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I'm a Krav Maga/CrossFit trainer for Ohio Krav Maga. We are opening a new gym right off polaris so that would be close to you, as well as the one we have in Gahanna. Free classes on Saturday the 30th if you want to come try. http://ohiokravmaga.com/OKM-LewCtrGrandOpen-web.pdf


For diet.. look up the paleo diet. Lean protein, nuts, berries, fruits and veggies. Or think about buying and eating only things on the outer loop of the grocery store(except for dairy). Stay away from all processed/boxed food.


As for working out.. Look up CrossFit. Stay away from isolation, just do compound movements. http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/CFJ-trial.pdf

The philosophy behind CrossFit:


Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean,

squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly,

master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups,

dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to

handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds.

Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.

Edited by black00ws6
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Don't buy a gym membership because honestly you'll never go, then get pissed that you're locked in for a year.. you can't just buy a healthy body. Start out slow by eating good foods and just do some pushups/situps at home, maybe buy some cheap free weights off craigslist or something. Turn on some music and workout for 10-20 minutes a day to start. Also ask your mom to pick up some frozen chicken breasts at the store, throw them on a pan for about 20 minutes.. healthy as fuck. Load up on protein and veggies and you'll have energy while working out.

This is fantastic advice, I only recently bought an additional gym membership because I knew I'd be in there so much.

As far as "healthier food choices", try fixing up grilled chicken with whole grain rice (mix it together in a bowl) or maybe in a whole grain taco shell. I know when I make "tacos" for lunch or dinner, it's only around 400-500 calories for the entire meal and it's pretty lean. Fwiw, I've been more adamant about my health for the past 4 weeks (this is tuesday of week 4) and I've already lost 8 pounds. I went from 202.6 starting weight to my last weigh-in on Sunday of 194.6 exactly. Along with losing weight, I'm also gaining a little more muscle mass (even my family have noticed my arms becoming more "toned".).

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This is fantastic advice, I only recently bought an additional gym membership because I knew I'd be in there so much.

As far as "healthier food choices", try fixing up grilled chicken with whole grain rice (mix it together in a bowl) or maybe in a whole grain taco shell. I know when I make "tacos" for lunch or dinner, it's only around 400-500 calories for the entire meal and it's pretty lean. Fwiw, I've been more adamant about my health for the past 4 weeks (this is tuesday of week 4) and I've already lost 8 pounds. I went from 202.6 starting weight to my last weigh-in on Sunday of 194.6 exactly. Along with losing weight, I'm also gaining a little more muscle mass (even my family have noticed my arms becoming more "toned".).



I would stay away from "whole grains".. trying eating a half an avacado with your chicken along with cupfuls of veggies. On a calorie to calorie basis, whole grains are not as good source as fiber as people think when compared to eating the same amount in fruits/veggies (calorie wise).


With that chicken breast eat half an avacado, a cup of brocoli, a cup of carrots, and a cup of spinach. Much more vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, etc, etc, etc than having whole grain rice/taco... plus a lot more food for the same or less calories

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The Anabolic workout I was mentioning are short burst of workouts then a calming period.


Here is an example.


Run for a block full sprint, Then walk for a block then do it over again.


Start small and work your way up.

I incorporate that to almost everything I do at the gym.


I can get on the elliptical or tread mill and full out run for 1 min then do sit ups or push ups 10 each.


Ive almost reached 100 push ups/sit ups plus the mins in between all of it.


I do this when I enter and leave the gym.


I started out only being able to to do a quarter of that when I first started it with my regular routine in the gym. I started small and worked my way up and the results are awesome.


However allot of what you want to accomplish will be in your diet.


Like Dover said earlier, I'm wondering with what were doing how good the results will be. I personally dont wanna cut out drinking but I see it helping allot If I do.


Just food for thought, Anebolic workouts have done me good but its different for everyone else.


But a Question I';m wondering is are you doing this to loose weight or build muscle and cut weight?

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I only read a few replies but your original post was a huge loaded question that has alot of different answer's honestly. I'll make some quick points.


I work out at LifeTime Fitness in dublin, its open 24/7 and i pay 49.99/month. Its not far from polaris but unfortunatly its the complete opposite direction than reynoldsburg.


Stop drinking soda, even the diet shit (which is really just as bad) drink water and if you need something with taste, 100% juicy juice (has no high fructose corn syrup). As for healthy eating alot of it is common sense and common sense will carry you pretty far until you hit your plateau. As for what I like eating, chicken with roasted red potatos and green beans is an average lunch for me and its easy as hell to make.


Thing i dont get is, at one point in time you were obviously very athletic to be a ranked CC runner, so why not just do what you did when you were running competitively?

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Oh and I almost forgot, you seem pretty intent on going to the gym or working out in general and thats great but try and get into a sport or hobby that makes you workout. For me I play hockey and I love it but I notice a HUGE difference in my game when Im working out between games and when im not. SuperGTP boxes (which is a great workout and is alot of fun too), there's a ton of other stuff, biking, indoor soccer, hookup with your friend and do some running if thats what you were into before? Whatever you sport/hobby is make sure it involves you working for it. I always want to get better at hockey so i'll go to drop-in's and optional practice's thats just as good if not better than a workout at the gym.
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I only read a few replies but your original post was a huge loaded question that has alot of different answer's honestly. I'll make some quick points.


I work out at LifeTime Fitness in dublin, its open 24/7 and i pay 49.99/month. Its not far from polaris but unfortunatly its the complete opposite direction than reynoldsburg.


Stop drinking soda, even the diet shit (which is really just as bad) drink water and if you need something with taste, 100% juicy juice (has no high fructose corn syrup). As for healthy eating alot of it is common sense and common sense will carry you pretty far until you hit your plateau. As for what I like eating, chicken with roasted red potatos and green beans is an average lunch for me and its easy as hell to make.


Thing i dont get is, at one point in time you were obviously very athletic to be a ranked CC runner, so why not just do what you did when you were running competitively?

with in 3 weeks notice i had to up an leave california an move to ohio. left my whoel life i had ever known behind... was going threw some depression for a while an just coudl not get back into it.





But a Question I';m wondering is are you doing this to loose weight or build muscle and cut weight?

my main concern right nwo is to lose weight... i have gained 23 pounds (all to my gut) since i went form being a waiter to sitting in a cubicle all day long.


so main goal is to trim down my gut lose a few pounds an i wan tto try to bulk up

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Thing i dont get is, at one point in time you were obviously very athletic to be a ranked CC runner, so why not just do what you did when you were running competitively?


That is wayyy easier said then done. In HS, I used to eat Wendys and TBell everyday at lunch, and run 75 miles a week. It would take me probably 8-10 months to get back to that level. I wasn't a slouch either, running 16:20s for 5k, and 1:5X's for the 800m.

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This, bigtime. My roommate is an ex cage fighter and his sister wrestles on TNA (Ashley, part of "The Beautiful People"). "You just gonna sit around playing games all night, fatty?" gets me pissed off and makes me go lift heavy shit.

This girl?



Wow, I watch TNA each week. Didn't know she was from Ohio.

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Here is what I try to stick by as far as far as my diet goes. This is the daily reccomended amount, based off a 180 lb man. I am 200 so I just add a little.


Carbs – 125-200


Protein - 250-300


Fat – Low as possible – 75 grams or lower



Try 40-30-30


40% carbs

30% protein

30% fat



People on diets need to get it out of their head that eating fat is bad for you.. Eating fat is essential to BURNING fat. Not animal fat though (butter, cow fat, pig fat, etc), I'm talking about omega 3 fats, the fats in avacados, salmon, walnuts, olive oil and others.


Monosaturated fats in the diet make us feel "fuller" and decreases the rate that carbs are absorbed in the blood. Slow carbs absorbed means lower insulin levels which means less fat stored.

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I know it sounds silly, but studies have shown that people who eat breakfast have a much easier time of losing weight.


Im trying to get into shape.. NOT lose weight. I think there is a huge difference.


What are your goals for being in Shape? What are your priority?


We joined Urban Active, and havent had any issues with the equipment. Yes the PT sale was annoying but it was ONE day that we recieved it and dude kicked our ass that day, and gained a lot f information from our talk with him.


However, talking to your PCP is probably the best place to start as far as a diet and suggested excersize regemine.

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btw holy crapppp my arms are so soar from workin out that they are stuck in like a L positon. i cant bend them down an lock them at all haha. my buddy is goign to be helping me along this process but sucks cause his work out yesterday consisted of bi/tri cept stuff an holy crap im outta shape .


but i did run a few miles on teh thread mill an did a dead sprint for 1/2 mile at the end as well ahh i miss running

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Make sure you have a well rounded workout schedule too. Dont do bench press, curls, and tricep workouts everyday you go in there trying to boost your self esteem.


All your going to do is beef up the front of your body and pull your muscles out of wack and next thing you know your having back issues, or one leg shorter than the other due to your muscles being unbalanced.


Keep your weight down while lifting, have control while your lifting weight.


Like today I was watching these two kids trying to push 70lb dumbells and only have like a total of six inches movement, what the hell to they think their boosting besides their self esteem?


Just use common sense and you find what works for you. No one exercise Ive read works for me I take pieces here and there. Take pieces from other people in the gym.

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Make sure you have a well rounded workout schedule too. Dont do bench press, curls, and tricep workouts everyday you go in there trying to boost your self esteem.


All your going to do is beef up the front of your body and pull your muscles out of wack and next thing you know your having back issues, or one leg shorter than the other due to your muscles being unbalanced.


Keep your weight down while lifting, have control while your lifting weight.


Like today I was watching these two kids trying to push 70lb dumbells and only have like a total of six inches movement, what the hell to they think their boosting besides their self esteem?


Just use common sense and you find what works for you. No one exercise Ive read works for me I take pieces here and there. Take pieces from other people in the gym.


hes got a work out plan that deals with one day focues on one area then net day the other an so on so on so each week every area gets focued on evenly. an then efter each work out no matter what we do will be hitting the tread mills as well

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If you're sore you're doing it wrong. For about two weeks do 3-4 sets/15-20 reps of a weight that feels too light just to get your body used to doing shit; you need to build a foundation to work hard on later. If you go balls out right off the bat you're just going to get hurt and frustrated. You can't get diesel overnight.. you probably won't even see results for another month or so and that's only if you stick to it.


I'm seeing a lot of real technical replies that belong in other threads. I'm far from any kind of physician, but for you (and many others), just fucking doin something is all you need to focus on right now.


oh no i know im not going all out.. im going very light on this. i just havent been to a gym in over 7 years so im soar lol ughhhh it hurt to wipe my ass this morning :lol:

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If you're sore you're doing it wrong. For about two weeks do 3-4 sets/15-20 reps of a weight that feels too light just to get your body used to doing shit; you need to build a foundation to work hard on later. If you go balls out right off the bat you're just going to get hurt and frustrated. You can't get diesel overnight.. you probably won't even see results for another month or so and that's only if you stick to it.


I'm seeing a lot of real technical replies that belong in other threads. I'm far from any kind of physician, but for you (and many others), just fucking doin something is all you need to focus on right now.


i disagree, balls to the wall, thats how i got diesel overnight.;)

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