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SIRIUS home antenna recommendation?


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My wife has had an old-school (relatively speaking) Sirius S50 for the past 3 years or so. We used it alot in her Passat, and at home. Since moving back to Ohio 2 years ago, our home antenna never worked well. We just had the S50 sent back to tech support for a free refresh, but mounted to the docking station and having the antenna face ANYWHERE (reaching outside of windows) does nothing. There is no signal.


Has anyone had a good experience with a Sirius home antenna they would recommend? I hate chasing down this problem, but I need to either reestablish a signal and use this thing or ditch our subscription pronto....

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I got my mom a sirius radio and subscription this past christmas, along with everything for her car. My dad got her this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/SIRIUS+-+Home+Kit+for+Select+SIRIUS+Satellite+Radio+Receivers/7917178.p;jsessionid=CB57C70576F7571706A08C5436F84E1A.bbolsp-app04-41?id=1149208576418&skuId=7917178 to use at home, and it works great placed in a window facing the right direction. The only time I've seen it fail is in heavy snow, as you'd expect from any satellite device.
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Ditch your subscription, and use Pandora. I have it on the crackberry, so its in the car, home, shop, boat. I have the headphone to RCA jack at home and the shop, headphone to headphone in the boat. And headphone to CASSETTE in the beater.


Sirius has a lot of exclusive stuff you can't listen to on Pandora.

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Just picked one of these up, havent installed it yet.




For Ohio you wanna face your antenna north west, basically towards Wisconsin. There is a map on Sirius website somewhere.

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Like shitty talk radio. :o


I can't stand listening to talk radio, give me music or give me death.


Pandora is awesome for finding new music.


Just because you don't like talk radio and sports doesn't mean there aren't those that do. Actually, there are a LOT of people that do. I use my Sirius a LOT, and 75% of its usage is to listen to Stern, Bubba, comedy stations, plus OSU Football when I can't watch the game. Rest is music.


I'm sure Pandora has a great music selection, as does Sirius. So does my MP3 player.

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