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Texting While Driving Banned in Columbus


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How do you prove someone is texting. What if I am placing a call or surfing the web? :)


article said something to the effect of doing anything other than just talking will get you cited. for me, I use my iPhone's GPS a lot. not always while I'm driving, but I switch back and forth between map view and lists view. I also use my iPod on it. Is that going to get me cited? If so, then I'll have to move it from it's higher up vent mount to a lower cup holder mount that is actually less safe.


will be interesting when I get pulled over for simply holding my iphone in my hand.

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Good story! Seems like everytime I look into a drivers window after they are doing something ridiculous like nearly crashing into me they are on their phone one way or another, this will surely help.


Question though how do they distinguish txting from dialing a phonenumber/GPS/etc.?

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Exactly. It better not pass. Reasonable cause cant land someone a ticket if the police cant prove. And they cant take your cell phone to check either.


It already passed. Can you not read?


As far as proving it if the officer has reasonable suspicion that you were txting he can certainly ask for your phone. Its pretty obvious when somebody is doing it anyways.

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If you get pulled over and you are innocent you simply get your text detail and get out of it. On the other hand if you sent/recieved a text or initiated data anywhere around the time you get pulled over you're going end up paying.
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If you want to use a GPS mount that shit in your car and use a GPS.


Negotiating menus on your phone is just as bad as texting on your phone. You're still not paying attention to what's going on around you.


Either speaker phone it, blue tooth it or learn to be patient.

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If you get pulled over and you are innocent you simply get your text detail and get out of it. On the other hand if you sent/recieved a text or initiated data anywhere around the time you get pulled over you're going end up paying.



If I'm truly innocent, I'll gladly show the cop my phone and tell him he's wrong. However, I'm guilty of using my GPS, iPod and phone while I drive. I admit I text and drive at times too, but never in traffic. Open highway cruise in center lane...yeah, I've done that. Won't likely stop either.

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If you want to use a GPS mount that shit in your car and use a GPS.


Negotiating menus on your phone is just as bad as texting on your phone. You're still not paying attention to what's going on around you.


my iPHone GPS which is Motion X Drive is actually easier and safer to use than the Navi that was built into my last few cars. Fuck, anyone changing CD's is more distracted than me using my phone.

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You're still not paying attention no matter how easy it is.


I can text an entire conversation without looking at my phone no problems. Just cause it's easier for me than it is for some others doesn't make it okay. I'm still not paying full attention to the road.


If you want to use a GPS mount that shit in your car and use a GPS.



So then mounting a GPS and using that shit isn't going to do any good now is it. Hell, having a simple phone conversation and driving isn't possible either. You can't concentrate on two things at once so what's the point. No thanks. I'll stick to doing what I've been doing. Zero accidents in 24 years. Looks like my tint will pay off after all.



What they need to do is enforce the laws already on the books. Fuck, if there's a law that is needed, it's keep right except to pass.

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If I'm truly innocent, I'll gladly show the cop my phone and tell him he's wrong. However, I'm guilty of using my GPS, iPod and phone while I drive. I admit I text and drive at times too, but never in traffic. Open highway cruise in center lane...yeah, I've done that. Won't likely stop either.


The law as of now only covers txting and mobile web browsing. For the time being you are fine.

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The law as of now only covers txting and mobile web browsing. For the time being you are fine.


So my CR PM's that come through in email form are okay :bangbang: Oh hell, I'm just going to mount and iPad on my dash and pretend I'm a cop.

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Err, what if I have been using speech to text on my droid? I'm not "texting" in its traditional sense, but that message is there in my history. Then if I am playing with GPS on my phone it looks like I sent a text, and I wasn't "texting"
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So my CR PM's that come through in email form are okay :bangbang: Oh hell, I'm just going to mount and iPad on my dash and pretend I'm a cop.


I think it said something about emails as well. Thats probably the best route though.

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You guys know this law primarily applies to girls. Have you ever watched them text? They take their eyes completely off the road for the duration of the message. Guys, on the other hand, usually have enough common sense to eye back and forth from text to road quickly enough.


I am not joking either. I have witnessed this numerous times.

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You guys know this law primarily applies to girls. Have you ever watched them text? They take their eyes completely off the road for the duration of the message. Guys, on the other hand, usually have enough common sense to eye back and forth from text to road quickly enough.


I am not joking either. I have witnessed this numerous times.


I witnessed it just yesterday on 71.

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So then mounting a GPS and using that shit isn't going to do any good now is it. Hell, having a simple phone conversation and driving isn't possible either. You can't concentrate on two things at once so what's the point. No thanks. I'll stick to doing what I've been doing. Zero accidents in 24 years. Looks like my tint will pay off after all.



What they need to do is enforce the laws already on the books. Fuck, if there's a law that is needed, it's keep right except to pass.


Set GPS before you go somewhere and boom.


The law wasn't created just to screw you over. There are more people that don't pay attention while using these devices than ones that do. Sometimes one person ruins it for everyone.

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You guys know this law primarily applies to girls. Have you ever watched them text? They take their eyes completely off the road for the duration of the message. Guys, on the other hand, usually have enough common sense to eye back and forth from text to road quickly enough.


I am not joking either. I have witnessed this numerous times.




Go stand on any intersection that gets any traffic during 5 o'clock and 7/10 people are looking down at their phone or have it pressed up against their ear.

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