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5 cylinder turbo cars with sunroofs and spoilers worth buying


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For the 150$ you would waste on that to cover up the metal where your seats bolt in etc, you could buy 6 tanks of gas.


Keep your foot off the gas as much as possible and just don't think of buying things to "Improve" gas milage, cause the money your most likely wasting on them can just be simply spent on gas.


And think about this, say you spend 100$ on something that gives you 1extra MPG.


Just think of this, if u have a 10gal tank u get 10extra miles per gallon, so instead of 100 you get 110 miles per tank.


If each tank is 20$, then it would tank over $200 in gas already to even save yourself a $20 tank of gas. So you would have to spend roughly $1,000 in gas anyways before it even paid for itsself.


i'm feelin your mathematics sir. but look at it this way:

$1000 in gas is 50 tanks of gas. a Ten gallon tank would last me a week maximum. there are 52 weeks in a year. Its paid for after one year, and from there i am seeing the money i saved by doing the modification. say i keep it for 5 more years from the moment i do the mod. thats 4 years worth of money i saved on gas, which over the course of 4 years and 208 tanks of gas could really add up to be a significant sum of money, which i used to buy groceries, car payments, house payments. etc.


Saving money is saving money. Even if i was gonna save less than 100 dollars (1 or 2 trips to the grocery) i'd still spend the time and money to do it. Its worth it.


2 free trips to the grocery for what. an hour or two to go to the store, buy the shit, build it, and put it in?


worth it man. if i told you right now for the rest of your life all you have to do is come mow my grass, water my plants, and trim the hedges once a week for two hours and i'd buy you all your groceries for as long as you did the work for me, YOU'D DO IT! Free fuckin groceries! for two hours! that you could have spent doing what? dickin around on CR talking to some punk ass with a V6 mustang? obviously free groceries are better.

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i'm feelin your mathematics sir. but look at it this way:

$1000 in gas is 50 tanks of gas. a Ten gallon tank would last me a week maximum. there are 52 weeks in a year. Its paid for after one year, and from there i am seeing the money i saved by doing the modification. say i keep it for 5 more years from the moment i do the mod. thats 4 years worth of money i saved on gas, which over the course of 4 years and 208 tanks of gas could really add up to be a significant sum of money, which i used to buy groceries, car payments, house payments. etc.


Saving money is saving money. Even if i was gonna save less than 100 dollars (1 or 2 trips to the grocery) i'd still spend the time and money to do it. Its worth it.


2 free trips to the grocery for what. an hour or two to go to the store, buy the shit, build it, and put it in?


worth it man. if i told you right now for the rest of your life all you have to do is come mow my grass, water my plants, and trim the hedges once a week for two hours and i'd buy you all your groceries for as long as you did the work for me, YOU'D DO IT! Free fuckin groceries! for two hours! that you could have spent doing what? dickin around on CR talking to some punk ass with a V6 mustang? obviously free groceries are better.


If you are this worried about saving money and you can admit your car is slow why the fuck do you still have 4.10 gears in it.



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To learn about cars, browse the forums of the models/cars you like. You will learn about it from OWNERS, who drive their cars daily. From doing this, you will LEARN exponentially more than what the handfull of owners here have experienced. You will have hundreds of owners of the exact model you are looking at, have access to DIY's, build threads, pictures, common problems, common mods, performance stats etc.


Asking thousands of questions ranging all over the place is annoying, and yes, GHEY.


Do your homework before you ask any questions. That way when you join those forums, you don't look like a douche bag just wanting his questions answered. Its a given that whatever question you have, has already been asked dozens of times, and answered.




Other than that, I have no issue with you, other then the fact that you get your panties in a bunch over the internetz. Get a thicker skin or you wont last long on car forums.

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To learn about cars, browse the forums of the models/cars you like. You will learn about it from OWNERS, who drive their cars daily. From doing this, you will LEARN exponentially more than what the handfull of owners here have experienced. You will have hundreds of owners of the exact model you are looking at, have access to DIY's, build threads, pictures, common problems, common mods, performance stats etc.


Asking thousands of questions ranging all over the place is annoying, and yes, GHEY.


Do your homework before you ask any questions. That way when you join those forums, you don't look like a douche bag just wanting his questions answered. Its a given that whatever question you have, has already been asked dozens of times, and answered.




Other than that, I have no issue with you, other then the fact that you get your panties in a bunch over the internetz. Get a thicker skin or you wont last long on car forums.




PS: Decided to redo my brakes again.

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