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Is there ever a point where a gym will close enrollment because there are too many people? I go to Urban Active, and its getting ridiculously packed, to the point where there are the following problems:


No parking spots

No treadmills

People camp on the machines

There are like 50 juiceheads, and about 4 benches (do the math)

Grenades laying all over the floor trying to become hot (impossible)


It just pisses me off that it used to be livable, but now its getting to the point that I don't want to go. Additionally, im in a 1 year contract.

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I agree. I have been getting so mad about that crap there. It takes me longer to fina a damned parking spot than anything. My buddy has been a member there for a while and he said it will die down around March. he says it always gets like this around the new year because of all the people and ther New Year Resolutions. He said they all fall off around March and it is back to the normal people again.
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same thing at my gym... when i started last week it was packed but not unbearable... but the lady up front sadi itll die down in march when ever one gives up on there new years resolution.



also it might be the time of the day you go... obviously before work 6-7am an after work 4-8 is gonan be there peak times ... just food for thought

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I am a memeber at UA and it has always been that way. I avoid it now until after 8pm it is not that bad and a lot more of a laid back crowd.


If you go at open to around 7 it is nice too.


Last week I drove by at 6:30 -packed

I came back at 8:30 - still packed.


Its so bad, people have to park in front of Average Joes just to get a spot. Its ridiculous too because that plaza has no parking, and it is not even halfway filled up with tenants/businesses yet.

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I am a memeber at UA and it has always been that way. I avoid it now until after 8pm it is not that bad and a lot more of a laid back crowd.


If you go at open to around 7 it is nice too.



I have been early and its pretty nice. Also around 3:00pm its pretty dead. I don't get off until 6 mon-weds so I don't get there until 6:30. Right smack dab in to the madness. Regardless I am still able to get my workout done in about an hour or so.

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Last week I drove by at 6:30 -packed

I came back at 8:30 - still packed.


Its so bad, people have to park in front of Average Joes just to get a spot. Its ridiculous too because that plaza has no parking, and it is not even halfway filled up with tenants/businesses yet.


prolly should go to average joes anyway.:cool:

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I considered joining Urban Active. I went to the one in Hilliard for a week (over last summer) and was disappointed for many of the reasons you cited - like it was waaaay too packed. Seriously, there had to have been 4,967 trainers alone. I don't do cardio per se, so I didn't care about the treadmill situation, but if I did I would have been disappointed about that too, considering how crowded those were as well. In the end, Urban Active, while a nice facility, didn't score high enough in the areas that mattered to me to justify a (pricey) switch from Lifestyle Fitness. (BTW, I know, Lifestyle is the suxors, but that's a different thread topic.)
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Yo, you all need to come to my gym and mire my gains. I have a body that small villages paint murals on the walls of me as their god. Once you see my workout, all you will be able to do is sit back and be in awe...


I also forgot to mention that another thing that was annoying about Urban Active was all of the cameras and reporters and documentary people following me around the gym and drooling and swooning and passing out everytime I would finish a set and flex in the mirror when I got my pump on. That and when I would have to stop between sets and to allow women to pleasure me.

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