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Knife carriers


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Who keeps a knife with them? I'm talking more utility and less Crocodile Dundee. What do you take with you? I've never owned anything besides a single-blade from Gander. Now that I am always opening toys for the kids, fixing little jobs around the house, etc, I'd like a cool knife. Small enough for front pocket.


I'm leaning towards this - http://www.crkt.com/Guppie , but know zero about good vs bad knife companies.

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i have a few crkt knives. they are not bad. i try not to spend a lot on knives i carry b/c i have a tendency to lose them lol. i got 2 CRKT on ebay for 20 bucks.


had a smith and wesson knife i got at a gun show for 10 bucks that did me well for a while too.

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The "old school" of knives: Case XX. They still sell them. I bought mine new in the mid-70's for less than a sawbuck. The bone handle has worn a bit and the main blade has taken a lot of abuse, but it still cuts like a scalpel.



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^ thats the sw knife i had, except mine had serrations on the blade. it was a fine knife, esp considering i only paid 10 bucks for it lol. only problem was the screws on the clip came loose on me. put em back on with some loctite and never had a problem again.


ended up losing it somewhere downtown... had it when i went to work in the AM. when i went to go home, it was gone :(

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Favorite was a tanto-tipped, semi-serrated, Balisong. It fell apart on me and I haven't found another one like it. :(


But now I carry a foldable utility knife. Happens to be a Husky, but I've seen some really nice ones out there.


This one's a little nicer than mine:



But I like the idea behind these. If you're carrying a knife just for opening things, these are perfect. The benefits of a utility knife (Super sharp, easy to replace blades, high strength) with the benefits of a pocket knife (foldable, safety lock, belt clip).

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This is what I carry on me daily, HK auto axis tanto blade automatic side-folder. It's made by Benchmade for HK. It's a great knife, pricey but well worth it.

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this was my fav till i lost it. never had to sharpen it. it was awesome.



this is the one i carry now. Lifetime replacement and changable blades ftw.

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My questionably legal knives:


Ka-Bar TDI LDK (Last-Ditch Knife)




Spyderco Delica 4 VG-10 Stainless (normal carry knife)



Uzi Defender ZF-11



M Tech Stiletto Wood grip (cheap stabby knife)


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This is what I carry and use daily. I love the thing. Only problem I have with it is that I have to clean the blade assist way more then I would like. It get dust in it to easy.




It is listed at 70 but I think I got it for around 35 bucks.

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Who keeps a knife with them? I'm talking more utility and less Crocodile Dundee. What do you take with you? I've never owned anything besides a single-blade from Gander. Now that I am always opening toys for the kids, fixing little jobs around the house, etc, I'd like a cool knife. Small enough for front pocket.


I'm leaning towards this - http://www.crkt.com/Guppie , but know zero about good vs bad knife companies.


I don't know if you're looking for just a blade or something with some other features, but the Spyderco I pictured above has an EXTREMELY thin design. Unlike a lot of other knives that are really wide and waste space with grips, this thing (with the clip) is probably only 1/2" wide. Very comfortable to wear around everyday, you barely notice its there and, at least with the jeans I wear, I can fit it comfortably in the coin pocket.

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It depends on the need. I daily carry a variety of knives. I really like Spyderco, Benchmade and SOG for every day duty beat-the-hell-out-of and still keep going. I abuse my knives worse than anyone you know just to make sure they aren't going to fail when I need them. CRKT is good for a budget knife, but I don't recommend going any cheaper.
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I have a mantis with a 3" blade that i like to carry most of the time. If i'm at work i have a husky utility knife that i carry.




At the knife factory i bought mine at in tennessee alot of the sales rep there went from carrying spyderco and more expensive knives to carrying the mantis knives.

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I have a mantis with a 3" blade that i like to carry most of the time. If i'm at work i have a husky utility knife that i carry.




At the knife factory i bought mine at in tennessee alot of the sales rep there went from carrying spyderco and more expensive knives to carrying the mantis knives.


I like the Siko.

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I carry a Remington Sportsman series knife now but no matter what brand my knives always start falling apart a few months after using them, screws come loose etc... I hate it, I never lose my knives i keep them but hate trying to find a reliable one that is rediculously expensive.
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