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Take note of these floods in the south.


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Many many cars have been put underwater this weekend in the south. If you find a deal on a car in the south 90 days from now, chances are it is not a deal.




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damn that's crazy! how quick did the water raise? i'm constantly amazed that people get stuck in water like that....but i've never been by a river that got up that high that quick

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Last year 33 outside nelsonville flooded when my dad and brother were driving back from Athens. A bunch of cars got flooded out/stranded but thankfully the explorer made it through, and got the best underbody wash of its life.
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This is kinda interesting


Fluid Dynamics -


Water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot and typically flows downstream at 6 to 12 miles an hour. When a vehicle stalls in water, the water’s momentum is transferred to the car. For each foot the water rises, 500 pounds of lateral force are applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of the car, the car displaces 1,500 pounds less for each foot the water rises. Therefore, most cars will float in just two feet of water.

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That is just nuts, love how the people are getting alcohol out of the flood.


When you look at a car, you should pull the carpet back to check for flood damage. Most places can shampoo and clean a car up good so you can't tell it was in a flood. I heard that if you pull up some of the carpet, underneath there will be stains and possible rust from the water. This was on a warning that came out back when Katrina hit New Orleans also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i almost bought a flood car...we were really considering it, but the guy wouldn't lower his price at all, so we walked away from it


you could tell because there was some fogging in the lights and mud and such in corners of the car where it shouldn't be....he didn't come out and say it was a salvage/flood car until my fiance asked about that stuf


i was going to name the car "Oliver" from an episode of top gear, where hammond's car sinks in africa and he screams for it :)

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