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Any teachers?


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I would suggest first showing interest in your local neighborhood kids. Start small by having "Education Camps" where all the young kids can sleepover at your house, and you can teach them privately (macaroni sculptures, soap sculptures, macaroni soap sculptures, advanced Egyptian hieroglyphs ect).


I believe a wildebeest once said "raaahahhhhh mahhhhh roooooooooooooo", to which Hilary Clinton replied ... "It takes a village".

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Xyster101 is a teech. He's a noob on here but seems like a cool guy...



Well thanks for ratting me out and then giving me a half ass recommendation. :D


I went about it a little different. I got me BFA (Fine arts) in Industrial Design (Product Design) in NY. I did not want to do Industrial Design when I graduated so I looked into teaching. I needed to go back for 1 full semester and get "Teaching classes/credit" and student teach. Things like Methods 101, child psycology, Assessment, and a few other courses (easy stuff).

I moved to Ohio after teaching 4 years and my license transferred with a background check.


What you need to do it, some of it, might need to do more:


Get fingerprinted and a FBI background check (used to be $50).

You will need to take 2 PRAXIS tests, one in the content area and one in teaching methods ($75-100 each). They are timed and you will run out of time, so hurry during the test.


Here is the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) page with the forms:




If you went to college in Ohio use #13, if outside Ohio like me use #14.


To be honest you should just call the ODE and talk to someone. Write there name down so you can talk to them if you call again. They were very helpful and friendly on the phone when I did all this. You need to think about what subject you want to teach. Sounds like business is in your area of expertise or possibly math. Schools are always looking for Math and Science teachers. Social studies teachers are a dime a dozen. What grade level? High school always needs math/science and elementary levels look for males. Middle school takes what they can. I taught middle school 8th grade in NY and loved it. I enjoy the high school too (you can do more with the kids). Call ODE


1 877-644-6338


On a side note, teach because you love it, not for the money. The pay is decent, but not for what crap you have to deal with. I am in Marysville where a 4 year degree will start you around $33K or so. With a masters it goes up to $37k and each year you get around a 1.5% raise or "step" increase. Marysville does not pay as well as Hillard, Dublin or even Columbus, keep that in mind. You will have to deal with parents complaining, new state laws all the time, OGT tests, special education (I have a ton in my normal classes) and every 5 years you have to take 2 or 3 college classes to renew your teaching license.


Let me know if you have further questions.

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+1 for what Xyster has to say. I got my Bachelors in software engineering. I ended up finding a job teaching a Computer Science program at a career center. Most votechs have business programs, so that could be an option for you.


If I were in your shoes I would look at Ashland University (Columbus campus is on 161 east of 71) and talk with them about their "Bachelors plus" program. You won't end up with a second bachelors or anything but I believe it's enough to get a teaching license.


You will want to go for a masters degree. I am working on mine in Education Administration (at Ashland).

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Thanks guys. I found the ODE website yesterday and did some looking around. i will just give them a call to see what exactly I need. I know I will take a pay cut from what I make now but I have wanted to be a teacher for a long time, not sure why I didn't go that route from the begining. Although I have not worked with kids the past 4 years all my experience up to that point was working with children. (probation, foster care, drug and alcohol treatment, ect).
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