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Now this is how to get a point across...


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:lol: Jody was just keeping her warm, he should've known. JODY STRIKES AGAIN!


For those that don't understand this term:

Jody (Or Jodie)- The mythical Jody refers to a civilian who remains at home instead of joining the military service. Jody also lacks the desirable attributes of military men. He is neither brave nor squared-away. Jody calls often make points with ironic humor. Jody will take advantage of your girlfriend in your absence. Jody stays at home, drives the soldier's car, and gets the soldier's sweetheart (often called "Susie") while the soldier is in boot camp or in country.


I hope that bitch dies of AIDS BTW. Had too many buddies come home to the same situation.

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Letter to my ex-wife/dirty whore (Her vagina stinks btw)

Date: 2010-05-25, 3:03PM EDT

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You just don't stop do you. It wasn't enough to fuck my friends while I was over seas was it? No not even close because then you took my kids from me, moved away to a different state with out leaving any contact info because I asked for a divorce or at least thats what your chicken shit email said. What did you think I was going to do sit back and wallow in self pity. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to come find my kids. I could care less about you, but I will never leave my kids and you will never be able to keep them from me. I've asked myself time and time and fucking time again what it was I ever did to you. You needed for nothing I made more than enough money to support us, I treated your whore ass like a queen sacrificed everything in a vain attempt to make you happy. You can't say the sex wasn't good or you wouldn't of offered to be fuddies. Then I realized your nothing more than a low down dirty fucking whore. I didnt do anything wrong and if I did it was loving you. I am a good man with a good soul how dare you ever make me second guess myself..So I hope you enjoy your thousand dollars a month in child support because I know your fucking ass isn't spending it on the kids your way to selfish for that but its ok I paid for her cheerleading too and her school pictures and her clothes. Why because unlike you I know what its like to put other first. I prayed and prayed you'd change your childish ways and we could be a happy family and grow old together but your vagina was more important I guess. So heres to finally getting over the pain. You will never get to me again and I swear to Buddah woman you ever try and use my kids against me again I will stop at nothing to destroy you in court. They are KIDS not pawns in your fucked chess game got it. If you are incapable of loving them then you know where to sign.


*To all who read this I apologize for the language but this woman has put me threw hell these past few yrs*


there ya go


it was hard for me to read without proper punctuation

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