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visiting dublin area this weekend

Guest mitsumodder

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Guest mitsumodder
I am coming to visit a college buddy this weekend. He lives in Dublin...just moved there. So where do we go to have a few drinks and where there will be some fine ass maybe even some cougars since we are getting older the college crowd may be too much for us.
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I am coming to visit a college buddy this weekend. He lives in Dublin...just moved there. So where do we go to have a few drinks and where there will be some fine ass maybe even some cougars since we are getting older the college crowd may be too much for us.


dub pub

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If you want the real cougar nest, Lucky's in Hilliard.


Good place to go watch games, cheap decent food and beer.


For a second I forgot which place that was and got it confused with VIP, which is not a Cougar bar. Then I remembered about Ben trying to fight a retard in VIP. :lol:

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Cougar bar? Dub Pub? Fucking Sausage fest!


On the Rocks!


Just across the street from the Dub Pub in the plaza. If you can't get laid in there, you should go gay.


THANKYOU! I fucking HATE dubpub, everytime im in there there's a shit ton of cocky old assholes who walk like they have a stick shuved up their ass and of course their all drunk and want to fight. Seriously. Yes the bartender's are hot, so are the waitresses but i wouldnt want to stand elbow's to assholes in that place.


On the Rocks is decent, and yes loaded with cougars. Average Joes off sawmill is decent aswell. Then there's also Lazy Chameleon off sawmill parkway which usually has an older crowd, and Wedgewood Tavern across the street. Hell you could drive down sawmill rd and bar hop and you MIGHT not hit every bar in one night.

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