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Another reason to dread approaching birthdays


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The early "Happy Birthday" cards from the State of Ohio:




I'm beginning to appreciate how Hertz feels. :barf:

And, as if that itsn't enough, it's driver's license renewal year for me as well.


Then, as I bitch about all this, I remember how much "fun" it was to be 30 years old, couldn't afford a car, and got to use a bicycle and the bus line for transportation. Makes a great story now, but it left a lot to be desired.


Enjoy what ya have. ;)

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fun back then, but having money and being who you are today has got to be way more fun. if not, give me the money and I'll show you how it's done :p


I remember how much "fun" it was to be 30 years old, couldn't afford a car, and got to use a bicycle and the bus line for transportation.
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It's on the '94 Toyota Celica GT-Four WRC. I don't have any stateside photos of it, but I'm sure plenty of CR members do. :)


Here it is in Tokyo:



WOW... That is awesome. :)


I don't suppose you have a Stratos or Delta Integrale stuffed away somewhere? :D

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[gets in truck and puts in docs addy in gps] lol j/k u really should cover ur addy doc


Thanks for the thought, but that addy comes up about 1000 times if you Google just my name.


If you maintain a medical license, many details of your past (where and when you went to school, did your residency, practiced, any formal actions against you by the medical board, patients' "ratings" of your skill, your office address and phone, your home address, your business net worth, your age) are part of the public record and available for the world to view with just a few keystrokes. And I've posted to CR the exact address and even a map on how to get to my garage (for the open house, for example), so I don't give much thought to having my address viewable in a photo on CR.


Besides, the only CR member I fear stalking me is the Ginger, and the restraining order has that behavior under better control now.

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