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College Football - 2010

Dr. Pomade

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I figured I'd start a thread to discuss all things college football this year. Who knows, it might just survive through the summer and be worthwhile come the fall.


Some thoughts/questions:


- who are your favorites to contend for the national title this year?


- what are your thoughts on the big out-of-conference games? Miami vs. OSU and Penn St. vs. Alabama loom large.


- what about Big 10 expansion? Will ND join? Should they? How about Nebraska and Missouri?


- does Boise State have a legitimate shot at the title this year?


- is the SEC still the best conference?

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I'm an Ohio State fan and with that being said I'd like to see them in the national title game this year. OSU should beat Miami this year. Miami has a lot of questions on the defense side and they have a quarterback that has been a little sketchy at times last year. I don’t think Penn State will give Alabama any trouble. Penn State has yet to find any steadiness quarterback position and the secondary was not all that great last year. Big 10 expansion, yes that is a good thing. ND, Nebraska or Missouri are going to be great for the Big 10. I like all those teams, so whoever makes it will be good for the big 10. As long as Rutgers doest make it in (some talks involve them too). Boise State will never be taken seriously unless they get into a big time conference. But than they will be a mid level team. I don’t know why they are portrait like a big time program when they are playing in such a crappy conference. The WAC sucks. And yes the SEC is the conference to beat this year again.
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Good topic...there is a lot to tackle there. I think this offseason in particular, Big Ten expansion is the all the buzz. Jim Delaney doesnt seem to be in a hurry to announce any pending plans, but at least now he is acknowledging the fact they are seriously considering it.


It seems like 14 teams is the goal. How do they divide the conference? East/West or North South. I heard a scenario the other day that would have OSU playing UM back to back weeks because of the potential championship game?! Ha! Pretty nuts!


Additional teams need to have credibility on a national scale. I like Nebraska because Polini has them on the rise again and his Big Ten ties give the conference a boost. Mizzou doesn't excite me as much as a Pitt. Notre Dame can continue to rot on the vine for all I care. Since the Big Ten has a competitive image problem, I don't see how ND helps that right now. At least Neb and Pitt are in the top 25 for the majority of the year now.


My longshot scenario would have Texas joining. Their TV revenue would soar and it would generate instant credibility to the conference on a power ranking level. Can you imagine the two biggest public universities in the same conference?


Fun stuff! Kickoff is on a Thursday night this year! Get ready!

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- who are your favorites to contend for the national title this year?


Hard to say the way recent years have shaped up. I'd like to say OSU will be a contender but only the fan in me can. The realist in me knows there is too many q's. Nebraska maybe?


- what are your thoughts on the big out-of-conference games? Miami vs. OSU and Penn St. vs. Alabama loom large.


We can handle Miami I believe for reasons stated in past threads. Bama will beat Peen State as they're too inconsitent...which won't look good for the conference. As for other big games I haven't had time to research the line-ups yet.


- what about Big 10 expansion? Will ND join? Should they? How about Nebraska and Missouri?


I'm all for ND b/c I think within 5 years (or less) Kelly will turn them around. Great recruiter. Plus history has already told him if he can't get the job done in 5 years he's out.


Nebraska would be great. Solid team with a great history.


Missouri has some flash and pizzaz and could do well and restore some luster to our conference overall.


Pitt can suck it. I hate Mark May. That's the only reason I say that. Rutgers too. I guess I'll blame that on Mark May to b/c....I can.


- does Boise State have a legitimate shot at the title this year?


I agree with previous posts. They'll have as legit a shot as an undefeated Hawaii team. Sorry, not gonna happen. Having the Smurf Turf won't land you a title or a shot with the big boys.


- is the SEC still the best conference?


..............yes. It actually hurt me physically to say that.



Great topic BTW. + rep.

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- who are your favorites to contend for the national title this year?


I really have no idea, honestly. There are a handful of teams like Alabama, Florida, OSU, maybe even Arkansas.


- what are your thoughts on the big out-of-conference games? Miami vs. OSU and Penn St. vs. Alabama loom large.


OSU wins, Alabama wins. I expect, and hope, that they are very close games.


- what about Big 10 expansion? Will ND join? Should they? How about Nebraska and Missouri?


Yes, all three above mentioned should join. I wouldn't mind seeing Pitt either. No Rugters or UConn though.


- does Boise State have a legitimate shot at the title this year?


No. I get tired of people suggesting that Boise, Utah, TCU, etc. should get a shot at the national title. They don't play anybody, bottom line. Get into a real conference and then we'll talk. TCU would be lucky to win 7 games in the SEC.


- is the SEC still the best conference?


No doubt! Watch out for Florida this year. Nobody expects them to contend for the national title since they lost Tebow, Haden, Spikes, Dunlap, etc. Solid players yes, but they have plenty of depth and I expect John Brantley to be a damn good quarterback. And the blazing RB tandem of Demps and Rainey is nothing to take lightly.

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As long as Rutgers doest make it in (some talks involve them too).


Agreed, Rutgers is all about $$$$ in the NYC market. However, I fail to be convinced that simply because we add Rutgers to the B10 that all of a sudden we capture the NYC market. The entire East Coast tends to be fairly apathetic when it comes to college football. So, there's a part of me that thinks that it doesn't matter if we add them, it won't result in the increased viewership that everyone thinks it will. However, there's another, less vocal part of me that thinks, perhaps, adding Rutgers to the B10 will pique interests in the NYC area for college football and, in turn, bring viewership. I doubt it, but it's still possible. All things being equal, I'd rather not have Rutgers - there is zero percent of me that would be excited to see OSU or UM play Rutgers.




Short thought for the day, I want to the team up north be competitive again.


For real. I take no pleasure in OSU repeatedly beating on UM. I'd imagine UM fans felt similarly in the 1990s when they routinely owned the Cooper-Buckeyes.


My longshot scenario would have Texas joining. Their TV revenue would soar and it would generate instant credibility to the conference on a power ranking level. Can you imagine the two biggest public universities in the same conference?


Yeah, Texas in the B10 would be - how do I say this - fucking orgasmic. However, I just don't seem them doing it? They make nearly as much as OSU does now, and I don't they stand to make that much more by joining the B10. Also, I think Texas would view it as a step down, or a lateral move at best. There's some saying that Texas might end up going independent when all this shakes down. They are about the only team that could go independent and survive in today's climate, I think. Still, I'd LOVE to see them join.


Nebraska maybe?


Yeah, I like Nebraska as a dark horse this year. If they don't let all the hype go to their head in the offseason, then they might be poised to cause some damage. After all, they play in the B12 North, which isn't considered to have been the most competitive lately.


OSU wins, Alabama wins. I expect, and hope, that they are very close games.


Okay, so no one is giving Penn State a chance in this game. I'm inclined to agree - they should get beaten handily by Alabama. However, there are a few thoughts that keep creeping in. First, Penn State plays pretty good in big, non-conference games. Think of their bowl record: it's pretty damn impressive, IIRC. While this isn't a bowl game, it's about the same magnitude, wouldn't you agree? I also think they have done well against the SEC, too? Also, think about all the hype surrounding Alabama. They'll be preseason #1 - will there be a hangover/over-hype effect? Probably not, but it's worth contemplating, I guess.

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1.) Fuck ND... I hope they fail miserably... They stole the coach our entire city loved. He was a great replacement for Huggins after Zimpher (fuck her too BTW) got rid of him. Then after telling the team, and community on countless interviews he wasnt leaving. He up and left.


2) Butch Jones has a good history behind him, and a good spread offense. However, I dont think you strike gold twice. My best hope is that he is good, and we stay competitive, however I dont think I will see my Bearcats in another BCS bowl anytime soon, unless things go very very very well. I just hope with the big games (like against Oklahoma) they can get back some respect that they totally lost with that disastrous performance against UF.

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I figured I'd start a thread to discuss all things college football this year. Who knows, it might just survive through the summer and be worthwhile come the fall.


Some thoughts/questions:


- who are your favorites to contend for the national title this year?


tOSU, Boise St and Alabama


- what are your thoughts on the big out-of-conference games? Miami vs. OSU and Penn St. vs. Alabama loom large.


Depends on which Miami and Penn St teams you get...if its the Miami that started out 4-1 with wins over 3 top 10 teams then it'll be a great challenge..if its the other team that called themselves Miami last year then it shouldn't be much of a challenge


- what about Big 10 expansion? Will ND join? Should they? How about Nebraska and Missouri?


Stupid fucking idea, hell they are already at 11, little hard to call yourself the big10 when you have 12-14 fucking teams. It will do nothing for ratings, recruiting, rivalries. If anything it will hurt the last 2. I keep hearing "they need a championship game, why? 9 times out of 10 there is no need for one.


- does Boise State have a legitimate shot at the title this year?


They have a legit shot every year, its just people that think they are a joke...that is until they spank a "big boy" in a BCS game. You would think people would learn by now that they are legit, 65-1 at Home speaks for its self. Hell no one in the country wants to do a home and home against them out of conference


- is the SEC still the best conference?


Depends on how you look at it, they may have the best team (Alabama), but I don't think they are going to be as deep as years past



Gah is it CFB time yet?

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I'm an OSU fan like most here. With that said, I do want to see them in the national championship game. Miami shouldn't be too hard of a game for OSU. The one game that really worry me is Wisconsin, in Wisconsin and at night. That's a baaaad combination for the OSU (for some reasons, they can't play at night).
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Gah is it CFB time yet?


A few thoughts on your post:


I disagree that B10 expansion would do nothing for rivalries, recruiting, or ratings. Rather, I think it would enhance all three. Can you imagine a yearly matchup between tOSU v. ND or Michigan v. Nebraska? How about Iowa v. Nebraska? Penn State v. Pitt? Not to mention what would happen if Texas actually joined: people's heads would explode.


Recruiting, I think, would be enhanced by adding teams from states that aren't currently in the B10 footprint. New Jersey is a veritable hotbed of football talent. Again, if Texas joined, it would be a free-for-all in terms of recruiting in the state of Texas (though I think the lionshare would still go to Texas).


Ratings would, I think, certainly go up. How could they go down? Why would they go down? The Big Ten network already has the largest viewership. You're telling me that by adding three to five teams that LESS people would watch?? :confused:

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A few thoughts on your post:


I disagree that B10 expansion would do nothing for rivalries, recruiting, or ratings. Rather, I think it would enhance all three. Can you imagine a yearly matchup between tOSU v. ND or Michigan v. Nebraska? How about Iowa v. Nebraska? Penn State v. Pitt? Not to mention what would happen if Texas actually joined: people's heads would explode.


Recruiting, I think, would be enhanced by adding teams from states that aren't currently in the B10 footprint. New Jersey is a veritable hotbed of football talent. Again, if Texas joined, it would be a free-for-all in terms of recruiting in the state of Texas (though I think the lionshare would still go to Texas).


Ratings would, I think, certainly go up. How could they go down? Why would they go down? The Big Ten network already has the largest viewership. You're telling me that by adding three to five teams that LESS people would watch?? :confused:


This. And PLENTY of additional revenue

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I'm an OSU fan like most here. With that said, I do want to see them in the national championship game. Miami shouldn't be too hard of a game for OSU. The one game that really worry me is Wisconsin, in Wisconsin and at night. That's a baaaad combination for the OSU (for some reasons, they can't play at night).


I'm with you on Wisconsin. I'm a diehard tOSU fan, and I HATE playing Wisconsin. They always seem to play tOSU tough. Think about - when was the last time tOSU just annhilated Wisconsin? I can't think of a time. (So, if someone can, help me out here.) At least though Pryor is used to it - his first big victory came at night at Camp Randall.


I'm undecided if I am with you on tOSU not showing up in night games. Here are some night games from memory in which played poorly:


- NC game versus Florida (I was there in person to see that massacre)

- NC game versus LSU

- 2004 (?) at Northwestern when they lost in overtime

- 2007 at home versus Illinois (when we lost - but then still got into NC game versus LSU)


Here are some night games from memory in which they played good/decent:


- Rose Bowl vs. Oregon

- Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas (even though we lost, really should/could have won that game)

- 2005 vs. Texas at home (even though we lost, really could have won that game)

- 2006 at Texas (when we won convincingly)

- 2006 at Iowa (or was it Purdue)

- 2006 vs. Michigan (that ended up finishing at night) - historic game of insane proportions that we won

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This. And PLENTY of additional revenue


+ 1. Really, what the expansion boils down to is $$$$. Everyone in the B10 stands to make considerably more money if the expansion goes well - like ND or Texas joining, or Rutgers joining and bringing in a sizable chunk of the massive NYC/NJ viewing area, or Pitt and Missouri and Nebraska joining and bringing in the Pittsburgh, St. Louis, (some of) the Kansas City, and the entire state of Nebraska markets.

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ND plays a b10 schedule as is lol. I don't see the love affair for ND, what the fuck have they done in the last 20 years? Had 2 good seasons under Charlie Cheeseburger and thats it. Also there is more sports then Football here folks, you really think they are going to pay the funds to send the field hockey team from Wisconsin all the way to Texas?


I dont even know why Texas's name is being brought up, it has been reported over and over that 1. They are not interested and 2. The big 10 never offered them an invite. Same with Missouri. Hell you wanna expand thats fine, add 1 fucking team so there is an even number, have 2 6 team divisions and play a title game (which is never needed like I said but maybe 1 time every 10 years). I don't see the love affair with Pitt and Rutgers, Rutgers had 2 good years and Pitt is the same way.


ND is the only real option that makes sense and honestly it doesn't even make sense. The only thing that would help is "omgz its ND" because people in the media are still stuck in the 1980s and earlier and think Lou Holtz is still coaching. You need to look at how expanding is going to effect every other sport in the b10 and not just football.

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ND plays a b10 schedule as is lol. I don't see the love affair for ND, what the fuck have they done in the last 20 years? Had 2 good seasons under Charlie Cheeseburger and thats it. Also there is more sports then Football here folks, you really think they are going to pay the funds to send the field hockey team from Wisconsin all the way to Texas?


I dont even know why Texas's name is being brought up, it has been reported over and over that 1. They are not interested and 2. The big 10 never offered them an invite. Same with Missouri. Hell you wanna expand thats fine, add 1 fucking team so there is an even number, have 2 6 team divisions and play a title game (which is never needed like I said but maybe 1 time every 10 years). I don't see the love affair with Pitt and Rutgers, Rutgers had 2 good years and Pitt is the same way.


ND is the only real option that makes sense and honestly it doesn't even make sense. The only thing that would help is "omgz its ND" because people in the media are still stuck in the 1980s and earlier and think Lou Holtz is still coaching. You need to look at how expanding is going to effect every other sport in the b10 and not just football.


ND = $$$$. Pure and simple. Listen, I despise ND as much as the next guy. However, there's no denying the money they would bring to the B10 if they joined. Yes, they've been wonderfully mediocre since the early to mid-1990s. However, having a good win-loss percentage isn't the criterion being used to determine a quality of fit for B10 expansion. So pointing out that ND sucks might be accurate, but it's ultimately irrelevant.


No, the B10 won't mind sending the field hockey teams from Happy Valley to South Bend or Austin if ND or Texas joins. Why? Because of all of the extra revenue that would be generated. Again, this really comes down to money. Some other things - quality of the academic programs and geographic location - factor in as well, but really, IMHO, money is what matters most.

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Anyone here a subscriber on Scout.com? Lots of interesting stuff with regards to Big 10 expansion and an overhaul of the college football landscape in general lately.


Plus a big commitment from Braxton Miller (rated #1 QB in the country and #4 player overall on Scout.com) yesterday. Runs a 4.4 or 4.5 40 and can make all the throws. Will almost certainly take over when Pryor moves on.

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Picked up Tim Spencer's son Evan today too. Lots of rumors about bad blood between Tim and Tressel but I'd say that puts it to rest. 19th best WR in the nation according to Scout. Not sure it can top the Brew Crew but it could match it. Rivals is terrible at evaluating Midwest talent because they basically have one guy who does it for their national ratings and he doesn't travel southwest of Mansfield.
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Texas, A&M, and Tech to Pac 10? Way to go Big Ten...tell everyone you are not looking to expand for a year or so and watch your opportunity blow up.


Pac 10 sees the writing on the wall for USC. They need to bulk up!


Buckle up!

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Reserved for later.


Quick thought...


If Texas were to join the B10 (and, by the way, how the fuck is THAT going to happen?) then the three top recruiting states IN THE NATION (Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania) would all have their main schools in the B10. Gross.

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For real, B10 started this whole expansion madness and, when the dust settles, they could be on the outside looking in, especially if Notre Dame continues to give them the stiffarm.


Maybe someone more intelligent than me can explain why is that the B10 can't change how they distribute the wealth in the B10. Okay, I get it, it's cool, the B10 evenly distributes it's money, including what it makes off the B10 Network stuff, to all 11 teams. Yay for everyone, right? Well, why does it have to be that way? The reason why I ask is the because I would think the only way the B10 gets Notre Dame and/or Texas is to offer a "sweetheart" deal - those teams would be offered more money to join. Let's just say for argument's sake that there is, oh, $250 million to be divided amongst 16 teams in the new B10. Why couldn't it work like this?


Texas gets $35 million a year.

Notre Dame gets $35 million a year.

Ohio State gets $35 million a year

Michigan gets $35 million a year.

The rest of the 12 teams get to divide the remaining money up amongst them, maybe with some teams (e.g., Iowa, Penn State) taking a larger share than the other teams (e.g., Indiana).


Why wouldn't this work?

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