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After living at my house for 8 years and never once seeing a plow truck on my road, you finally decide to send a plow truck down my street tonight at 11:45pm. I'm really excited about this because today I spent 1 & 1/2 hrs shoveling my driveway and the entrance to my driveway on the road, clearing all the ruts that had been created over the last week (yeah, since you didn't come last week either). Maybe I should have ran out there with my 9 and pointed at his dome and told him to fix the shit.
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yaaaaa remind me to play the lottery so i can gtfo of this city. i have the same feeling towards city plow fags, not once in this past 2 weeks or even more has one plow came down our road. its so bad the snow has finally compacted so its all ice. and right once i come home im waiting behind this damn plow to clear our road and all he did was throw salt down omg am i so angry. he had a damn plow! :mad::doh:
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Tim unfortunately your homeowners/neighborhood association f-d everyone who lives there by putting in those damn round abouts and speed bumps. I'm surprised you got a plow down your street at all, he must have come in the back way.


this made me LOL for some reason.

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4th Unhappiest state, 8th worst winter city. #1 worst place where I live.


I can't take any list about "worst winter city" seriously that doesn't include Buffalo. You realize people from Buffalo move to Cleveland and Columbus in order to get a "milder climate"?

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I can't take any list about "worst winter city" seriously that doesn't include Buffalo. You realize people from Buffalo move to Cleveland and Columbus in order to get a "milder climate"?


Well I think it all about how the city takes care of the roads, how people drive in snow etc. But for me just having snow and cold = sucks

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Tim unfortunately your homeowners/neighborhood association f-d everyone who lives there by putting in those damn round abouts and speed bumps. I'm surprised you got a plow down your street at all, he must have come in the back way.


Indeed he did. Made the trip down Watt Rd, but I was pleasantly awakened last night to the sound of two plows doing rounds in the neighborhood around 3am. All in all, they did a nice job of clearing the road and putting down a nice layer of salt. I just hope that they finally get around to repaving our main entrance road this year instead of another patch job that they've done the last 5.

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