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Coshocton Man Arrested Near NC Airport


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I read this on CNN and the first thing I thought of when I saw him was "woodchuck to grey squirrel" from In Living Color.



With all the crap that Glen Beck and Sarah the retard keep saying you are going to see more of this I think.

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the guy is pretty stupid is he brought a firearm to an airport.... Rule 1 of CCW, don't carry at an airport or federal building.... (I'm aware rule 1 is always keep firearm pointed in a safe direction, I'm just saying dude is stupid for carrying at an airport)
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the guy is pretty stupid is he brought a firearm to an airport.... Rule 1 of CCW, don't carry at an airport or federal building.... (I'm aware rule 1 is always keep firearm pointed in a safe direction, I'm just saying dude is stupid for carrying at an airport)


He was actually sitting outside the air port. Basically outside the fence watching Air Force One land on the runway. They questioned him and asked what he was doing and he said he wanted to see the president. I guess when he stood up the officer noticed he was carrying a gun. Then they heard his car and he was using a scanner to listen into police channels. Had scanner frequencies wrote down in car.

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so if he had a CCW, I am failing to see what he did wrong. (assuming he was not on the airport property) I remember as a kid, we would go to the airport to see airforce one as well as I remember going to the airport to see the concord back when it was still in service.
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I fail to see the issue....


North Carolina



North Carolina is a traditional open carry state. You MAY open carry in a motor vehicle. However, localities may regulate the carrying of firearms under certain circumstances.

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Now people are catching on.


What he was doing is not illegal. Is the kid stupid. Quite possibly.


Read the new story http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20100426/UPDATES01/100426008/Residents-call-McVey-a-good-kid


This is his reason for the scanner....... "secretary/treasurer of Coshocton County Radio Emergency Association Communication Teams, where McVey has volunteered since June 2008. The organization assists the local sheriff’s office directing traffic at accident scenes."


Hmmm around sheriffs often. Has a CCW. Hmmm


He is being charged with " a misdemeanor charge of going armed in terror of the public"


and discuss

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i could be wrong, but i dont think the laws are the same when the president is present. obviously its not like he was in the same building as him, but still.


i can see both sides of this. no one wants to take the slightest chance with the presidents life. i predict he'll get to spend a couple days dealing with some bullshit and nothing will come of it if everything turns up that he had reason for radio, etc.


just think of it as an extreme case of if you got hassled for open carrying here.

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