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Opinions on Walther PK380, S&W Sigma 9mm, Ruger LCP 380


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Looking into some sort of handgun in the $300 range. I went to Vances and handled the Ruger and Walther and liked both. I prefer a gun with an external safety, which is the reason why the Ruger is NOT an option.


Any opinions on these guns? I have been reading online and both the Ruger and Walther are pretty well liked. Haven't researched the Sigma yet.


Thanks guys.

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Well I want to have a gun that I can carry comfortably. I don't like the idea of a larger carry gun.


I went in looking for a gun for my wife to carry, which is why they showed me some of the smaller guns such as the Ruger. After I got home, I realize that my wife won't carry a gun. So I want to get myself one.


I already have a S&W 5906 that we both LOVE shooting, but it is a big, heavy gun. We shot the M&P 9mm and liked it, but I still think it is a bit too big for what I am comfortable carrying.


I am 100% new to the idea of carrying a gun. I obviously will take the class and be licensed before I carry. I also am NOT new to shooting guns. I had a membership to NASR last year and went almost every week.


I am however a bit concerned with the size of the gun, and obviously price as well.

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  MKV Aaron said:
After looking at the sigma, I guess it doesn't have a safety switch either, just the trigger style safety.


lol, I guess I narrowed it down to the Walther of the 3 I mentioned.


Any recommendations guys?


whats the big deal about the safety? your trigger finger is the only safety you need, unless you carry a 1911 type .45 then i would use the thumb safety since its a exposed hammer single action only gun.

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  ShAfT said:
whats the big deal about the safety? your trigger finger is the only safety you need, unless you carry a 1911 type .45 then i would use the thumb safety since its a exposed hammer single action only gun.


Comfort level. I don't feel comfortable with anything less.

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I haven't read through the other posts, but check out the Walther PP. pretty hard to find. note: this is the model before the ppk. Pretty comfortable handling, it has some weight to it though. but there is no recoil what so ever. not sure of the pricing though. its a pretty decent hand gun. Hope this helps.
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  MKV Aaron said:
Bersa Thunder 380?


If you can find one. Seriously though i looked for one of these for my brother Mike for christmas (went with an XD-9 subcompact instead) and could not find them anywhere. My other brother Matt bought one last year. Besides obviously being a smaller round it was a nice gun, good size. Small, but not 'toy gun' small. I hear they make critical defense ammo for it now which is what i would use if i carried it. I think he picked it up brand new for 280$ last year. My brother Matt also has a model 5906 like yours. I like it but its alot bigger than a Bersa Thunder 380.


The obvious choices are always Glock 26, XD's and M&P's both in subcompact sizes but none of those can be found brand new for under 500$

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Yeah I was going to say the Sigma doesnt' have an external safety. It is a good gun, but it has a very heavy trigger pull (that's the safety). Plus I would like it is a little large for a CCW gun if that is what you are looking for. I like the Walther PK380 as well. It is a little bigger than most other CCW 380's out there, but it is built off the same frame as the P22. I own one of the P22's and love to take it to the range to shoot. The frame is just the right size for my hands, so that is why I am leaning a little more torward that.


But best suggestion anyone can give you is to go to a range and rent these guns and see if it shoots the way you like. Handling a gun fully loaded may change the way you feel about the size and weight. Plus I always want to know how the gun will feel when I hoot before I buy.


Oh and if you know someone that is an NRA member and gets the American Rifleman magazine, there is a great write up on all the 380's that have been coming out for CCW.

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  MKV Aaron said:
Comfort level. I don't feel comfortable with anything less.


If it's for your piece of mind, you might consider not having a round chambered. I recently purchased a Glock, and am getting used to it and the holster/how I feel comfortable carrying it. Since I am fiddling with it so much I have not had a round chambered when carrying.


While many will say this is not the ideal level of readiness, I have also been practicing racking the slide while drawing. Since I am not blistering on the draw as it is, it has not significantly slowed down my speed.


Also if you purchase a holster that properly covers the trigger/trigger guard, I don't see how you could possibly have an accidental discharge.



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  MKV Aaron said:
Bersa Thunder 380?




Out of the original list, I've heard A LOT of bad about the Sigma, and Ruger handguns have never felt high quality to me. I've shot a couple Walther's, not sure about that model, but I did like them. You can't go wrong with a Bersa though, I'd really like to pick one up some time.

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  Not Brian said:
S&W Sigmas are junk, I've had two - a .40 and a 9mm. Trigger pull was like lifting a barbell with my finger and at least one round a magazine jammed no matter what brand of ammo.

a $12 trigger spring fixes that, as far as jamming, i never had a issue with any of mine, ofcourse i polished my feed ramp on all of them. what was the jamming issue, failure to feed or failure to eject?


  Hwilli said:
If it's for your piece of mind, you might consider not having a round chambered. I recently purchased a Glock, and am getting used to it and the holster/how I feel comfortable carrying it. Since I am fiddling with it so much I have not had a round chambered when carrying.


While many will say this is not the ideal level of readiness, I have also been practicing racking the slide while drawing. Since I am not blistering on the draw as it is, it has not significantly slowed down my speed.




try chambering a round with one had :rolleyes: and while were on that topic, should spend time at the range shooting off hand, as in if your right handed, shoot with your left and vise versa. never know if you will be in a situation where your shooting hand in broken or un useable.

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  ShAfT said:
a $12 trigger spring fixes that, as far as jamming, i never had a issue with any of mine, ofcourse i polished my feed ramp on all of them. what was the jamming issue, failure to feed or failure to eject?




try chambering a round with one had :rolleyes: and while were on that topic, should spend time at the range shooting off hand, as in if your right handed, shoot with your left and vise versa. never know if you will be in a situation where your shooting hand in broken or un useable.


I actually have practiced that as well.

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Yeah, that is what both vances and nasr said. I think I am going to hold off on the gun purchase right now. Its going to be about $350, plus shells, plus cc license cost, plus holster etc etc.


Just more than I want to spend right now.


Thanks for all of your help everybody. Much appreciated.

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  MKV Aaron said:
Yeah, that is what both vances and nasr said. I think I am going to hold off on the gun purchase right now. Its going to be about $350, plus shells, plus cc license cost, plus holster etc etc.


Just more than I want to spend right now.


Thanks for all of your help everybody. Much appreciated.


if you weren't stuck on the manual safety issue, you could pick up a new keltec p11 for about $280, great little gun for the price but again no manual safety just a looong trigger pull.

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