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feast or famine - job advice


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Ok, so many of you know I lost my job in September. It has been a crazy amount of interviews (11 rounds with one company, followed by a "your hired" only to have the req get pulled TWICE).


Finally, I have interviewed with a company here in Columbus. They are fedexing me an offer tomorrow. Lets say they are offering $X/yr. Bennies don't start until 30 days in, 401K after 1 year. The director calls PTO, Paid to Work Offsite. They are working like mad for the next 6 months and I can expect 12 hour days.


The other company is in Silicon Valley. It is a startup that is about to IPO. The pay would be $X+10,000/yr I have to be a contractor for 2 - 3 months and then I go W2. They will give me pre-ipo options, bonuses, and all of that. Their bennies are better than the company here in town, and I would be in California pretty often. With this I will be learning new skills and branching out my knowledge.


So, if it where you, which would you pick?


I want the startup, but I keep going back and forth...

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Well if the company b looks sound and promise of boom. Then the extra mony and learning new things that make you worth more later seem like a good move to me. However I make probably X-20-30k or more so it might be a differant ballgame than I play in.....
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I have worked out of Silicon Valley for 3 years. I will be home 50% of the time, which is more than my last job. Actually, I am pretty sure the local option will have me home less....


I was thinking more along the lines of:


I'd lean towards the riskier start up if I only had myself to take care of and towards the local safer option if I needed security for a family.

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I will be living in Columbus, just like I have for the last 3 years I have worked out of California.


The company has had 5 profitable quarters and hasn't had any VC funding in over 2 years. They are launching some very cool new products next week and they are about to be really busy. I met the Product team, Support, Training and Customer Advocacy, they all seem very bright and have been at the company for a very long time.

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I say startup. Mostly because it sounds like your implying the local company doesn't treat people very well.


IMHO, you have to have a good balance of three things to be happy with a job, reasonable pay, good work environment, and doing what you can/like. This has to be good balance for not only the worker but company too. If you get paid too little or too much, either you or the company will be unhappy at some point. There is probably some minimum point for a 'good' work environment that needs to be there for you to be happy. And you need to be challenged to a certain degree by the job, but not be under qualified for it. There needs to be a good mix of these three. It sounds like the local job doesn't meet at least the pay you think you are worth, and you are expecting to be worked like a dog (not being paid enough for your work amount and unhappy with the work environment). That, to me, sounds like a recipe for not being with that company for very long, or maybe in this economy being there for much longer than you'd like.


Think of it like a balance scale, but with three places for weights, things have to be level or you won't be completely happy with a job. Of course one can argue there is never such a thing as completely happy, but it sounds like things will be really out of whack with the local company. And yes, there are other factors to consider, but I think these are the three main components that either make or break whether most people are happy with a job.


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I'd go the risk route man. IPO it. Then, that's me. I have done it and it' hasn't worked out. You've seen my linked in and know that. However, it's not the worst thing. All it takes is paying off one time.


I have a number friends here in Cbus that are millionaires due in part to high risk/high reward opportunities. They are all still doing well and making some bucks. I regret not joining one of them (actually 3) that put their cards all in the same basket back in 2003. Now they run a $25M co. in Dublin and are killing it.


My time will come....so will yours. We take risks, we have talent and we're not afraid.


The difference for me is since 2008 I always have a plan B lined up.



Ok, so many of you know I lost my job in September. It has been a crazy amount of interviews (11 rounds with one company, followed by a "your hired" only to have the req get pulled TWICE).


Finally, I have interviewed with a company here in Columbus. They are fedexing me an offer tomorrow. Lets say they are offering $X/yr. Bennies don't start until 30 days in, 401K after 1 year. The director calls PTO, Paid to Work Offsite. They are working like mad for the next 6 months and I can expect 12 hour days.


The other company is in Silicon Valley. It is a startup that is about to IPO. The pay would be $X+10,000/yr I have to be a contractor for 2 - 3 months and then I go W2. They will give me pre-ipo options, bonuses, and all of that. Their bennies are better than the company here in town, and I would be in California pretty often. With this I will be learning new skills and branching out my knowledge.


So, if it where you, which would you pick?


I want the startup, but I keep going back and forth...

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Good luck. Being laid off sucks.


It took me almost a year to get back on my feet after being axed from WorldCom back in the day. Sounds like you have two very good options in front of you. I would go the IPO route myself. It sounds like thats the way you are leaning.

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I was thinking more along the lines of:


I'd lean towards the riskier start up if I only had myself to take care of and towards the local safer option if I needed security for a family.


+1! I've got a wife and kids in highschool and jr. high. Stable is what I'm 'in' for, but if I was single - heck yea - take the risk and see what happens. Rewards could be life changing when you get into a company pre-IPO and get in on the action. I've had friends do just that. I've seen it go both ways - from nothing and the company barely survuves to the opposite and everyone makes bank!


Good luck to you and your decision! Life changes are never easy choices. I'm happy for you that you've got 2 companies willing to give you an offer - consider yourself very fortunate to have that shtuation in these economic times! :)

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Ok, so many of you know I lost my job in September. It has been a crazy amount of interviews (11 rounds with one company, followed by a "your hired" only to have the req get pulled TWICE).


Finally, I have interviewed with a company here in Columbus. They are fedexing me an offer tomorrow. Lets say they are offering $X/yr. Bennies don't start until 30 days in, 401K after 1 year. The director calls PTO, Paid to Work Offsite. They are working like mad for the next 6 months and I can expect 12 hour days.


The other company is in Silicon Valley. It is a startup that is about to IPO. The pay would be $X+10,000/yr I have to be a contractor for 2 - 3 months and then I go W2. They will give me pre-ipo options, bonuses, and all of that. Their bennies are better than the company here in town, and I would be in California pretty often. With this I will be learning new skills and branching out my knowledge.


So, if it where you, which would you pick?


I want the startup, but I keep going back and forth...


Back to Cali for me. No second thoughts. IF I felt the company had an actual future and I wouldn't be out on my ass in 6months to a year.

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This startup isn't a risky one. 5 quarters profitable, that is the last 5 quarters (during this economy). Every time the founder starts the company it turns to gold. CC:Mail for instance.


I am going to be joining them March 1st.

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