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Fighting speeding tickets.

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Picked up a ticket last week and I plan on going to court and trying to get no points on my license.


-24 over in a 55

-Plane got me and the person I was following

-Chillicothe was the location

-On my bike

-I believe it was radar or laser, but can go double check


How many times does it work out that you can just pay the fine and get them to not tack on any points. This is my first speeding ticket, but I've got 6 points from prior tickets. (Stop signs) I always feel like I'm in California for some reason.


My job relies on me having less than 6 points on my license.


Any insight on this would be helpful. I don't want to go into the courtroom blind as a bat with what to do.


Dress up for the occasion? I was planning on it, but if it's not entirely necessary I don't want to get my nice clothes off the hangers.

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Cutoff jeans, T-Shirt, and lots of "I know my rights" = WIN.


I don't own jeans, so that's a FAIL.


Seriously. I'm looking for real advice on the situation.


EDIT: The job that I have I don't really need to have, it's just a BS second job that brings in a few extra dollars a month but they don't need to know that. I think it will just help my cause.

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No points = you still get dinged on the insurance. Insurance companies look at the moving violation, points or not. If your BS job insures you to drive for them, your only hope is a ticket for something like a muffler violation. Otherwise, they will see the eight points.
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I don't own jeans, so that's a FAIL.


Seriously. I'm looking for real advice on the situation.


EDIT: The job that I have I don't really need to have, it's just a BS second job that brings in a few extra dollars a month but they don't need to know that. I think it will just help my cause.


Serious advice? Slow down. Dude u were 24 over the limit... not 5 or 10 where they could give leeway shoot 15 they might give somebut 24 over.... if ur job depends on it I know there is a course that takes 2 pounts off ur record u can take but I don't know if u can take it unless ur at 12 points I don't know u do the research for it but its a few hundred bucks for the class.

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I think your best bet is to hope the 24 over doesn't earn you a wreckless op worth 6 points, putting you at the magical 12.


Edit - I have been through a 74 in a 40, a 78 in a 55, and 2 stop signs... before I was 18.


Seriously, find a lawyer. You won't be able to go in once a month and get it postponed.

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Serious advice? Slow down. Dude u were 24 over the limit... not 5 or 10 where they could give leeway shoot 15 they might give somebut 24 over.... if ur job depends on it....


You're 19 and not the smartest kid on the block....open your eyes dude....24 over is hauling. Slow down. Especially on a bike. Not only are there others around you, you have way to little experience on a bike to being driving like that.


I think your best bet is to hope the 24 over doesn't earn you a wreckless op worth 6 points, putting you at the magical 12.


Seriously, find a lawyer. You won't be able to go in once a month and get it postponed.


Exactly. I'm surprised they didn't slap you with a reckless op to begin with. He cut you some slack IMO. And Nurk is right....you won't go in with more than one continuance. They will ping your record and deny you after the first one...if they even give you one.



Lawyer up, man. If your job depends on it, it will be money wisely spent.


Exactly....and even if your current job is a BS one...your future jobs will look at your record regardless. As a hiring manager at my current job and in the past, if I saw a record like what you're showing, you'd likely not get the job as you're high risk for me as a manager. Even if you were a stellar candidate and I took a risk, I'd deny you the company car. Remember, it's off your record for insurance, but when background checks are pulled, it will still show years from now. Be prepared to address being young and stupid when it comes up as you apply for that key position 5-7 years from now.


Get a lawyer. $550-$700 well spent as if you walk in on your own, at age 19, with that record and facing this violation, you won't get anything other than additional court fees. There's zero reason to deal. Sorry I'm being blunt.

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I know 24 over is hauling. I was following someone but I know it doesn't make it right.


One ticket was from an accident that occured when I first started driving. First time in the snow and it happened to be the worst snow of the year, got a failure to control... shit happens when you're learning to drive.


Since I was caught by the plane, what cop is going to show to the court date? The ticket issuing officer or the guy in the plane?


EDIT: They got the guy I was following at 76, how there was the discrepancy is beyond me... How do the planes "Clock" you?

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I think your best bet is to hope the 24 over doesn't earn you a wreckless op worth 6 points, putting you at the magical 12.


Edit - I have been through a 74 in a 40, a 78 in a 55, and 2 stop signs... before I was 18.


Seriously, find a lawyer. You won't be able to go in once a month and get it postponed.


If he didn't get cited for it then he can't be charged for it. Ohio rarely gives that out but they certainly can.

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Guest tbutera2112
If he didn't get cited for it then he can't be charged for it. Ohio rarely gives that out but they certainly can.


this ^



i got 26 over and didnt get reckless either...i dont think they really enforce that too much...and i was in new albany

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this ^



i got 26 over and didnt get reckless either...i dont think they really enforce that too much...and i was in new albany


Correct. Some states do (Virginia) Ohio doesn't unless you were truly being reckless (weaving in traffic)

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Guest tbutera2112
When did wreckless op stop being 6 points?




not sure...it hasnt been 6 points any time in the last 4 years, but before then i wasnt driving so i couldnt tell ya...i got a reckless op ticket in 06 and it was 4pts (i got it dropped because my attorney was a badass mofo)...i went into court facing drag racing (6pts) and reckless op (4pts) at the same time...walked out with 50 in a 35 speeding (2pt), $150 fine, carteen class, and 30hrs community service....didnt even get my license suspended haha....and i had only been driving with my full license for 3 weeks when i got the tickets...only cost me a thousand bucks outta pocket for the attorney also

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I know 24 over is hauling. I was following someone but I know it doesn't make it right.




One ticket was from an accident that occurred when I first started driving. First time in the snow and it happened to be the worst snow of the year, got a failure to control... shit happens when you're learning to drive.


Tough situation, and shit happens all the time but not everyone wrecks while learning to drive


EDIT: They got the guy I was following at 76, how there was the discrepancy is beyond me... How do the planes "Clock" you?


They can easily clock you.....they time you between two points.

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