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Bad North Korea!


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Like the 1.9% Military Salary raise Congress was thinking about passing. Lowest we've had in years if that says anything about the current administration's take on the military.


-Just one of the many reasons a showdown with North Korea, is a bad one. At the moment. Who knows, the way of dictators is on the decline, and as they die off, they're BS will too. I give the crazy little man 10 more years if he's lucky.

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We have to finish rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistans Military forces, before we get to see a cent of improvement. On top of that, we've got quite a few other countries getting the helping hand of Uncle Sugar. I think we're having a sale on M1114 and M1151 Up-Armored HMMWV's (Humvees). Seems like every country that adorns themselves inside the NATO flag, have them.
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We have to finish rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistans Military forces, before we get to see a cent of improvement. On top of that, we've got quite a few other countries getting the helping hand of Uncle Sugar. I think we're having a sale on M1114 and M1151 Up-Armored HMMWV's (Humvees). Seems like every country that adorns themselves inside the NATO flag, have them.


I wonder how many more years we have to wait for this too never happen?

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I wonder how many more years we have to wait for this too never happen?


Ohhh it's happening. Both Armies are better equiped than a good portion of US Military units. I've never seen so many new weapons coming out of boxes before, and they came from non other than Uncle Sam and his tax dollars.


I don't mind helping rebuild something that is broke, but equiping it with American gear is a bit out of the question. Just my opinion on the matter.

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Ohhh it's happening. Both Armies are better equiped than a good portion of US Military units. I've never seen so many new weapons coming out of boxes before, and they came from non other than Uncle Sam and his tax dollars.


I don't mind helping rebuild something that is broke, but equiping it with American gear is a bit out of the question. Just my opinion on the matter.


So we are re-equiping the enemy with new weapons and training for them to use against us down the road.


Sweet deal they got going on.

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No, his policy was "make shit up to get us on the ground, then just kinda leave it up to the Military to figure out how to actually win... then leave it up to some one else."


You're confusing " A guy that gets stuff done" with "a guy that starts shit he can't finish". Brilliant strategy.




Hi, Eric. Hope you have been well. Keep jumping on Bush and ignoring the fact your guy may have less of a clue. It's just old.


No one questions the fact Bush "should have been better" The ball is in another court now. God bless the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we seem to be losing our influence in the world at an alarming rate. That's Obama's intent. Maybe you are ok with it, but this world is getting way too crazy for America just to back off and let whatever happens happen.


Chavez is hooking up with Russia. Iran is hooking up with our biggest friend in ally in South America, Brazil. Iran is hooking up with Turkey. Obama buddies up to a Mexican president who lectures us during a joint session of Congress about OUR laws being too harsh? Obama then blows off the Benjamin Netenyahu? He doesnt have the stones to sanction or deal with Iran. Then big bad Hillary Clinton calls for "consequences" with North Korea? Like what??? Meanwhile, the biggest threat to our physical well being in the US is a flood of illegals streaming over the border and the Federal govt wont even allow AZ to enforce pre-existing immigration laws! The US is being neutered from the inside out.


What has "gotten done?" Biden says Iraq is a success. Was that Obama's doing? I'm curious as to what has actually been accomplished in the last 18 months. Please fill me in as you are so skilled at doing so.


Feel free to start a new thread called "Obama's Accomplishments" It shouldnt be more than a page long.

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I don't mind helping rebuild something that is broke, but equiping it with American gear is a bit out of the question. Just my opinion on the matter.


That's how the military industrial complex works:

"Our Tax dollars are being spent on other people"

-What are we buying them?

= Stuff from US companies. A vast majority of the billions of dollars that we're "dumping over there" is coming right back over here, and right into the pockets of the people supplying the armed forces, PMCs, infrastructure-buildin' contractors, etc.


Yet passing a school levy is a waste of money.

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Keep jumping on Bush and ignoring the fact your guy may have less of a clue. It's just old.


How can it be old, it's only been 18 months. :p


What do you mean by "losing our influence in the world"? Exactly what influence did we have before? I'm really curious about your menaing there, and I'll step back and let you clarify before proceding further.


What has "gotten done?" Biden says Iraq is a success. Was that Obama's doing? I'm curious as to what has actually been accomplished in the last 18 months. Please fill me in as you are so skilled at doing so.


Feel free to start a new thread called "Obama's Accomplishments" It shouldnt be more than a page long.


Is your internet broken? Of course it isn't, you just don't reaserch things when you're not sure if you're right or not. Just like the other Neo Cons, you run on rhetoric. This wasn't even hard to find:

Obama Campaing Promises: 510

Promises kept (finalized, so far): 123

Promises in the works: 253

Promises broken: 19

Promises ended in compromise: 34


Like it or not, he's been the busiest president since you've been alive. Would you like to compare Obamas first 12 months to Dubyuh's?

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How can it be old, it's only been 18 months. :p


What do you mean by "losing our influence in the world"? Exactly what influence did we have before? I'm really curious about your menaing there, and I'll step back and let you clarify before proceding further.




Is your internet broken? Of course it isn't, you just don't reaserch things when you're not sure if you're right or not. Just like the other Neo Cons, you run on rhetoric. This wasn't even hard to find:

Obama Campaing Promises: 510

Promises kept (finalized, so far): 123

Promises in the works: 253

Promises broken: 19

Promises ended in compromise: 34


Like it or not, he's been the busiest president since you've been alive. Would you like to compare Obamas first 12 months to Dubyuh's?


Edit: Yeah, "Dubyuh" only united the whole country after 9-11


Hmm, let's see. Influence. Well, the kind of influence that won the cold war. The kind of influence that worked when we threatened sanctions on rogue states. The kind of influence that kept North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuala and China quiet for the last 60+ years. China owns us because of massive debt so no influence there. We are laughing stocks of NK, Iran, Syria and Venezuala because of empty threats. So yeah, that kind of influence.


I just dont get CNN...wow..all these promises kept and approval ratings in the toilet. Maybe he is keeping the promises I voted against him for?


Do you really think we are heading in the right direction on any front? Yes, my internet is broken. It only gets CR and google:) Please, tell me my liberal friend. What has gotten better? Where is the hope? What is working? What has the potential to work? What policies make us stronger? Why is kissing an enemies ass better than standing up to one? How are we better? Please elaborate.

Edited by OSUGT
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That's how the military industrial complex works:

"Our Tax dollars are being spent on other people"

-What are we buying them?

= Stuff from US companies. A vast majority of the billions of dollars that we're "dumping over there" is coming right back over here, and right into the pockets of the people supplying the armed forces, PMCs, infrastructure-buildin' contractors, etc.


Yet passing a school levy is a waste of money.


I actually agree with you on this.

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If they admit to it they may lose support from China. Which is the only reason they are still a country. If they deny it, then that gives China a reason to defend them and keep s. Korea from acting militarily.


Imo Kim is only hurting himself with these little stunts. Even China is growing tired of it and may be willing to cut ties at some point to keep there economic ties to the rest of the world.

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Edit: Yeah, "Dubyuh" only united the whole country after 9-11



I would have to disagree with this statement as I would say the tragedy of 9/11 itself united us. Not the serving president. If anything the Iraq war only served to further polarize us. Where as only a minority of even left-swaying individuals protested Afghanistan. Those people were jerks.






Oh and fuck Korea.








North Korea specifically.

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I would have to disagree with this statement as I would say the tragedy of 9/11 itself united us. Not the serving president. If anything the Iraq war only served to further polarize us. Where as only a minority of even left-swaying individuals protested Afghanistan. Those people were jerks.






Oh and fuck Korea.








North Korea specifically.


What he said.............

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Edit: Yeah, "Dubyuh" only united the whole country after 9-11


Yeah, like that was difficult? 9/11 united the country, it wouldn't have mattered who was in charge. Anf yes, everyone said Fuck the taliban, stomp on Afghanistan.

But gues what? I'm genuinely pissed about this: Your dumb ass president gave them TWO WEEKS NOTICE that we were coming! Two weeks of "Hey Afghanistan, we're coming, we know where you are and we're coming to get you". And he was surpsised that the power-players were hard to find? It's almost like he didn't want to catch Bin Laden, like leaving him alive would prove some benefit of some kind *coughmilitaryindustrialcomplexcough*. Cant wage a decade-long war if you successfully bomb your primary target overnight.


Maybe he is keeping the promises I voted against him for?

Actually, probably. Also consider who is being surveyed for those approval ratings. Have you ever taken part in an opinion poll? I sure as hell havent, I tell them no-thanks when they call and don't do the online ones: no time. The people that take part in those surveys aren't an accurate barometer for public opinion. The only ones to take part int he polls are either bored or pissed enough to take the time out of their day to take a survey. Polled approval numbers are always lower than actual approval ratings, doesn't matter who's in office.


The influence you speak of began dying at the end of the cold war. It was finnaly killed by the Iraq war, we lost ALL of our credibility with that fumble. I'd love to hear you explain how 50 years of street cred was killed in 18 months. Your guys pussy-footed with those dictators just as much as anyone else, they just talked more shit as they did it.... accept when Reagan helped Iraq get WMDs.

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^let is go, man. Bush has been gone for a year and a half and things are worse. That's the point. The lame "blame bush" mantra is played out. I would just like to see one policy implemented that doesnt expand the role of govt and actually benefit the nation. Thats all I want.


Not once have I ever said Bush was the answer. I just think history will judge him better than the past year.


You keep droning on about the "military industrial complex" Again, I am prone to agree with you on this one. However, your boy expanded the whole operation in contrast to his campaign rhetoric so I dont see anything to really be proud of. However, he made his decision after months of waffleing and our military suffered because of indecision.


Wait, I thought you said there were no WMDs in Iraq? Wasnt that your basis for the huge mistake of being there?

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America is like the number one team that got too comfortable. We practice less, spend more time going to parties, then wonder why we are suddenly losing games. We need to start playing the game like we are losing instead of winning.


P.S. I think the election process should take 2 years. Over that time the person that puts more things into play and makes a difference gets voted in. Since I'm on this sports kick.... Its like college vs the pros. Why play hard when you are already making the money and are set for life. We need to make them fight harder for that position. The majority of them step into office and only deliver on a handfull of promises while giving us a boat load of excuses.

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Ok, now im a little behind on this subject, and a little ignorant for that matter. BUT is N korea a nuclear capable country? Also, is all out war even a threat? It just seems to me that they have been hiding some type of mass destruction weapon and are waiting for a reason to kill someone?...
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Ok, now im a little behind on this subject, and a little ignorant for that matter. BUT is N korea a nuclear capable country? Also, is all out war even a threat? It just seems to me that they have been hiding some type of mass destruction weapon and are waiting for a reason to kill someone?...


North Korea unfortunately is a nuclear capable country that has tested its arsenal a few times without warning. All out war is a REAL threat, but in the same token, it's a lose, lose battle for Mr. Kim Jong Il. Back in the 50's, we signed more of a cease fire treaty, so from that point on, the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) acts basically as a boarder between North and South Korea, not to mention a hot zone for clashes between the 2 countries. Between South and North Korea, America has a good sum of US Soldiers and ROK Army there, along with an array of obstacles and landmines. Kinda serves as a road block, in case the North tries anything. Not to mention, the North kinda followed suit.

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America is like the number one team that got too comfortable. We practice less, spend more time going to parties, then wonder why we are suddenly losing games. We need to start playing the game like we are losing instead of winning.


P.S. I think the election process should take 2 years. Over that time the person that puts more things into play and makes a difference gets voted in. Since I'm on this sports kick.... Its like college vs the pros. Why play hard when you are already making the money and are set for life. We need to make them fight harder for that position. The majority of them step into office and only deliver on a handfull of promises while giving us a boat load of excuses.


I can see the mindset coming from the public's perspective. Coming out of my end on the ground, it's like a UFC fight with both arms tied behind your back sometimes, where as other times you bring the gun to a knife fight. The RULES OF ENGAUGEMENT over here are ridiculous. Those in charge, (Generals with too many stars) decide these policies, when in most cases, they're made for political reasons. Do we want to harm/hurt/kill innocent civilians? NO WAY, but in times we need to freedom of operation, when these cowards hide within the population. It seems now, most commisioned officers within authority are too busy trying to keep the world's opinion of us favorable, when not to mention we play by every rule in the book. They like to hold us back, for the true might tends to be a bit of "overkill" as they call it.


For inst


Stop Im drunk, have fun. Banged an air force skank

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I take polls all the time. All I gotta do is get up on a Saturday and answer my phone. They seem to have locked on to me and I get calls all morning to about 1pm. Gets ridiculous around election time.
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I can see the mindset coming from the public's perspective. Coming out of my end on the ground, it's like a UFC fight with both arms tied behind your back sometimes, where as other times you bring the gun to a knife fight. The RULES OF ENGAUGEMENT over here are ridiculous. Those in charge, (Generals with too many stars) decide these policies, when in most cases, they're made for political reasons. Do we want to harm/hurt/kill innocent civilians? NO WAY, but in times we need to freedom of operation, when these cowards hide within the population. It seems now, most commisioned officers within authority are too busy trying to keep the world's opinion of us favorable, when not to mention we play by every rule in the book. They like to hold us back, for the true might tends to be a bit of "overkill" as they call it.


For inst


Stop Im drunk, have fun. Banged an air force skank



Sometimes, you have to break a few eggs.

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