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Last question I promise.. since we have so many people on this board that are in this field... Would it be ok if I cancel my insurance and pay you with car parts and guns if I ever get sick?


honestly, if i didn't have to contribute 40% of my earnings to overhead (malpractice insurance, office rent, office staff, everyone's benefits, etc), i'd take you up on that offer.




indefensible errors, such as operating on the wrong side, are covered by a physician's malpractice insurance. as hard as this is to believe, it still happens today, and can happen to absolutely anyone--i can explain how it happens if anyone cares to know.

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She got cut while there.


how do you know?? so many diabetics don't properly check they're feet on a daily basis. did someone physically cut her foot while she was in the hospital?? did she scrape it on something while at the hospital??

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honestly, if i didn't have to contribute 40% of my earnings to overhead (malpractice insurance, office rent, office staff, everyone's benefits, etc), i'd take you up on that offer.




indefensible errors, such as operating on the wrong side, are covered by a physician's malpractice insurance. as hard as this is to believe, it still happens today, and can happen to absolutely anyone--i can explain how it happens if anyone cares to know.


I'm curious.. the more one knows the more empowered one becomes.

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you'd be pissed too if you got a pay cut at mcdonalds. and its going to be a lot more than that. the average pediatrician makes $110k per year---take into account the $200k in medical school loans they have to pay off, malpractice, and getting paid less and less each year by medicare. also, they start their career at 30, while others can start building their worth right out of college.


i'm glad you're in favor of the health care bill though. so when you march into my office (or another surgeon) looking for a back surgery, or a joint replacement---guess what i'm going to tell you??









i'm sorry, i don't operate on people with the government plan---its not an emergency, and the surgery is not absolutely necessary for your survival. you can take pain medication, and you'll live. here's the door.






now if you're willing to pay cash, i'll do your surgery for $5k. the american public will suffer greatly, but surgeons are actually intelligent--we're not going to get fucked by the idiots in washington. so no, i won't make $450k, i'll make $800k






So I say something you don't like and I work at a fast food joint?? typical


I am against the bill read my other posts ( I have been making fun of the type of person you are, not supporting the bill)


I am not envious of your money either, if your only problems are that you will not make 400k this year you will make 300k this yr then thats what i'm making fun of. I mean really? will you not be able to make your beach house payment?? or your 40 ft house boat will go into foreclosure?? you can bitch about money when you with worries like the rest of us like do you have to work overtime just so that you can save money to go on vacation? but apparently you are gonna make fun of me for that.... you're just sad!


For you to bring my Bank pain and issues into this is even more despicable, I can only hope Karma is real. Money isn't everything but i guess to really unhappy people it is. so why make this personal?

After those comments to me you do not deserve to call yourself a Doctor ( I mean, you prolly wiped your ass with that oath)


I find it funny how you are bitching about being under paid, It is now clear you got into medicine just for the money. Yet you still bitch about YOUR career choice. your loans BOO HOO your insurance you have to pay due to your fuckups. Again these are all "perks" of your job, if you didn't know what you were getting into when you applied to med school then you as a surgeon are an idiot.


Now this is a retaliation to your dumb ass comments from now on lets keep this civil( at least I will) and leave the personal attacks to the low brow fools..


I don't expect you comprehend what i'm about to due because of your god complex, but if I offended you with my comments about doctors I am sorry.


and i'm out

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I am not envious of your money either, if your only problems are that you will not make 400k this year you will make 300k this yr then thats what i'm making fun of. I mean really? will you not be able to make your beach house payment?? or your 40 ft house boat will go into foreclosure?? you can bitch about money when you with worries like the rest of us like do you have to work overtime just so that you can save money to go on vacation? but apparently you are gonna make fun of me for that.... you're just sad!


If you're not envious or taking the money part of the medical profession personally, then why are you focused on it? It doesn't matter what a medical pro makes. His comments aren't just about what they make. It's about how it impacts them and the patients in a negative way regardless of their income. Not every Doctor is loaded. In fact my wife see's plenty that are flat out broke an in debt.


Money isn't everything but i guess to really unhappy people it is. so why make this personal?


No, but when you're livelihood is supposed to be grand and shit like this bill impacts it dramatically and also makes patient care worse, then the bill and all it's impacts, including the income side need to be scrutinized.



I find it funny how you are bitching about being under paid, It is now clear you got into medicine just for the money. Yet you still bitch about YOUR career choice. your loans BOO HOO your insurance you have to pay due to your fuckups. Again these are all "perks" of your job, if you didn't know what you were getting into when you applied to med school then you as a surgeon are an idiot.


No one works for free or does what they do without considering income. Unless your a man of faith or a missionary, most everyone is satisfied by money. Just because a doctor is in it for the money doesn't mean they aren't motivated by the satisfaction of helping others. Money/pay isn't a motivator, it's a satisfier. The only that can motivate you or anyone to do anything is themselves.

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honestly, if i didn't have to contribute 40% of my earnings to overhead (malpractice insurance, office rent, office staff, everyone's benefits, etc), i'd take you up on that offer.


40% is a good deal. Keeping overhead that low is very tough.

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You're an idiot I focused on it cuz that's all he was worried about. You just like me added nothing with your post so stfu




If you're not envious or taking the money part of the medical profession personally, then why are you focused on it? It doesn't matter what a medical pro makes. His comments aren't just about what they make. It's about how it impacts them and the patients in a negative way regardless of their income. Not every Doctor is loaded. In fact my wife see's plenty that are flat out broke an in debt.




No, but when you're livelihood is supposed to be grand and shit like this bill impacts it dramatically and also makes patient care worse, then the bill and all it's impacts, including the income side need to be scrutinized.





No one works for free or does what they do without considering income. Unless your a man of faith or a missionary, most everyone is satisfied by money. Just because a doctor is in it for the money doesn't mean they aren't motivated by the satisfaction of helping others. Money/pay isn't a motivator, it's a satisfier. The only that can motivate you or anyone to do anything is themselves.

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You're an idiot I focused on it cuz that's all he was worried about. You just like me added nothing with your post so stfu


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But seriously,


What business is it of yours what any doctor makes? Do I worry about what the mechanic down the street makes per year? No!

IMHO, when I go to the doctor, I want him to be very well paid for what he does. I dont want to go to a doc that makes 40K per year.

Edited by HAOLE
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So I say something you don't like and I work at a fast food joint?? typical


I am against the bill read my other posts ( I have been making fun of the type of person you are, not supporting the bill)



cry me a river justin timberlake. my comments are equal to the ones you made, so don't get all salty with me. this country has been shitting all over their physicians for years, and this bill is just the cherry on top


I am not envious of your money either, if your only problems are that you will not make 400k this year you will make 300k this yr then thats what i'm making fun of. I mean really? will you not be able to make your beach house payment?? or your 40 ft house boat will go into foreclosure?? you can bitch about money when you with worries like the rest of us like do you have to work overtime just so that you can save money to go on vacation? but apparently you are gonna make fun of me for that.... you're just sad!


why do you keep bringing up money?? obviously, you have no clue what i do, how hard i work, or what i've done to get to this point in my life. i have no beach house, no boat, no rolex, no fancy clothes. just the cars in my sig, and a house that's well under my means. every day for me is overtime. i take call every 3rd or 4th night---that means i can get called any hour of the night and be expected to work--and then work a normal day the next day. even if i get a simple call at 3am, its a phone call that wakes me up. i'm not whining about my job---right now, i'm well compensated. plenty of other docs are not---i'm whining for them.


For you to bring my Bank pain and issues into this is even more despicable, I can only hope Karma is real. Money isn't everything but i guess to really unhappy people it is. so why make this personal?

After those comments to me you do not deserve to call yourself a Doctor ( I mean, you prolly wiped your ass with that oath)


nothing personal, everyone has back pain.


I find it funny how you are bitching about being under paid, It is now clear you got into medicine just for the money. Yet you still bitch about YOUR career choice. your loans BOO HOO your insurance you have to pay due to your fuckups. Again these are all "perks" of your job, if you didn't know what you were getting into when you applied to med school then you as a surgeon are an idiot.


everyone gets into medicine to make money--its called a job. no one works for free. what do you think a physician should make??

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cry me a river justin timberlake. my comments are equal to the ones you made, so don't get all salty with me. this country has been shitting all over their physicians for years, and this bill is just the cherry on top




why do you keep bringing up money?? obviously, you have no clue what i do, how hard i work, or what i've done to get to this point in my life. i have no beach house, no boat, no rolex, no fancy clothes. just the cars in my sig, and a house that's well under my means. every day for me is overtime. i take call every 3rd or 4th night---that means i can get called any hour of the night and be expected to work--and then work a normal day the next day. even if i get a simple call at 3am, its a phone call that wakes me up. i'm not whining about my job---right now, i'm well compensated. plenty of other docs are not---i'm whining for them.




nothing personal, everyone has back pain.




everyone gets into medicine to make money--its called a job. no one works for free. what do you think a physician should make??

I like it. Kirk is arguing with someone besides me.lol

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But seriously,


What business is it of yours what any doctor makes? Do I worry about what the mechanic down the street makes per year? No!

IMHO, when I go to the doctor, I want him to be very well paid for what he does. I dont want to go to a doc that makes 40K per year.



I have never asked what you guys make you're right it's non of my biznass and I do not care.. this all got brought up cuz I thought and still think its funny how doctors are bitching that they will not make AS MUCH, yes it sucks for them..


so Rick you just dont get what I am trying to say ( I am not getting it across must be) so your post says nothing that I said or implied..


Kirk I do not "keep" bringing up money, all of the doctors do and I am laughing at them, all of them. I do not ever begrudge anyone from making a good living just dont bitch when shit dosnt go your way, for once.


and not everyone gets into medicine to make money but ok 99.9999% do, hell I even thought about it way back when.


My whole point is yes it sucks for you that you might get a cut in pay, but remember that only by the grace of --------- (Rick can fill in the rest). I mean when so many people in this country are dead flat broke and your bitching about losing more money than I make in a year and you still prolly triple what I make, yes it's relative cuz I know I don't have the bills you do but again these are your choices live with them... thats my whole statement.



hp I didn't even read what you posted

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Do physicians have a union? I honestly do not know. seems like it would fix the issues you have, or make them worse.


I am not a union person, but it is getting to the point this may be a step that becomes necessary. I do think there have been attempts in the past to organize.


Unless your a doc most people do not understand the pressure that is put on us no matter if your an MD or a DC. The constant cuts to reimbursement make it very hard to keep the overhead paid in some cases.


This is one thing Kirk will understand, the constant threat of investigation by medicare/medicaid, board actions, malpractice suits etc some days do not make it fun to come to work. Just think, if in your profession, you have a group of government people that have the job of putting you in jail. The OIG has a whole task force that does nothing but but doctors in jail. That kind of suck knowing that groups of people make a living trying to find something to prosecute you for.

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I am not a union person, but it is getting to the point this may be a step that becomes necessary. I do think there have been attempts in the past to organize.


Unless your a doc most people do not understand the pressure that is put on us no matter if your an MD or a DC. The constant cuts to reimbursement make it very hard to keep the overhead paid in some cases.


This is one thing Kirk will understand, the constant threat of investigation by medicare/medicaid, board actions, malpractice suits etc some days do not make it fun to come to work. Just think, if in your profession, you have a group of government people that have the job of putting you in jail. The OIG has a whole task force that does nothing but but doctors in jail. That kind of suck knowing that groups of people make a living trying to find something to prosecute you for.



Oh and I agree that would suck A LOT, if being a doctor was easy everyone would do it and you all would get paid 40 k a yr, and then I would be more understanding about losing 10 k a yr( not saying your only gonna lose 10 k)

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I am not a union person, but it is getting to the point this may be a step that becomes necessary. I do think there have been attempts in the past to organize.


Unless your a doc most people do not understand the pressure that is put on us no matter if your an MD or a DC. The constant cuts to reimbursement make it very hard to keep the overhead paid in some cases.


This is one thing Kirk will understand, the constant threat of investigation by medicare/medicaid, board actions, malpractice suits etc some days do not make it fun to come to work. Just think, if in your profession, you have a group of government people that have the job of putting you in jail. The OIG has a whole task force that does nothing but but doctors in jail. That kind of suck knowing that groups of people make a living trying to find something to prosecute you for.

this is honestly, not meant as a crack on your profession because I actually like chiropractors, but seriously... how often do people file malpractice suits against you? seriously, you don't cut anyone open, you don't perscribe pills, you manipulate people's backs and then they are on their way....

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The reason Doctors and other specialized professions make so much is because they have to sacrifice a large chunk of their lives in order to go into their profession. If I had to do something for 8-10 years before I was allowed to do my job I would either


A. Find another job.

B. Demand a premium wage for my premium service.


The simple figures aside look at it from a percentage standpoint. Let's say that this bill causes a 25% decrease in a doctors income. Now picture your own salary, and that you are losing 25%.


Hopefully that puts things into perspective. To clarify I am not up on what all is in this bill (but I intend to read up). I am just trying to put things in perspective in this side argument.


BTW I already give up over 1/3 of my income to state/federal taxes and other deductions. I am against any sort of big government. So just based on that core belief of mine, I am against the passing of this bill.



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