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That's also only 4 days before Apple's WWDC where they will undoubtedly release the new iPhone. Even if the EVO does great it will be overshadowed by Apple coverage.
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That's half the problem. Every new phone tries to beat or compare itself to the iPhone.

Here's a novel idea for the other companies.... Forget the iPhone and INNOVATE something yourself.


-posted from my iPhone :p

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Here's a novel idea for the other companies.... Forget the iPhone and INNOVATE something yourself.



the cost to do that would never pay the dividends that you'd make by just continually hyping up every new phone that comes out.

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Not a shot.. not a fucking shot (and I'm a verizon user)



As an iPhone owner and seeing what the EVO is going to offer, it's killing the iPhone. Name one thing the iPhone does better or at all that the EVO doesn't do......better.



I'll take your bait on this.

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the cost to do that would never pay the dividends that you'd make by just continually hyping up every new phone that comes out.


I usually agree with you, but this time I don't. Tell Apple that. Before the iPhone the blackberry was king of the hill. They didn't try to make a "blackberry killer".

They started from scratch and made a kick ass phone that did more than anything else available. THAT is what someone else needs to do.

Before you say everything has already been thought of, remember the same words came out of the chaiman on the patent office...... 100 years ago.

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As an iPhone owner and seeing what the EVO is going to offer, it's killing the iPhone. Name one thing the iPhone does better or at all that the EVO doesn't do......better.



I'll take your bait on this.


I'll answer... The iphone has better software. Andoid is great but the iphones software is preferred by more people (which is the only way to judge because software preference is mostly opinion because half the people fighting dont know the facts anyway :lol: /runon). If you like android the iphone has already been beat. If you dont like android the evo will be enough to make you start liking it.

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I'll answer... The iphone has better software.


You started with software...seriously? How many variations of the iphone OS have there been Vs Android? Nothing close. Android hasn't had time to develop. There is nothing exciting about iphone OS. Mine is in out of box form right now...jeebus how boring!

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iphone's reign ended when the G1 came out.


The iphone isnt as original as some of you people in here might think. I had a Nokia N80 when the first iphone came out and it could do everything the iphone did and then some, it was even 3G, only thing the nokia was lacking was a touch screen and accelerometers.


Iphone has better software? Thats the weakest thing about the iphone.


I suggest we rename this to columbusphonebattles.com

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iphone's reign ended when the G1 came out.


It's the appstore that entices everyone to want the iPhone. Hell all the advertisements that Apple was doing up until recently were all about apps.




Iphone has better software? Thats the weakest thing about the iphone.


Pretty much. Same lame look and locked up feel on every device. ipod touch, iphone, and now iPad. Will be coming to iPhone 4G/HD as well.


When is 4G supposed to be coming to Columbus Putty?



"Summer" is all I am hearing.

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Sucks that sprint will be tacking an extra $10/month to the data plan for a 4G connection that only exists in a few select cities.


Someone explain to me how 4Mb/s down and 1Mb/s up constitutes 4G? And keep in mind that Engadget article is a best case scenario, with a 4G tower inside the building.


For comparison: VZW's LTE test in Seattle, WA: Average speeds of 5Mb/s-12Mb/s down and 2Mb/s up.


Shit, my 3Gs routinely pulls 3+Mb/s down (and 4+Mb/s on more than 1 occasion). Granted upload speeds are in the 300-400Kb/s range, but down is the more important number.


Not knocking Android or the EVO. Both are fantastic pieces of tech, but Sprint is trying to pass a 3G connection off as 4G! And then has the kohones to charge extra for it!

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