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Kitchen remodel time is here...


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day 1 - 13 hours. got quite a bit done.


had all the cabinets emptied out before we started...got the dishwasher, microwave, and oven out, moved fridge to the living room...removed all the cabinets and countertops, sink, disposal, etc...got the laminate flooring pulled up. started to scrape the linoleum underneath, and after an hour an getting barely any up, we said fuck it. started to pull the soffet out, which was fun...not. f'ing insulation everywhere...


got started on building the frame to support the load bearing wall, got the 12' 2x10s and plywood sandwiched between to support the load of the trusses.


first floor is now pretty much completely open. we left 30" of the wall so the left side of the fridge is mostly covered, and ive got about 14" on the opposite wall, about 2" more than what i had























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nothing really that we didnt expect that posed a large problem


today after cutting out random sections of drywall, i finally just convinced the guy helping me that itll be much easier to rip it all down, put up new vapor barrier (instead of trying to seal it with the old shit) and get straight lines, instead of trying to cut around corners, use a shit ton of mud, etc.


BIG thanks to chad (GTPnLS1) for coming out today and getting a little bit of the electrical knocked out before he had to get to work. i would not hesitate one bit to reccomend him to anyone else. he knows his shit, he takes time to explain the stuff to me (since i know 0 about electic work), just an all around great guy


but today after we ripped out drywall on the sink wall and insulation, we were able to get the copper water lines run and soldered, got the drain line ran, which was fun...lol. not. but we got drain line, Y pipe, pipe to come to p-trap, vent pipe, and new 3" vent through ceiling. we would have reused the 3" pipe but while we were fitting pipes it fell through the ceiling...it fell between the 2 of us and didnt hit either...otherwise one of us would be fucked up right now


so really not any good pictures, just some of the new sink plumbing. we got some shutoffs on them so we could pressurize the system to check for leaks...none! its a good feeling when theres no problems...*knock on wood*


also got drywall ripped out from under the window so we can add another outlet and move the current one up, as there will be counters up to about 8" below that.









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now i see what your goal is. i looked at the first set this afternoon and was kind of scratching my head trying to figure out exactly what you were trying to do. looks good all opened up. is your wife going to kill you once her cabinet space is all gone?



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no wife. ha! live in g/f, but the house is all mine


cabinet space will actually be more.


before, for wall cabinets, we had a 24", a 30x18 (over microwave), 48" corner blind cabinet, then another 21 or 24" cabinet, then ~36" of empty space above sink, a 27 or 30" above dishwasher, and then a 30x15 over fridge...then we had a 24" base, oven, 48" corner blind cabinet, 12" base, sink base 36", and dishwasher


now, for wall starting at fridge and going around, 30x15 over fridge, 27x30 wall, 36x15 over sink, 12x30, 24x36 corner cabinet (it'll sit 6" higher than others to offset), 12x30, then 30x12 over microwave. base will have fridge, 2-3" of fill, DW, sink base, 36" lazy susan, oven, and then a combination of a 9" base, 21" 3-drawer base, and a 36" base with a wide ass drawer.


plus, we got 2 extra 21" cabinets im thinking im just going to put them together, mount a heavy duty frame and wheels underneath and make an island out of them, which would add a shitload more.


and on the wall to the right of the back door (looking from front room, where most of pictures are taken from), there will be 2 36"w x 42" tall x 12" deep to form a storage pantry. i wanted to get an actual 24x24x84 pantry but if i put it on that wall, it would obstruct the walking/viewing lane from the front door to the back door...and i couldnt fit it in anywhere else that i felt would look good.


more pics tomorrow


edit - i feel like an idiot that i typed that shit out and realized i had the old pics up there. oh well...at least you know what size the cabinets are...haha

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ive been waiting to do this since i moved in a year ago...was just more a thing of getting other things done first, and getting enough $$ together to pay for it all in cash and not have to do a HELOC or anything else where i was borrowing $$.


hopefully it will add a bit of value to the house too, and when i sell it in 5-6 years i can make a little bit of a profit.

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ugh...another long day, but got a shitload done.


started at 9am, getting shit cleaned up since i was too lazy last night. about 1030 my buddy got over, chad came, got the electrical finished up, ready for devices to go in. we got old insulation ripped out, patched some holes in the outside insulation with some tape, got new insulation put in...got our vapor barrier put up, stapled in place, and taped the seams. then got all the drywall hung...i fucking HATE drywall. ive hated it every other time ive had to do it. it blows. but its done.


we were going to put mud up today but we stopped about 630 to go over to our g/fs moms (hes dating my g/fs sister) to eat some dinner...got home, started to get stuff clean, then started to knock out getting the popcorn texture off the ceiling. told my g/f all she had to do was spray the water bottle and soak the ceiling and i would scrape it down. she got tired after holding the water bottle for like 3 minutes, so i told her she could do the scraping. HAHA. easiest way to get popcorn down? have someone else do it. i scraped it for maybe 5 minutes, then just stood there and sprayed the water up. also got the fan out of there so i can remount the box, clean the fan, and got the ground cleaned up.










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I REALLY need to redo my kitchen,... the funds aren't there though. I wish some host from HGTV or DIY would meet me at Lowes or Home Depot and say "Hey, we're giving you a free kitchen this weekend". lol.
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today, finished up drywall, corner bead hung, and started mudding the walls...i hate drywalling. after we got the first coat of mud on, we started laying the subfloor panels...these things are sweet. theyre 2'x2', about 3/4" tall, has a plastic bottom with feet about 1/8" tall, and fit together via tounge and groove. theyre made for slab floors to let air underneath them and insulate the room a bit...no more cold kitchen floors. not cheap, i think they were ~$6.78 each, and i needed 52, but no cold floors is well worth $350. to add to this, we found a SHITLOAD of gap in my slab floor on the exterior walls. 2 cans of "great stuff" at $3.75 each filled those up nicely. hopefully that will help with the cold floors a good bit.


after we got that done, first coat of mud had dried, he started doing the second coat of mud, i had to make another trip to lowes, get a couple more subfloor panels and a few other things done.


hoping for tomorrow to get final coat of mud on, ceiling stamped, and to come back tomorrow night to do final sanding. if so, wednesday we can start to get wall cabinets put up, flooring installed, then put the base cabinets in. once those are in i can get a few granite companies to come out and measure and give me an estimate for my new countertops and undermount sink.


sorry for the long ass posts.








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for now, on top of that it will have underlayment and 8mm (5/16") laminate...im just going to have a ~1/2" rise between the 2 rooms.


eventually (hopefully before this winter) im going to buy more subfloor panels, do the front room, and a different laminate or i might even do carpet in the majority of the room, and more of the tiles like what i have down from the front door back to the kitchen, about 4' wide.


but we made sure we layed those subfloor panels so when we do the front room, we can pull up whatever transition strip is there and tap in the new panels without having to pull up any of the kitchen floor

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just to update- no new pics...all we did today was sand mud, then put more mud up, we tried to ge the ceiling stamped, but after about 1/4 of it was done, it looked like shit, had clumps coming off with the stiple brush, so we scraped it down, went and bought primer (which we should have done first), put it up and called it a day. tomorrow we should be able to get the ceiling done, final coat for mud on...my buddy wants to start hanging cabinets tomorrow, but i dont think the walls will be ready in time, unless the final coat dries REALLY fast, and we can get it sanded by late afternoon...we shall see.
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ceiling is stamped, drywall finished, primed, upper cabinets done.


and honestly, with all the progress weve made, the thing i love the most? the ceiling. i hated the popcorn with a passion. the ceiling was simple and easy, and looks 100x better. cabinets look awesome too. got them all hung, screwed into each other (eliminate hairline gaps between them and keep them even), doors adjusted


pics -








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more - got the underlayment and laminate put down, got my buddy who does HVAC to come over and put in the vent pipe to go under the cabinet by the window...it was the best $25 ive spent, because there was no way we would have figured out how to do what he did.... got all the lower cabinets in, pipes for sink popped through the sink base cabinet, water line for fridge run, dishwasher line run...there was a piece of metal nailed to the bottom of my door that made it too tall with the flooring. got that pulled off, so my door shuts and doesnt hit the ground. im sure im missing some things, but heres a few pics.


oh...this laminate flooring is tits. it looks like actual stone tile. theres only like 3 spots where theres a hairline crack between planks that we couldnt get tight. theyre so tiny though, you cant even see them when standing, only when youre down like youre installing them


and heres the funny thing. i originally bought 10 boxes of this stuff. figuring i might need 1 more box due to cuts i would have to make to offset them instead of a checkerboard pattern. this morning before we started, we decided to get 3 more boxes, just incase


we finished with 9 boxes, 4 boxes left over. so looks like im getting back almost $200 from that.








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short day today. got some electrical knocked out, undercabinet lights mounted, microwave mounted, moved the fridge back in, brought in the dishwasher so we can measure for a base fill piece. checked on a couple granite places to get estimates. got a whole list of little 10 minute jobs to do tomorrow


couple pics


edit - in the 2nd pic, that single cabinet will have another mounted right on top of it to make a pantry, and it will be lifted up off the floor a few inches to toe kick height.




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working on it. but i probably wont have them for a few weeks since they have to template and then get them cut and installed. and if i have to wait 3-5 weeks to save a few hundred bucks, ill throw down some plywood for the time being and rip it out when the granite comes


it'll look sick once its done though

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at this moment, no. but i do have 2 extra matching 21" base cabinets, i could make a 42" island.


my only thing is, if i do an island, i want to put it on some sort of wheel base, so i can move it around if need be. eventually though, its going to be in there.

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-got most of the electrical outlets in this weekend

-got the sink plumbing all put together

-skins on the sides of the corner cabinet, and side of the cabinet left of the sink

-got some electical re-ran in a correct way (yes chad, we took down the 2 cabinets and fixed that "fucked up" wire. lol)

-got the disposal hooked up

-dishwasher is functional

-got a base piece fabbed up to support granite on the left side of the dishwasher

-pantry is up and in place, but i need to get some skins for it, which might be a few days.

-waiting on base fill for the cabinets under the window


really all thats left now is to get the counter tops ordered, all the trim work, crown moulding, door knobs and shit, some paint (still trying to decide a color), undercabinet lights mounted, and a couple other small things. maybe one more solid day, but its all shit that can be done next weekend. i have a goofy looking and half ass mounted sink, but it works, no leaks, oven works, microwave good, and the fridge is on and running.

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