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I found a small rock in my raisin brand crunch!


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So I'm eating a bole of raisin brand cereal, while I wait for my coffee to brew. So I'm quickly eating and then I notice something I can't chew in the back of my mouth. So I pull it out and this is what I find,


Has anyone else found something in their favorite breakfast cereal?

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We used to have a bug problem at our old house. I found a bunch or small fruit flys in my bowl one morning, after i had already ate most of it. Needless to say i puked.


That happened once at our college house. Roommate started making spaghetti and a fly floated up. I saw it, he took it out. No big deal. Couple seconds later, another one. Then another. Then another. After about 5 we decided it would be best not to eat it.




Place rock/hard raisin back into bowl.

Chomp as hard as you can.


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I've seen a couple videos on the Internet of girls who order pizza only to have delivery guy Wang in the box but they don't complain.



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Had a piece of damn bone yesterday in a hotdog. Bout broke my tooth.


:( I assume it was a small piece of bone.


I'd worry more about the pig penis, chicken beak, and ass hole from a cow that you didn't notice in your hot dog.

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A co-worker of mine found a rock in a box of raisens. He contacted the company, sent pics of the rock, and they sent him an envelope to mail it back in along with a bunch of free raisens.


They said that they sift the raisens through small grates that only allow the raisens to pass through, while catching other large objects, like twigs. Sometimes a raisen sized rock can slip through. They wanted it back so they could try to figure out how to make the process better/catch more rocks from passing through.

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A co-worker of mine found a rock in a box of raisens. He contacted the company, sent pics of the rock, and they sent him an envelope to mail it back in along with a bunch of free raisens.


They said that they sift the raisens through small grates that only allow the raisens to pass through, while catching other large objects, like twigs. Sometimes a raisen sized rock can slip through. They wanted it back so they could try to figure out how to make the process better/catch more rocks from passing through.


I e-mailed them and didn't hear anything back yet.

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I'd worry more about the pig penis, chicken beak, and ass hole from a cow that you didn't notice in your hot dog.


They were Jumbo Hebrew Nationals so they're kosher which means that they're at least limited to the type of animal genitals that are included. :p


In all truth, by far the best f'n hotdogs (all beef, too) I've ever had. You'll never want a hotdog from anywhere else again.

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They were Jumbo Hebrew Nationals so they're kosher which means that they're at least limited to the type of animal genitals that are included. :p


In all truth, by far the best f'n hotdogs (all beef, too) I've ever had. You'll never want a hotdog from anywhere else again.


I've had Halal hotdogs before, also very good.

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