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I may be going to college. Suggestions needed


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We'll it sounds as though I may be enrolling in some sort of 2 year associates degree type program. Most likely at Columbus state. Its either that or a trades school. I need to decide what to do. Its free due to my accident, so I get payed to be a full time student and get a free ride. (pending everything goes through)


So what should I go for? I have permanent restrictions on work so any job I do must only be 8 hrs a day, no overtime, and due to restrictions and needs I will probably have to do a decent amount of sitting.

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I can probably get the 8hr limitation lifted at some point. I need something that I can start at around $60k right outta school or within a reasonable amount of time. I thought HVAC but dont know how the old body would hold up to the work conditions. I am also not sure since the opportunity is there if I should waste it on a trades skill.
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I'd also suggest drafting... lots of companies (and governments) need stuff drawn, whether it's a general contractor applying for the permit to build someone's backyard deck, to a county planner doubling the capacity of a sewage treatment plant.
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I can probably get the 8hr limitation lifted at some point. I need something that I can start at around $60k right outta school or within a reasonable amount of time. I thought HVAC but dont know how the old body would hold up to the work conditions. I am also not sure since the opportunity is there if I should waste it on a trades skill.


60k right out of college or shortly after? That's a tall order for an associates degree. What are your other skills you can apply along with the skills of the degree?

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60k right out of college or shortly after? That's a tall order for an associates degree. What are your other skills you can apply along with the skills of the degree?


agreed. associates will most likely not get you to this payband without a boat load of experience to back it. i know people with masters degrees that are only making 50's. my suggestion is to go to franklin university and do the accelerated bachelors program. 3 years for a 4 year degree and its not expensive. stay an extra 16 months after your bachelors for a masters degree. be done with a masters in the time that regular people get a bachelors and jump back into the market with far better chances. I have a coworker that has 3 masters degrees MIS, project mgmt, and HR. she makes 58k (i know nothing of her work ethic or anything else than the stated facts).


what kind of experience do you have currently? we are hiring a lot, but we are always looking for very peticular skill sets.

Edited by timmy43016
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I need something that I can start at around $60k right outta school or within a reasonable amount of time.



Not gonna happen. I have a 2 year assoc Electronic Engineering degree with over 15 years experience with different certs and I can't even find a job that makes over $40k a year. This economy sucks and probably will be the same for another few years.


If your getting a free ride than go to school for something you really like and will enjoy doing for the rest of your life.

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I contemplated this. There are LOTS of different types of employment that use CAD. I believe ITT has a course for this as well...






ITT does offer a course. I have been through it and I would not do it again if I could. For the "education" you receive it's not worth the cost. Most of the people I see where I work that have come from ITT are not very good. I spent a lot of time on my own actually going through and learning a lot of autocad that they didn't teach. It was pretty much here are the basics and complete these handouts. A lot of the time the teacher sent people to me because they had no idea how to do things. Hope you find something you really enjoy doing

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