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Kid help please.

Johny Utah

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ugh, James Litman or something like that. I know the commercials. Total Transformation, right? There's someone who needs a paddle across the ass for making us suffer through those stupid commercials. The only ones more annoying than those are the Gamefly or whatever commercials with the people throwing the bad game tantrum. That stupid bitch screaming right at the start is like getting a liquid-nitrogen-dipped icepick through the eardrum.
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This is incorrect. This is a medical condition dealing with a chemical imbalance in the brain. Children/Adults with ADHD or ADD need to be parented in a different way. Just like you raise a child with autism differently then a normal child you need to do the same for ADHD/ADD. It is best treated with behavior and medication treatment.


Ask a doctor if you think otherwise and learn something.


I know my brother better than any doctor. He fucks off in school because his whole life he's been getting his way and if he didn't want to do something, he didnt have to.

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I know my brother better than any doctor. He fucks off in school because his whole life he's been getting his way and if he didn't want to do something, he didnt have to.


It sounds like your Parents failed at Parenting.





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It sounds like your Parents failed at Parenting.






Mine, no. He is a half brother, and that half that's unrelated to me has a lot to do with it.


Which is what it comes down to in most cases. "No, it can't be my bad parenting, there has to be something wrong with him"


But I'm not a parent, and I'm not planning on being one anytime soon. F that, look at all this crap they have to deal with.

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These guys are off topic. If they were beat as a kids they would be on topic like me. not only that they would be respectful enough to apologize like I did :D


Beat your kids or they will go off topic on forums!


You mean they will buy an MR2 and install lambo doors on it?

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Having one kid for three yes does not make you an expert it gives you an opinion do not confuse the two when posting in this thread..


Depends on your definition. An expert is typically defined as a person with experience or one who has had instruction by experience. Someone with skills, experience, or extensive knowledge in any area of focus. So by having experience raising one or two kids by definition at least makes them more of an expert than someone who has zero kids....of which there are many here posting that have no kids or experience with kids.


Another example in business deals with getting an MBA. Doing so doesn't make one an expert in running a business. In fact, many will argue that someone without an MBA yet has run a business is way more qualified because of their hands on experience. In fact I'll argue that one all day long as I don't have an MBA but have managed a business unit in growth from $10M to upwards of $27M. My wife runs her law practice and has managed it upwards of 12 employees and together we own and run a property mgt LLC too. No MBA's needed.

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You need to tell him to listen to his Mother and do as she says. If he continues these actions "de-friend" him. He will get the point.




A take on this as you want to approach it right, but growing up without a guy myself I can see why he would latch onto you. Especially if you've been showing him a lot more guy type attention that he normally wouldn't get. Little boys are funny that way when they don't have that kind of thing around, and he might be trying to show you how nice or good he can be so you won't leave..


There are a lot of factors that play into his behavior right now.

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Does spanking teach boys to not break things? Does spanking teach boys to not go where they are not allowed? Does spanking teach boys to not do things they are not allowed / supposed to do?






so your saying that time out like kids get now and spankings that you got when you were a kid made them better than how you were raised?

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so your saying that time out like kids get now and spankings that you got when you were a kid made them better than how you were raised?


I am having trouble following that.....


I do not know if "Time Out" "makes better" Adults then spanking does.


I just know that spanking a 3 year old will get you no where. Stern parenting based in love, understanding, respect and communication WILL.





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I am having trouble following that.....


I do not know if "Time Out" "makes better" Adults then spanking does.


I just know that spanking a 3 year old will get you no where. Stern parenting based in love, understanding, respect and communication WILL.






It does work, Ive seen it for myself.. but again it all depends on the child.


My credentials - Helped raise my little sister. 9 neices and nephews, 2 kids of my own. I've seen so many different techniques over the last 20 years that I cannot rule out any because in a way they all worked at some point in time but failed in others. You dont have to beat your kids too get results. Raising the reward for being good works better in most cases..

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