother less kittens a pups.


the cage should be fine, make sure its soft, and warm(if its caged, sit it over a heat vent, and it will keep the blankets warm.) if not a heated blanket work wonders. i cant sleep with a kittne cryin, or the puppy whine is the worst.(depending on the dog)

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or a stuffed animal(shaggy,soft) , (check it for metal first) toss it in the microwave.


once they are alseep, your golden..(we did this the first night, and it worked till we got a heated blanket)


(this trick works best after you make them go to the bathroom)


7 weeks still need mothered. they are looking for the heart beat, and the warmth from mommy. you just cant pull them away from the teat and expect them to be dogs.

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Don't let them roam; make a small pen area with lots of soft blankets or towels and make sure it's in a warm area.


I agree. Puppies use the bathroom a lot and you dont want to let them get used to going in their own cage. Set up a blocked off area at night. Work on getting them used to their cage in small segments during the day. I put up a little board in front of my bathroom with a little dog bed in there and a few toys. Much easier on the cleanup and the dog didnt mind it at all.

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I agree. Puppies use the bathroom a lot and you dont want to let them get used to going in their own cage. Set up a blocked off area at night. Work on getting them used to their cage in small segments during the day. I put up a little board in front of my bathroom with a little dog bed in there and a few toys. Much easier on the cleanup and the dog didnt mind it at all.

they also wont go in their "personal area" either... that's why crate training is so effective.


I tried to lay on the floor for them to sleep.... they would whine and want out, but if I let them out they would fall asleep right there in the middle of the floor almost as soon as they set foot outside of their cage. (I think it has something to do with they were outside dogs before we got them and never have been caged before.) I think a week or so from now they will learn that at night time they sleep and go in their cages... the tricky part is me going to be able to survive on more than an hour of sleep at night while these hellians whine and bark all night.


P.S. gotta love that it's 6am and time to get ready for work and for the first time all night they have finally shut up!

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Puppies use the bathroom a lot and you dont want to let them get used to going in their own cage.


My understanding on this part is that it needs to be just big enough for them to sleep in. If it's big enough for them to go piss in the corner and sleep in the other one, they will. But they won't piss where they are sleeping. My parents had a cage with their last 2 dogs that was big enough for them when they were full grown. Then my dad cut out a piece of plywood that size of the cage and zip tied it in for an easily movable barrier to make the cage bigger and bigger until they were full grown and/or trained. It worked great with their current dog, but she's a good dog and was easily trainable. The one before that, not so much. But I think he was just possessed anyways. Some dogs are just too wild to make inside dogs, he was a 'full bred' beagle who probably had too much inbreeding.


Cover the cage with a blanket, they like the dark. It will probably muffle the sound a bit too. :D


Edit: I hadn't read your post yet so it looks like you know at least the top part.

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Breed? Do you own the mother? Generally, 8 weeks is the earliest(though, I think it should be 9-10 weeks) that puppies should be taken from the mother. If taken before, there's great possibility of social issues.




disagree. I have had 6 pups, 2 at a time all at 6 weeks each. There is not a chance of social issues. You will have to back that statement up. Pups only have a social issue when they are not socialized with as many other dogs as possible at a young age. Dogs need to learn their place in the world and that is taught by other dogs. When you keep a pup at home all the time it becomes a social retard and develops behavioral issues like seperation anxiety where they destroy while you are away or becoming territorial and aggressive towards other animals. Take them to Alum Creek dog park or to Antrim park and let them play with as many dogs as possible. Walk them through downtown on a leash all the time to see tons of people...cars...other animals.


Puppies will whine...they will bark at night. Its a lot like having a baby for the first few weeks. They WILL stop and sleep the night through. They just need a little time. The first few weeks suck, but will end before you know it. Try the clock thing and also an article of clothing or towel with your scent on it. Otherwise...let them cry, it's NORMAL. It will stop soon enough.

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I have 3 dogs, so I don't think there's any chance of them having a social disorder.


Its still good to get them around as many others as you can. The more they meet the better tempered they will be. I may have missed where you said you had 3 so thats cool.

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you could get a heated blanket and go to water beds etc and buy one of those dogs who look like they are breathing and place it in there. then they will ahve warmth and the motion of a sleeping mom..


just a quick thought dont really know how effective it would be but that would be a good simulation i think

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my dog is a lab / german shephard mix... we don't crate him at night, but I might try to put him in his crate with the 2 pups tonight and see how that works out. (he's about 2 years old so he's full size and doesn't make a mess while we're sleeping)
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Follow Rob's advice. It's about the only reliable thing in this thread. The pups still need their mom, so simulate her.

:rolleyes: please, i have no idea what im talking about.


i have done this with more animals then anyone should have to. But we ended up getting it down pat. we had a bean bag thing that you can heat up in the microwave, and it stays warm. well we put that inside a old unstuffed teddy bear. after they are done eating. take a warm cloth and you can make them go potty. set the warmed teddy down in there area, and they will crawl right up to it and go to sleep.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/doggie%20pics/100_2924.jpgnormally your good for atleast 4-6 hours. for us it was do this every 4 to 6 hours for a few weeks.


we had it easy tho. after feeding each kitten or pup, we could hand one off to one of the dogs and they would sit there and wash there face, clean them up. and pretty much get them ready to sleep.huni was a big help with mo


maybe thats why he thinks he's a dog..who knows tho. hell even smokey got in on it.



but you need help with them, or guidance on puppy learnins , dont be affraid to call and ask.

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