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iPhone folks - I have some questions


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Now that I've had my phone for a day, I've been playing with its features, and integration into other things I have. Questions:


1. iPhone doesn't seem to like Firewire. Normally I used my Firewire cord to sync my iPod. I thought Firewire was Apple's baby back in the day, so what gives?


2. I run an Pioneer Premier DEH-P980BT in my Avalanche, with the iPod controller. Basically, when I hook my iPod up, it lets me take over and control it via the head unit. Is there any way (or any app) that will let me do this with the iPhone? I get the "not compatiable with iPhone" and the won't charge the phone message. My hope was to be able to just ditch my iPod totally...right now, I have them both synced with the same material.


3. iPhone is the first Bluetooth device I've had with this head unit that actually seems to work well with it. Most of my calls echo like no other, but my wife said it wasn't echoing using it today with the iPhone. I was also able to sync the BT Audio with the iPhone, and listed to the iPod function and Pandora through it - the sound quality was excellent as well (couldn't hear any difference between the BT Audio and the iPod). Problem: this head unit SUCKS for auto-syncing Bluetooth. To do it, I have to manually go to the Settings > General > Bluetooth > Select the device. Any way to make this process automatic, or less menus to navigate?


4. Is there a way to save passwords / frequently typed things, so I don't have to always retype them?


5. Can you sync iTunes with your PC via Bluetooth?


6. What are some good, free, must-have apps? I'll probably Jailbreak the phone down the road a bit, but want to keep it as-is for a little while at least.

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1. Not that i know off. I think they dropped it after 2005 for pc. MAc i think you MAY be able.


2. Iphone uses a different communication and the HU has to be able to support the iphone. I know instances where the 2g iphone wont work but 3g will. 3gs will but 3g wont. Have to check the forums for that one. And they are finicky with when you plug it in, and if its plugged in on startup and what not. Thats the one thing i hated about the alpine and pioneer iphone support.


3. If you unlock the phone using say blackrain, you could swipe your finger across the top and activate the BT.


4. Yes. If you are on the internet, itll ask you to save. If you said no to it, you may have to reset the browser to allow you to be able to.


5. NO.


6. Pandora, shazam, i forget all the stuff i had on mine.

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1) Firewire is dead.


2)older charging cables won't work with newer iWhatever devices. You can probably just get a new USB cable for your HU and it should work.


3) Jail Break.


4) settings > Safari> enable autofill


5) doubt it


6) free stuff I use: Weatherbug, Shazam, Waze, Facebook, Pandora, AIM, Flixster, Chipotle, eBay, Urban Spoon, Cheap Gas!, Speed Test, myWireless, Papertoss, Pocket tanks, space deadbeef, fallingballs, iheartradio, pic2shop, Photobucket, Photo shop mobile. That enough? JB and there's more.


JB) You might have some trouble with Jail breaking your iphone. Apple changed the boot ROM not too long ago, and the new 3.1.3 OS was designed to kill jail breaks.

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Iphone FAQ


Q: My testicles seem to be slowly disappearing

A: Normal side effect of Iphone usage.

It was all about the money. A few useful apps, mail, and good web browsing, all of which the iPhone does well. If AT&T offered a better Droid device, we would have looked into it.


The Droid is likely the better device, but I honestly don't need all that it has to offer.

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