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F-35 program...


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I didn't realize each plane was so damn costly...especially the F-22.



"Counting all the development costs, each F-35 is now projected to cost about $122 million compared with about $350 million for each F-22. Another concern is that additional problems often appear in flight testing. And a recent Navy study concluded that the F-35 could be significantly more expensive to operate than older fighters."

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I didn't realize each plane was so damn costly...especially the F-22.



"Counting all the development costs, each F-35 is now projected to cost about $122 million compared with about $350 million for each F-22. Another concern is that additional problems often appear in flight testing. And a recent Navy study concluded that the F-35 could be significantly more expensive to operate than older fighters."

that's one of the reasons the F-22 got cancelled, great aircraft but cost too much to build, maintain, and operate

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I, too, was pissed that they canned the F-35 program. However, that is an insane amount of money! I remember when F-14's were the most expensive plane in the Navy's aresenal, and they were about $40MM (in 1990's) dollars each. I can't imagine a plane breaking $100MM...too beaucoup.


As much as I look forward to one day being a pilot myself, I think they should put out more unmanned drones to do the fighting. Let fatty compu-geeks in a camo'ed trailer 30 miles from the front lines fly a bunch of Predators into action! :)


In my mind, the worst weapon would be an EMT generator, which would effectively kill the connection and power for a drone...but that would wipe out a manned fighter jet also, amirite???

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there was a problem with the F-22's and a few of them did crash



pilot was killed



Well I mean crash one and the pilot lives and maybe it was due to pilot error. To destroy something that costs $350 million bucks is hard to imagine.....w/out penalty.

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Well I mean crash one and the pilot lives and maybe it was due to pilot error. To destroy something that costs $350 million bucks is hard to imagine.....w/out penalty.

i agree with you, that's a ton of money to crash and not worry about, but the F-22's had a problem when taking off or landing(can't remember which one, but i'm sure it was landing) but there was a glitch with flaps i think and it would cause the plane to become unstable at low speeds during landing

Edited by SinisterSS
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Well I mean crash one and the pilot lives and maybe it was due to pilot error. To destroy something that costs $350 million bucks is hard to imagine.....w/out penalty.


how about $750 million...I was there a couple months after it happend a huge hole, they where still investigating.


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I was able to work at the F22 base in VA and got to see them taking off and landing. Very cool.


I have a video somewhere that i took from Langley refueling an F22 it was pretty badass. I have seen tons of Arial refueling from my tanker but by far the F22 was the best.

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how about $750 million...I was there a couple months after it happend a huge hole, they where still investigating.



DAMN! :eek: looks like the pilot lifted too early, 1st plane didn't lift until it was between sectors 6-7, 2nd plane lifted in sector 4-5

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true, but the dog fighting days have been over since WWII, as much as i love them, fighter jets aren't really needed anymore


We need all the fighter planes we can afford STFU. Trowa is all for stealth technology regardless of the cost.

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We need all the fighter planes we can afford STFU. Trowa is all for stealth technology regardless of the cost.


lol agreed, I've seen some wicked Russian aircraft, a couple are suppose to be considered stealth, and better than the F-22 so we still need to fund our stealth program, makes me wonder what the U.S. military really has, since the F-117 first flew in 1977, and the F-22 in the late 80's early 90's

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lol agreed, I've seen some wicked Russian aircraft, a couple are suppose to be considered stealth, and better than the F-22 so we still need to fund our stealth program, makes me wonder what the U.S. military really has, since the F-117 first flew in 1977, and the F-22 in the late 80's early 90's


American needs to have the best stealth planes and air force in the world. Israel better be second in line of us. If you think otherwise move to another country you pussy.

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American needs to have the best stealth planes and air force in the world. Israel better be second in line of us. If you think otherwise move to another country you pussy.


did you read my last few post? i know we need stealth aircraft, its the pussy's in congress that think its a waste of money

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:rolleyes: We need to stop supporting that nation, it causes nothing but problems. We need to mind more of our own fucking business in general.


All for minding our business and no one elses. Israel in general happens to be our business in my option.

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