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DTC gaying up another thread


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Scared of a little Deliverance style meating?:lol:

"you suuure do gotta purdy mouth boy..."

Great movie.

Another thread gone horribly gay.

If you thought that was bad Inya.....This should put it over the top!! dancingnaughty.gifroflmao.gif


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i always like how the thread goes way gay when the dtc shows up........ AND IM A PROUD MEMBER

Thats how we roll bitches:dj:

fixed it for you homo! glad you are around to catch all our crap!

roflmao.gif But is it truly gay if it's sheep we crave??? What's worse....Gayness....or bestiality?!? hss.gif

I TOLD you guys.....We need a bike, circus tent....and sheep when we make our logo :fruit:

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