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Any SciFi nerds here?

Trouble Maker

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I'm not a huge dork about it, but definitely get into it sometimes. Caught a piece of Caprica a few days ago and watched the first 2 episodes online today, think I'm going to start DVRing it.


Anyone else watch this show?


I'm going to assume if you do, then you probably watched Battelstar. Anyone have them on DVD they can lend me to watch?


I'm really liking the base idea of this show because I've read a little into the singularity concept. I also think this will be the decade of robotics. We will see usable robots i.e. 'autonomous' workers like ASIMO and probably some very realistic prosthetics. Though, I don't think we will see AI or anything even resembling it for at least a few more years.

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I watched it (when it was on months ago, and Friday) and so far, I'm not impressed. I know it was the pilot, but it had better kick up the action or I'm done with it.


Did you expect it to have as much action as (I assume) Battlestar had? :confused:


My understand is it's the story of what lead to the 'downfall', everything would probably relatively OK at the beginning.


Morpheus : Welcome.....to the desert of the real...We have only bits and pieces of information, but what we know for certain is that some point in the early twenty-first century all of mankind was united in celebration. We marvelled at our own magnificence...as we gave birth...to A.I.

Neo : A.I. - you mean Artificial Intelligence?

Morpheus : A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.

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It is just ok and I loved and watched all Battlestar Galatica religiously. I am more happy with Stargate Universe then Caprica right now.




BTW, SyFy has gone to shit. Whoever runs that channel is ruining it.


Oh and truth.

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Did you expect it to have as much action as (I assume) Battlestar had? :confused:


My understand is it's the story of what lead to the 'downfall', everything would probably relatively OK at the beginning.


No, I don't expect it to have as much action, but it does need to have some. This soap opera shit won't cut it for long.


And I find SG:U to be pretty dull as well. I wish they'd have kept SG:A going instead.

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I watched it (when it was on months ago, and Friday) and so far, I'm not impressed. I know it was the pilot, but it had better kick up the action or I'm done with it.


BTW, SyFy has gone to shit. Whoever runs that channel is ruining it.


I'm not suprised. It's sort of a prequel to Battlestar (which I could never get into. Loved the original one when I was kid, but not this one.), and they were quoted as saying (I won't be quoting) that regular Battlestar alienated too many women viewers with it's scifi dorkiness and they were going to try and fix that on this show. So, they're femming it out, basically. I think I may've read about this on wiki.

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