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The Lane Bryant Lingerie Commercial Fox and ABC Did Not Want Their Viewers To See


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This is Habitual's wife (Mandii) and i think its wrong to judge a woman by her size because personaly if you met me yesterday at TD im not a small girl myself but i think the girl in this video is sexy as hell and just because her bestfriend isnt a fucken tooth brush or her middle finger after every meal like most models is ok with me. but theres nuthen wrong with being skinny either just all on your taste in women.. but its still not good to judge a woman on her size. all women are BEAUTIFUL in there own way. so maybe next time you look at a woman think of her as who she is and not what size pants she wears.


I'm going to disagree with you. Only because you seem to have a contradiction within that paragraph.


but theres nuthen wrong with being skinny either just all on your taste in women
Which is completely true because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I find thin women attractive, I don't find the body type of the woman in this ad attractive because she is not in the range I prefer. Nothing inherently wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with the inverse, and I think we agree on that point.


However I do not agree on your following.


but its still not good to judge a woman on her size. all women are BEAUTIFUL in there own way.
First that depends on what you define "judge" as. Are you specially speaking on what you find pleasing to your eye in relation to sexual partners ? If so, then no, not all women are beautiful since we previously agreed that beauty is entirely subjective. Perhaps one need re-examine what "judging" someone entails. I never condemned the woman, spoke in regards to her personality/intellect, nor stereotyped her in any way, other to bring to light that I don't find this particular shape attractive. So I wouldn't equate that to being judgmental.


Also I'm sure you'd agree that every man is not 'beautiful in his own way' when it comes to being physically alluring to the opposite (or same if you swing that way) sex. Since men are frequently typed and sifted (or judged) in such ways as:



Financial Stability.

Financial Stability.

How Tall are you ?

Do you ask me the right questions exactly when I want you to ?

Do you get along with but not sleep with my friends ?

(at this point sol740 just starts yammering on and on endlessly at some points waving his hands in the air mockingly while seemingly combating some non-existent entity - Editor)

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I'm going to disagree with you. Only because you seem to have a contradiction within that paragraph.


Which is completely true because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I find thin women attractive, I don't find the body type of the woman in this ad attractive because she is not in the range I prefer. Nothing inherently wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with the inverse, and I think we agree on that point.


However I do not agree on your following.


First that depends on what you define "judge" as. Are you specially speaking on what you find pleasing to your eye in relation to sexual partners ? If so, then no, not all women are beautiful since we previously agreed that beauty is entirely subjective. Perhaps one need re-examine what "judging" someone entails. I never condemned the woman, spoke in regards to her personality/intellect, nor stereotyped her in any way, other to bring to light that I don't find this particular shape attractive. So I wouldn't equate that to being judgmental.


Also I'm sure you'd agree that every man is not 'beautiful in his own way' when it comes to being physically alluring to the opposite (or same if you swing that way) sex. Since men are frequently typed and sifted (or judged) in such ways as:



Financial Stability.

Financial Stability.

How Tall are you ?

Do you ask me the right questions exactly when I want you to ?

Do you get along with but not sleep with my friends ?

(at this point sol740 just starts yammering on and on endlessly at some points waving his hands in the air mockingly while seemingly combating some non-existent entity - Editor)



Infraction: Too many words in a thread about big girls needing love too. Logic has no place in a thread about tits and ass. If you dont like the tits and ass in question move on. No thoughts are needed in a thread like this other than should I click the x. use KY, or go dry.

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That was a good looking women, so what if she is a bit bigger. How many of you are trim and in shape? Some are, but I bet most of you have a little extra weight which is why your cars need so much hp :bangbang:

I don't like twigs, but I don't like fatties either. Wait till you marry and your wife has a kid or two, gonna put on some pounds and probably keep them on.

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sol740 im not goin to argue with weither i "contradicted" my self on anything because i did not i was simply saying that its is NOT rite to judge a woman on size because calling her fat and posting nasty pictures of a man cutting his eyes out is insulting her and that is judging her by her size. fact of the matter is YES every woman is BEAUTIFUL in there own way and i do not judge men by looks either it isnt like habitual is top of line fit but i love my husband for WHO HE IS not what he looks like and thats what it should be skinny girls are FAR to over rated these days healthy skinny is ok but vicky secret models for fact 70% of them suffer and have been in the hospital for bulimia. so like i said if her bestfriend isnt a tooth brush or her middle finger after a meal thats great. i am a thick woman and i know the other end of the name calling and guys putting me down for what i look like. and im beautiful for more then my body.. im a amazing wife mother and friend and thats what makes me beautiful not my bra size or pants size or how skinny my thighs can be. so speaking for all women dont judge us by our size hips and thighs... judge us for the amazing beings we really are. cuz i mean face it.. with out women.. what would men have.. fast cars and a bottle of lotion and hand. =] no affence guys. and hopefuly you all understand where im coming from. and if you dont.. well i guess thats your own self centerd problems
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im not goin to argue with weither i "contradicted" my self on anything because i did not
So you're not going to argue with me, by arguing with me(which I really wouldn't classify this as an "argument" but ok)? That's a poor explanation. You said everyone has their "type", which is correct, then you got upset when I spoke of which I did, or did not prefer via humorous jpg? That is a contradiction. If you disagree that's fine.


fact of the matter is YES every woman is BEAUTIFUL in there own way
Not a fact. An opinion. Completely changing definition by interpretation of the word "beauty".


i do not judge men by looks
All human beings judge by looks to a degree. This is not an opinion, but a verified, certifiable fact.


im a amazing wife mother and friend and thats what makes me beautiful not my bra size or pants size or how skinny my thighs can be.

This ad was not about how awesome a mother, or friend the model was, it was directly related to sexually enticing apparel.


fast cars and a bottle of lotion and hand.

Thank god for the above.


well i guess thats your own self centerd problems
Human beings are inherently selfish, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Our entire sociological system is based around one taking care of his own. Capitalism is based on me working to get the things I want, thus being able to provide for my own, and multiply by a society. So if saying "I don't find thick girls attractive" makes me self-centered, than so be it. I don't particularly take offense to the term.


Though as Brian said, our conversation has diverted the topic. I am out. PM me if you want to continue the discussion, but I forsee it going in circles.

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wow is all i have to say. people crack me up now a days. its a shame that people really think its all about looks. and how do you or anyone know shes not a mother or a wife. is all im saying. to make it clear what im trying to say is that LOOKS ARNT EVERYTHING. and if you'd open your eyes you might see that maybe just maybe not everyone is selfish cuz i know im not and neither is anyone eles i know. and you can think what you want but NO i do NOT judge people by there looks and never have and never will and neither should you or anyone eles is what im getting at my whole main thing to this whole big thing was thats ITS NOT ABOUT LOOKS .. there for DO NOT JUDGE SOMEONE. end of story.
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wow is all i have to say. people crack me up now a days. its a shame that people really think its all about looks. and how do you or anyone know shes not a mother or a wife. is all im saying. to make it clear what im trying to say is that LOOKS ARNT EVERYTHING. and if you'd open your eyes you might see that maybe just maybe not everyone is selfish cuz i know im not and neither is anyone eles i know. and you can think what you want but NO i do NOT judge people by there looks and never have and never will and neither should you or anyone eles is what im getting at my whole main thing to this whole big thing was thats ITS NOT ABOUT LOOKS .. there for DO NOT JUDGE SOMEONE. end of story.


everyone is entitled to their opinion unfortunately it does not count here at Columbus Racing.



Welcome to the site.

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