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This is one thing Kirk will understand, the constant threat of investigation by medicare/medicaid, board actions, malpractice suits etc some days do not make it fun to come to work. Just think, if in your profession, you have a group of government people that have the job of putting you in jail. The OIG has a whole task force that does nothing but but doctors in jail. That kind of suck knowing that groups of people make a living trying to find something to prosecute you for.


yes, everything you do is scrutinized--by the patient (as it should be), but also by the hospital, insurance companies, etc etc. i never had a huge problem with heartburn until starting my practice. i do elective surgery--its not absolutely necessary for survival, but it improves peoples' lives. if something bad happens (infection, heart attack, etc.), you can imagine how it feels--it absolutely sucks, even if you know it was not preventable.


doctors do not have unions (pretty sure its illegal in the healthcare industry), but we may have to form them. you can laugh all you want about physicians getting paid less---it will only hurt patients in the end. the good physicians will be good enough that they can start 'cash only' practices. the bad ones, well, they'll be the ones that take government insurance plans.


think of your worst trip to the dmv. that's what it will be like to go to a doctor's office. family physicians already have to see more patients just to turn a profit. this means less time per patient, and things get missed. or they have to hire physician assistants to help with the work--either way, the physician has to work much harder for the same reimbursement, and the patient is the one who suffers in the end.


i love helping people, but my family (being able to provide for them, and be happy when i come home from work) comes first.

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this is honestly, not meant as a crack on your profession because I actually like chiropractors, but seriously... how often do people file malpractice suits against you? seriously, you don't cut anyone open, you don't perscribe pills, you manipulate people's backs and then they are on their way....


Happens all the time my friend. We are just as responsible for a missed diagnosis as the family docs are. We are primary care Physicians according to state and federal law.

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yes, everything you do is scrutinized--by the patient (as it should be), but also by the hospital, insurance companies, etc etc. i never had a huge problem with heartburn until starting my practice. i do elective surgery--its not absolutely necessary for survival, but it improves peoples' lives. if something bad happens (infection, heart attack, etc.), you can imagine how it feels--it absolutely sucks, even if you know it was not preventable.


doctors do not have unions (pretty sure its illegal in the healthcare industry), but we may have to form them. you can laugh all you want about physicians getting paid less---it will only hurt patients in the end. the good physicians will be good enough that they can start 'cash only' practices. the bad ones, well, they'll be the ones that take government insurance plans.


think of your worst trip to the dmv. that's what it will be like to go to a doctor's office. family physicians already have to see more patients just to turn a profit. this means less time per patient, and things get missed. or they have to hire physician assistants to help with the work--either way, the physician has to work much harder for the same reimbursement, and the patient is the one who suffers in the end.


i love helping people, but my family (being able to provide for them, and be happy when i come home from work) comes first.


I am already purchasing one of these.



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just saw that the IRS will be adding over 16000 new jobs to keep tabs on small biz insurance accounts.


The IRS budget will increase 10 BILLION dollars per year under this bill.


This is what SERIOUSLY disturbs me. Why in the fuck do we need 16,000 more of these fucking nazi, money grubbing, low life theives to "collect" taxes?


What we REALLY need is 16,000 more scientists, doctors, nurses, ect.; not more beaurocratic assholes.


EVERYTHING the government gets involved with causes it to become less efficient, more expensive, and lowers standards. Politicians simply lack the knowledge to solve problems. They need to leave it to scientists, doctors, engineers, technicians, ect.; people who make our world safer, more efficient, and raise our standard of living.

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I just want to know what they mean. I cant understand all the bullshit that spews from there mouth.


For example taken from the .gov






Just to add some real life numbers. Last month are small business. We have 6 employees. Total of about 10-12 people on insurance. Last month we received our bill for insurance. We were informed our rates would be going up roughly 17%. Out of the 12 of us in the past 5 years only one thing has been done and it was my boss having a heart stint put in.

We looked at all of our previous health care increase and it has went up 15% and 14% in the past 3 years.

Now reading the above reports they are looking to reduce health care insurance by up to 1.5% per year........

Fuck the government someone needs to turn the lights out on this entire fucking continent.

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You're an idiot I focused on it cuz that's all he was worried about. You just like me added nothing with your post so stfu


You should practice what you preach. 'nuff said about you.


Now this is a retaliation to your dumb ass comments from now on lets keep this civil( at least I will) and leave the personal attacks to the low brow fools...

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I have never asked what you guys make you're right it's non of my biznass and I do not care.. this all got brought up cuz I thought and still think its funny how doctors are bitching that they will not make AS MUCH, yes it sucks for them..


The ironic thing is relatively speaking a Doctor making $400k and losing $40k income is likely impacted and as a result is impacting many more than someone making $40k and losing only $4k. Who do you think has more to lose and impacts the economy more? The doctor. So while I don't make $400k, the wife and I do pretty well and I sure as hell don't need to have any of our hard earned money get taxed more as they propose. I don't believe in handouts or sharing of wealth. Not one bit.



Kirk I do not "keep" bringing up money, all of the doctors do and I am laughing at them, all of them. I do not ever begrudge anyone from making a good living just dont bitch when shit dosnt go your way, for once.


You're implying that Kirk or Doctors get their way all the time? Your above comment is quite personal and filled with anger and envy if you ask me.


and not everyone gets into medicine to make money but ok 99.9999% do


and hopefully a lot of money....but why is that bad or wrong? still not seeing your point.


My whole point is yes it sucks for you that you might get a cut in pay, but remember that only by the grace of --------- (Rick can fill in the rest). I mean when so many people in this country are dead flat broke and your bitching about losing more money than I make in a year and you still prolly triple what I make, yes it's relative cuz I know I don't have the bills you do but again these are your choices live with them... thats my whole statement.


^^^ the above is complete Bullshit. There are a ton of people in this country that are flat broke and deserve it. Of course there are also those that don't deserve it and are a victim of the economy and other factors, but still....shit happens and they are just as able to have protected themselves as everyone else. Get up off their burdens of life, quit bitching and go make their own lives better....without handouts! It can be done and it needs to be forced upon many to make it happen. Just because one is down on their luck doesn't mean they shouldn't be expected to get back up and continue the fight. We're not a country built on lazy pussies who live off the hard work of others. Oh...wait......maybe we are now..........


Your theory is lower income people struggling are in better graces with you than folks with more disposable income that have the ability to have it and are upset about parting with their hard earned good fortune. Crazy talk. The At-Leasters of the world should join together and share their wealth vs forcing those with it to give up what they themselves earned. Again, bullshit.


I feel for those that don't have the good fortunes I'm blessed with, but I sure as hell don't accept them condemning me because I'm pissed that I have to give up more of my money to support those that are "Less Fortunate" Go get their own damn fortune!!! Life is what YOU make it, not what I make for you. Fucking Obama is such a dumbass for evening believing his own socialistic shit.

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What we REALLY need is 16,000 more scientists, doctors, nurses, ect.; not more beaurocratic assholes.


What we really need is to bring manufacturing back here and make the US a more self sufficient country that has to produce and buy shit from US Companies vs the whores overseas who build shit and build shit with shit labor. It's pretty sad that if we shut down our own borders, we'd pretty much die of starvation and lack of products to do anything.

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This is what SERIOUSLY disturbs me. Why in the fuck do we need 16,000 more of these fucking nazi, money grubbing, low life theives to "collect" taxes?


What we REALLY need is 16,000 more scientists, doctors, nurses, ect.; not more beaurocratic assholes.


EVERYTHING the government gets involved with causes it to become less efficient, more expensive, and lowers standards. Politicians simply lack the knowledge to solve problems. They need to leave it to scientists, doctors, engineers, technicians, ect.; people who make our world safer, more efficient, and raise our standard of living.




And when this tax money is spent on more jobs and bureacracy, it crowds out spending in the areas that could be creating more jobs, through the need to find cures and technology.


Our administration doesn't understand the equation GDP= Consumption + Gov't Expendatures + Investment + Net Exports, this equation explains all elements that create our GDP.


Essentially every dollar the govt uses for Govt Expendatures displaces, or "crowds out" Investment dollars, which are the same dollars used for development of treatments, (among many other things). So as washington "creates" more jobs, all they are doing is taxing taxpayers and artificially creating jobs. It is robbing the Investment component of the equation and essentially the government is depriving all of its citizens of ever finding cures for AIDS, Cancer, etc.


But it gets better. This also doesn't fully describe how it effects the GDP. As the government is taxing you, it decreases the GDP by removing the tax multiplier of tax cuts. Essentially every dollar that is cut from taxation has a multiplier effect. It is a multiple of that dollar. So the government is not cutting taxes through this bill, they are increasing taxes, and thus taking away this multiplier effect.


And if there is anyone that believes prosperity is through increased government in here, take a government job. You will quickly learn what an inefficient, slow moving, wasteful, bureaucracy it really is. Anything the government can accomplish, free enterprise can do better, do it cheaper, more efficiently, and without ridiculous overhead.

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Besides Thorne, where are all the Obama nut swingers on this board? Seems like they have went away.


We got change..... about $.25 is all you will have left.


They're standing in line at the carry out as they buy more smokes and beer complaining about doctors instead of changing their unhealthy lifestyle as now the trip to the doctors will be covered by those of us that eat right, aren't overweight, increasing the diabetes rates tenfold. And heaven forbid they further their education or work a second job to pay their bills and feed the family....it's Call of Duty night all night man.....see you online!!! :bangbang:

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They're standing in line at the carry out as they buy more smokes and beer complaining about doctors instead of changing their unhealthy lifestyle as now the trip to the doctors will be covered by those of us that eat right, aren't overweight, increasing the diabetes rates tenfold. And heaven forbid they further their education or work a second job to pay their bills and feed the family....it's Call of Duty night all night man.....see you online!!! :bangbang:


Hi there.

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Your whole argument is based on me saying poor peeps should have access to the riches of the wealthy. Umm I do not think that at all, you are trying to make this more deep than it is .


You obviously just don't or won't understand my simple argument.


Apperantly laughing at a group of people who Make more than 100k yr make that group turn and put up defences. Just another reason to not talk politics ever. You guys are much to sensitive about money.





The ironic thing is relatively speaking a Doctor making $400k and losing $40k income is likely impacted and as a result is impacting many more than someone making $40k and losing only $4k. Who do you think has more to lose and impacts the economy more? The doctor. So while I don't make $400k, the wife and I do pretty well and I sure as hell don't need to have any of our hard earned money get taxed more as they propose. I don't believe in handouts or sharing of wealth. Not one bit.





You're implying that Kirk or Doctors get their way all the time? Your above comment is quite personal and filled with anger and envy if you ask me.




and hopefully a lot of money....but why is that bad or wrong? still not seeing your point.




^^^ the above is complete Bullshit. There are a ton of people in this country that are flat broke and deserve it. Of course there are also those that don't deserve it and are a victim of the economy and other factors, but still....shit happens and they are just as able to have protected themselves as everyone else. Get up off their burdens of life, quit bitching and go make their own lives better....without handouts! It can be done and it needs to be forced upon many to make it happen. Just because one is down on their luck doesn't mean they shouldn't be expected to get back up and continue the fight. We're not a country built on lazy pussies who live off the hard work of others. Oh...wait......maybe we are now..........


Your theory is lower income people struggling are in better graces with you than folks with more disposable income that have the ability to have it and are upset about parting with their hard earned good fortune. Crazy talk. The At-Leasters of the world should join together and share their wealth vs forcing those with it to give up what they themselves earned. Again, bullshit.


I feel for those that don't have the good fortunes I'm blessed with, but I sure as hell don't accept them condemning me because I'm pissed that I have to give up more of my money to support those that are "Less Fortunate" Go get their own damn fortune!!! Life is what YOU make it, not what I make for you. Fucking Obama is such a dumbass for evening believing his own socialistic shit.

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What we really need is to bring manufacturing back here and make the US a more self sufficient country that has to produce and buy shit from US Companies vs the whores overseas who build shit and build shit with shit labor. It's pretty sad that if we shut down our own borders, we'd pretty much die of starvation and lack of products to do anything.


I agree!

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You obviously just don't or won't understand my simple argument.


Apperantly laughing at a group of people who Make more than 100k yr make that group turn and put up defences. Just another reason to not talk politics ever. You guys are much to sensitive about money.


I see you're point. You originally stated that you feel it's funny that Doctors are mad that they will be losing even more money but that it's not fair because they already make a substantial amount.....in your eyes.


It's not my defense going up, it's that your attitude and outlook on people who are true professionals and how much they make as a focus point that I'm targeting.


A Medical professional or anyone who works hard to save lives and dedicates the amount of their time and efforts to accomplish what only a select few, relatively speaking, can do, should yield them the big bucks. And, yes, they have an absolute right to be pissed that this health care bill is going to cause them to suffer more. It's completely bullshit that our gov't going about it in this fashion.....complete bullshit that they are even involved period.


What this country needs is insurance reform, not medical reform. Rick can fill it in from here....he started down that path earlier in this post.

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