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12+ Inches Of Snow...


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I can shovel my parents' concrete pad with no problems and not be sore.


I shovel my driveway which is about half the size of their concrete pad and I will be sore for days. Must be the incline of my driveway or something.

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I've never understood why people shovel their driveways. That shit will melt eventually.


I'm extremely anal about keeping my driveway clean. If I can't see blacktop, something is wrong.

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looks like its parked there, like its an extra spot


Yeah, that's just a turn around for my driveway.


I prefer not to use a snowblower or plow on my driveway, as it's gravel. So I get down as far as I can go without throwing stones all over my lawn. I've lived here since 2002 and only had my driveway plowed twice. I prefer to shovel it, if I can... :)

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